I want you back Allison

Allison woke up due to the sound of a door closing. Then she heard footsteps walking over to her.

"You are awake princess." She blushed at the way he addressed her.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"I didn't leave."

"I heard the door close just now."

"That's the door to the restroom." He smiled.

"So what were you doing here all through?" She asked curiously.

"I was looking at you." He said casually.

Allison felt her face turn a bright shade of red. When did this guy become this cheesy?

"How long did I sleep?"

"Roughly three hours."

Her eyes widened. "You have been watching me that long?"

"mm." he hummed in response.


"You look beautiful when you sleep and I could watch you all day and not get bored."

"Stop it." Allison said blushing.

"But it's true, and I like it when you blush."

Oh no! She just woke up and this guy doesn't want to give a chance to breathe. How many times will she blush before he stops teasing her. And the laid-back manner in which he is talking, made her blush even more.

"How old are you?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Why do you ask?" She tilted her head in curiosity.

"Because I want to know all about you." he replied with a very serious expression.

"Twenty three." she answered.

"I'm twenty six." he said.

She smiled. "So you really have a warm side all these time." Allison said and Calvin looked away. "Shouldn't we go down stairs? Grandma will think that we are avoiding her." She added trying to change the topic after seeing Calvin's reaction.

"Let's stay together for a while." he pleaded.

"So you can tease me some more?"

"No... and maybe yes." he replied sheepishly making Allison to laugh. He felt happy that he could now make her laugh.

"So when is the party?" Allison asked.

"What party?"

"We came here for your family dinner party, remember?"

"Oh! There is actually no party. Grandma just uses the so called dinner to gather everyone together. She likes a lively house especially the one with children. I can bet that she's with Aunt Joana's children right now." he explained and Allison laughed again.

"She's old, you shouldn't expect anything less."

"Yeah." he paused and looked at her. "Do you have any question you would like to ask me?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment. This question has been bugging her for a while now. "Yes. What's going on between you and your parents." She decided to ask.

"Out of every question you could have asked, you picked the one that I am not willing to answer.

"I told you about myself, you should do the same."

Calvin was quiet for moment before saying. "I will tell you some other time, I really don't want to ruin this moment. It is not a good story to be told in sweet moments like this."

"Okay. But make sure you tell me later." She shook her head.

"I will, I promise." he replied her seriously.

"I want to take you shopping, what do you say?"


"We're going. Go get dressed.

"Now it will really look like we are avoiding your family."

"You are uncomfortable around them so I don't mind taking you out. Consider it a favour." He winked.

"Who said I am not comfortable?"

"I saw the way you were with Lisa."

"Did you see the way I was with Sasha?"

"No but..."

"Oh! that reminds me, I was talking with her before Lisa interrupted. She must think that I ditched her. I need to find her. Follow me." Allison said guiltily and sprang up pulling Calvin along. Calvin could only laugh internally, now it felt like they exchanged roles. She is actually giving him orders without realizing. He didn't mind it at all though.

"I didn't know that you were this bossy." He said to her while allowing himself to be pulled by her.

"Oh! sorry about that. But I really need to find Sasha and I need you to help me."

"Yes ma'am." He said and she opened the door. "Slow down, you will trip."

"Hey! Stop treating me like that. From the story I told you about myself, you should know that I am not that fragile."

"That doesn't matter. You have been strong for too long. Now that you are with me, allow me to take care of you." he blurted out making Allison pause for a moment before she continued walking. This guy is attacking her in ways she didn't want.

Allison and Calvin found themselves in the living room seconds later. Grandma was cheerfully playing with Aunt Joana's daughter. She was so immersed in their play that she didn't notice the two people standing behind her.

"Good afternoon Grandma." Allison greeted first making the old lady to turn around. "Hi there cutie." She said to the toddler.

"Oh! It's my favourite couple." Grandma said cheerfully. "I hope this rock headed grandson of mine isn't giving you a hard time." She said to Allison.

"Not at all grandma, he's really been a good boy." She smiled.

"Are you sure about that? Calvin is never a good boy. He's always rebellious."

"I'm standing right here." Calvin reminded them.

"Did you come to see me dear?" the old lady asked her completely ignoring Calvin.

"Um... actually...." How is she supposed to tell her no? "Actually I am looking for... Sasha. We didn't get to complete our discussion." Allison tried to explain.

"Oh! I guess she will in her room then."

"Okay, I will go look for her. I promise to see you later."


"Please do, I would really like to catch up with you on a lot of things." grandma said smiling. She was really happy. She had watched Calvin over the years and she has seen him with different women but she has never seen him this way with any one of them. His parents had also matched him with different ladies on different occasions but it's either he completely ignores them or just sleeps with them. So she was really happy that he seemed to like Allison. But she was also worried. Something tells her that Allison is not from a prominent background, not that she minded but she didn't want other members of the family to mistreat her. She even has the feeling that Allison won't be accepted by Calvin's parents and she really hoped that Calvin will protect her.

Just then, Sasha entered the living room

"Just who I was looking for." Allison said and went to her. "Don't be angry with me please, I really didn't mean to leave like that."

"Oh! Why would I be angry? You were definitely having fun time with your boyfriend." Sasha said and winked at her.

"Now that you have found her, I guess I will be leaving you by yourself now." Calvin said to Allison and she was thankful he interrupted at that moment because she felt that Sasha was about to tease her.

"So you can't stay with your grandmother you this brat." The old lady said to Calvin.

"I will see you later grandma." Calvin said and quickly climbed up the stairs ignoring her glares.


Calvin got to the room and laid on the bed, the whole bed smelt like Allison. He couldn't believe that he was falling so hard and so fast for her. Everything seems to be moving at the speed of light, just hours ago, she was so mad at him and would not even want to look at his face, now it like everything is falling in place, she even told him about herself. He really didn't expect her to answer him when he asked but he just decided to try his luck. A beautiful smile spread across his lips at the thought. Now he just have to treat her right, earn her forgiveness, then try to move forward with her. He didn't think it was going to be that easy but he was going to give it a try. He will wait for her if she said she isn't ready, he will do his best to make her trust him and drop her guard completely and when she finally accepts him, he will do everything to keep her. The smile on his face widened at that thought.

His blissful thoughts was interrupted when he heard the vibration of a phone by the corner of the bed. He picked it up by reflex and saw that it was Allison's phone and the light already came up because she received a message. The smile on his lips disappeared immediately when he saw the message and he felt anger wash over him. He read the message again and again just to be sure he wasn't mistakenly but the only thing he saw and in capital letters were

'I WANT YOU BACK ALLISON' from an unknown number.