Kylie is awake

Allison has been sitting on the bed that Kylie lay for some time. She has been staring at her face. Kylie looks so peaceful right now. An observer will even think she's sleeping if not for machines attached to her body.

Allison began to recall everything they had been through together, she remembered the night they had lost their father. Kylie was just ten. Allison tried her best to be strong for her and their sick mother. But with their 'unfortunate fate' as Allison likes to call it, their mother passed on a week after. She had been so broken that she thought she would die too, the only person that made her want to live on was Kylie. Kylie has always been her inspiration, it felt like she was her driving force on life.

Allison had taken over the bar after the demise of her parents. It was previously owned by her father, she just assists him. After his death, she took over so she will be able to feed for herself and her sister. She had managed to run it smoothly at that young age with the experience she gathered from helping her father. She also grew to be loved by the people around her and so, she never ran out of customers.

Allison held Kylie's cold her, it has grown so thin. She brought the hand to her mouth and kissed it gently.

"You are so strong Kylie, so brave," Allison began. "I want you to know that I am here for you and I will never leave your side," She was still about to say something when she saw a slight crease in Kylie's brows and at the same time, she felt Kylie squeeze her hand that was holding her a little. Allison jerked away in shock. That was a reaction! Kylie reacted!

Allison felt happiness and relief wash over her. She took Kylie's hand again trying to get another reaction but she didn't react. It frustrated her a bit, but the hope blooming inside her made her to overcome her frustrations.

Allison decided to lie down on the bed with her sister. She didn't want to leave her side and she hoped to get another reaction from her.

Soon after, a grey haired man dressed in a lab coat entered with room, Allison guessed that he would be the doctor. She felt that he would be in his late sixties or early seventies. Behind him are two ladies dressed in nurses uniform.

"Hi, I'm doctor Thompson and these are nurse Elizabeth..." he said pointing to one of the ladies that looked like someone in her late thirties. "...and this is nurse Lilian," he said pointing to the younger looking one. "She's my daughter," He added smiling proudly.

"I'm Allison, and the patient is my younger sister," Allison introduced.

"I know. Mr Bruce told me everything. I would like to assure you that she will be fine and you need not to worry too much. I have been treating leukemia patients for the past 37 years and I have handled much more severe cases." He said.

Allison smiled in appreciation.

"Thank you doctor."

The doctor just nodded before saying.

"Give us a moment, we want to check on her,"

She nodded and went outside.

Allison stood outside the room for sometime before deciding to go get her phone upstairs. She was bored, so she decided to call someone. Who should she call? Delia or Kenny? After much thinking, she decided to call both of them. She dialed Delia's number first and she picked after two rings.

"Oh she finally remembers me. I thought I have been replaced me with Mr hot guy. You better not need anything because I won't help you out," Delia yelled immediately after she picked the call.

"I'm sorry Didi," Allison apologized smiling sheepishly. She expected this kind of reaction from her. She hasn't called anyone or replied any text for days. "I really didn't mean to shut you out. I was really stressed," She added.

"Look Miss Brown..." Delia said in a low voice before she was cut off by Allison

"You are the best Didi. I love you."

"I hate you," Delia replied trying to sound harsh

Delia wasn't really angry at her, she understood that she needed her space.

"Didi can you come over?" Allison asked in a low voice trying to sound cute.

"That's not going to work on me Miss," Delia replied.


"I'm at work," Delia said.

"You are off today Delia." Damn! Allison knows too much about her.

"No. I'm still not coming."

"I got something for you."

Delia paused for a moment, and Allison smiled, it's working already.

"What did you get?"

"Alexander McQueen..." before she could complete her statement, Delia screamed dramatically. Allison just shook her head, Delia is just being dramatic as usual.

"Ally, Alexander McQueen's products are fucking expensive. What exactly did you buy?"

"Shoes," Allison said and Delia squealed into the phone and Allison quickly pulled it away from her ear. This girl is going to burst her ear drum.

"Do you know how much they cost?" Delia asked.


"Browse it up girlfriend and cook something nice, I will be there in a minute." Delia squealed excitedly and quickly hung up.

Allison smiled and brought out her phone, she decided to search for the prices of Alexander McQueen shoes. Her eyes almost popped out when she saw that they almost cost two thousand dollars. What scared her most was the fact that she bought a lot of things. Shit! How much does those pile of clothes cost? She bought herself a lot of brand shoes too. Just how much of Calvin's money did she spend? What if he sees her as a gold digger. No! No! Nooooo!!!! Why didn't he say anything? What if everything she spent was more than Kylie's hospital bill. Oh no! She's ungrateful. She will ask Calvin when he gets back.

After pondering for a while, she finally decided to call Kenny. The bar is usually opened at the late hours of the day, so maybe he could make it.

She dialed his number and he picked almost immediately.

"Hey Ally, it's been a while. How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm fine. How is your mom?" She asked.

"She's fine. She's been asking of you and she's really worried about Kylie. I was about going to see her before you called."

"Uhm... about that, Kylie has been transferred..." Allison said before Kenny cut her off.

"What?! Why?" he asked agitated.

"Calm down Kenny. She's here with me. She's been treated privately here."

"Wow! Ur boyfriend did that?" he asked surprised.

"Yup," She replied shyly. She's already used to him referring to Calvin as her boyfriend, she told him that anyway.

"Would it be nice if I come over in his absence?" Kenny asked.

"Don't worry about it, I will call him," She persuaded.

That's when she realized that she didn't have Calvin's number, she will just ask Ellie to help her then.

Delia barged into Allison's room excitedly. Allison had purposely gone to stay in her room because she knows that is the first place Delia will check. Delia immediately squeezed her in a tight hug the moment she sets her eyes on her.

"I have missed you," Delia said.

"I have missed you too," Allison replied

"Soooo bring 'em shoes out," Delia yelled excitedly pulling out of the hug.

Allison stood up and went into her closet, she came out shortly after with a rectangular white box and gave it to Delia. Delia opened it, unable to contain her excitement.

"Whoa! Ally they are so beautiful. I love you so much. You are the best."

She went ahead to try the shoes.

"I'm not taking these off today Ally," She said.

They chatted for a while before Allison told her about Kylie's new treatment arrangement.

"Wow! I really thought that boyfriend of yours would be a punk. I'm glad I am wrong. This is so good for you Ally,"" She said and threw herself on Allison, hugging her.

"Delia I can't breathe," Allison managed to say and Delia pulled away.

"I want to see her," Delia suddenly said.

"Kenny is coming over so let's wait for him. He will be here soon," Allison said.

As soon as she said that, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Delia shouted, and Allison gave her a look as if to say 'it's my room' but Delia just shrugged. The door opened and Ellie entered.

"A man is here to see you ma'am. He said his name is Kenny," Ellie informed her.

Delia got up pulling Allison with her and they went down to the first floor. Kenny was already in the living room when got there. Delia ran to hug him followed by Allison. After exchanging pleasantries, they walked to Kylie's room. Allison raised her hand to knock, just incase the doctors and his nurses were still there, only for the door to be opened at the same time. Nurse Lilian came face to face with her and she smiled professionally and Allison smiled back. Allison and Delia entered first leaving Kenny behind. Kenny's gaze locked with the young nurse for a moment before he lowered his eyes and went inside.

The old doctor spoke with Allison for a moment, telling her not to worry, that her sister is stable and will be waking up soon. After that, he left the room with nurse Elizabeth to give them space.

The trio stayed with Kylie for sometime, saying encouraging words to her and talking within themselves at intervals.

Kenny was the first to leave since he has to go to the bar. Delia stayed longer but left mid evening.

About an hour after Delia left, Calvin came back. He first went to her room and was surprised to see her there, he expected her to be with her sister, but she didn't seem to be in a bad mood even though she didn't notice his presence as she seems to be lost in her phone. Allison had come to the room just a few minutes ago, she had almost spent the whole day by Kylie's side.

"Hello pretty," he said leaning on the door frame and she looked up at him and smiled. He felt happy that she was no longer aversive towards him. He even pondered within himself if this was the right time to tell her how he feels about her but finally decided to keep that for later. Maybe the next time she's this relaxed and in such good mood.

"Calvin you are back," She said. She really found his posture at that moment sexy. Would it be bad to have a taste of this specimen? "Come sit down," She said, patting the side of her bed.

Wow! She's really free, provided that she doesn't hate you.

Calvin immediately accepted her invitation.

"How was your day?" He asked her, trying to start a conversation.

"It was good. I even had company over." She said

"Diana?" he asked

"No! What the fuck? It's Delia," she said

Calvin just shrugged, this is the first time he actually tried to recall her name. "Yes she was here, and Kenny also," She added.

"Remind me who Kenny is again?"

That's when Allison realized something. Calvin asked her to fire Kenny back then. Now this is going to be awkward.

"He's my bar manager. How was your day?" She said quickly trying to change the topic.

"Oh! the one that likes you?" he replied.

"What? Kenny? He's like a brother." She rushed to say. Maybe he was jealous, that was why he got so mad that day. She face palmed.

"I hope he thinks the same of you," Calvin said.

Allison wanted to say something again when she saw nurse Elizabeth standing outside her room door as it was open. The nurse smiling face was what caught Allison's attention. Allison immediately stood up and walked to her hoping to hear what she is thinking. Calvin stood up after her.

"Tell me," Allison said agitatedly, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. She looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Miss, your sister is awake," Elizabeth said.