
Calvin felt rage again when he heard another vibration and he checked it and saw that it was from the same sender. 'I really messed up and I am sorry, just give me another chance and I promise to make things right'.

Calvin stated at the phone angrily, he felt like smashing it, he would have done so if it wasn't Allison's. Jealousy was eating him up. Why was he so jealous? Does he expect her not to have had someone? He didn't even think about that before. What if she was dating someone before he forced himself on her? What if she was forced to break up with her boyfriend because of him? Maybe he has caused her more pain than he knows.

Calvin didn't know how long he lay there, feelings all sorts of fluctuating emotions, each fighting for dominance; jealousy, self hatred, sadness, anger. He didn't even realize that Allison was already in the room. She looked at him for a moment wondering what made him look so gloomy.

"Hey," She called making him jolt in surprise. "What are you thinking? you really look depressing right now." She joked in an attempt to lighten his mood.

"Who sent you this?" Calvin asked bringing her phone up to her. She looked at it for a while with furrowed brows before saying.

"That's my ex boyfriend."

"Were you guys together when we met?" he asked her worriedly.

"Why did you go through my phone Calvin?" She asked ignoring his questions.

He really didn't mean to go through her phone, he had picked it up by reflex the first time, but his jealousy gotten the better of him and he continued reading other texts.

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." he quickly apologized. "But I want to know who sent it. Tell me please." he begged

"Why do you want to know so much? What are you going to do? Find him and warn him to stay away from me?" Allison asked him sounding pissed.

Calvin thought about it, he really didn't know why he wants to know the sender. He already knows that it's her ex boyfriend. What else does he want to know. He really wasn't planning on doing anything to him.

"I'm sorry." he apologized.

"Calvin you read my texts without my permission and you proceeded to asking me who sent it. Are you still trying to control my life? Hey! You have your life and I have mine, let me live." She said and he quickly sprang up from the bed and went to her, he held both of her hands tightly.

"I'm really sorry Allison. I really didn't mean to read your messages on purpose. I picked your phone up by reflex when I heard the vibration and I saw the message since the light came on. I read the rest out of curiosity or was it jealousy, I don't know. I'm really sorry, I won't do it again. And I only asked if you were still together with him when we met because I was worried I broke you guys up. I'm really sorry please." Calvin hurriedly explained without breathing.

"You have been apologizing too much lately." Allison said amused.

"That's because of you. I don't want you to be angry at me."

Allison chuckled. He was acting like a child.

"It's okay. And we already broke up before I met you." Allison said and Calvin heaved a heavy sigh of relief and let go of her hands he was holding firmly.

"So will you go back to him?" he asked hoping with all his heart that she will say no. "I'm just asking not trying to tell you what to do." he quickly added.

"You are funny. Why do you look so agitated?"

"I want to know all about you." he said.

"Fine, I won't go back, he wasn't not faithful and this is not the first time he has asked me to come back to him, so it's not much of a big deal," She gave him a nonchalant shrug.

"So you have been receiving messages from him?"

"Yup! I blocked him several times but he always found a way to contact me with a new number."

"Allison! He's stalking you. You shouldn't be this calm about it." he said worriedly.

"What do you expect me to do?" She asked amused at his worried expression. He is going to give himself a heart attack at this rate.

"You should have him arrested." he said.

"I don't really think that's necessary. And besides, the only thing he ever does is beg."

"Did you ask him to stop?" he asked her curiously.


"Then he's stalking you."

"Whatever, I am used to ignoring him." she replied dismissively.

"If he causes you any trouble, I..." he wanted to say that he will get him arrested by himself but he doesn't want Allison to think that he is making decisions for her or trying to control her again. "... don't expect me to sit down and do nothing," he said instead.

"You worry too much about me Calvin. I'm a big girl."

"I know."

He pulled her closer and embraced her taking in deep breaths frequently. Allison could only surrender, this guy is trouble.

"You smell so nice." he suddenly blurted out.

"You really think so?" She asked with twinkling eyes. This isn't the first time someone told her that she smells nice but he made it sound like she has the best smell in the world. And she really thinks that he smells good too.

"Of course." He said.

"But I think you smell better," She replied honestly.

He just laughed. They was no point arguing.

"Hey! Will you go out with me?" He suddenly

"Go out?" She asked with a raised brow.

"I mean we should just drive around."

"That's a good idea. We have been stalk here all day."

"Go get dressed," he said quickly.

"You too," she replied with a smile.

They both went into the closet to search for clothes. Allison decided to go with a tiny hand pink singlet and a blue jean. Calvin brought out a black T-shirt and a black trouser.

"You seem to like black a lot," Allison commented.

"It's my favourite colour. Do you think I should change it?" he asked.

"It looks good on you but I think something colourful will be more appropriate for the occasion," She said making an expression like she's in deep thought.

"You know what? Search my clothes and give me what you think is appropriate."

"Okay." She said and happily jumped into the wardrobe shuffling through his clothes. They were mainly black, navy blue, oxblood and some other dark colours. She saw some few white shirts though but she needed something colourful. Just then, her eyes flew to one neatly folded yellow shirt and she immediately brought it out and gave to him. "This one looks good."

"Hell no! Yellow? I don't like yellow. It's too bright." he protested with a look of disapproval.

"You can't wear dark colour all the time. They really look good on you but I want to see you change your look." She quickly tried to convince him.

"Yellow is really not my colour." he complained.

"Just try it on. It won't be that bad. Do it for me please." She gave him a puppy dog look, pulsing her lips and blinking her eyes cutely.

"Alright you win. But it's just for today," he said

"Just for today," she agreed, smiling victoriously.

Allison picked her clothes up and walked towards the bathroom to change.

"You can change here, I don't really mind," he teased.

"But I do."

"Not like I haven't seen everything before," he said in a low voice but loud enough for her to hear. She turned and gave him a warning look and he went quiet immediately.

Moments later, Allison came out fully dressed. She looked at Calvin, he was staring at his shirt like he just wants to rip it off. She wanted to laugh but decided not to. She wonder why he had the shirt at all.

She approached him and looked him from head to toe nodding as if approving of what he is wearing.

"It really looks good on you," She said appreciatively.

Somehow her praise made him hate the shirt less. If dressing in yellow will make her forgive him and accept him in her life, he won't mind wearing it everyday.

"What do you think of mine?" She asked.

Her singlet was tight one her outlining her slender waist and flat belly. It even brought out the shape of her breasts and he could see the faint outline of her nipples if he looked closely since she wasn't wearing a bra.

"You look gorgeous in anything you wear," he complimented.

Allison smiled but her smile faded immediately when she remembered something.

"Do you really hate the way I dress?" she ask him.

"I just said that you look gorgeous and I meant it," He replied her totally confused.

"You once told me that you hate the way I dress," She said and pouted her lips.

He suddenly remembered. Shit! He just said that to make her feel bad. Is something wrong with his brain?

"No Allison. I was just stupid. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, suddenly feeling very stupid and remorseful.

"Do you treat every girl that way?"

Calvin paused for a moment

"Yes I do," he paused again. "But you are the only one I forced to live with me. I'm really sorry Allison, so I guess I have treated you worse. Fuck, I'm really sorry Allison."

Allison was quiet for a moment, she didn't how to feel about that. Why was he so cold towards women? Or was it both women and men? But he is trying to be better, she should try to help in instead of holding it against him.

"No woman would love to be treated like an object you know, but I won't hold that against you as long as you don't continue being like that, Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is how much effort you put in trying to correct them." She said looking at him hopefully but he dropped his face. Why does she always make him feel so guilty?

"Thank you," He responded.

"For what?" she asked confused.

"For everything."