I love you

Allison didn't know how to react. Should she be excited? Should she cry? But she was very certain of one feeling at the moment; happiness. She just stood still looking at the nurse.

Calvin wrapped his hands Allison from behind and she jerked a little as if coming back to reality.

"Come, let's go and see her," he said and took her hand.


~In Kylie's room

Kylie was staring at her sister with tears falling freely from her corners of her eyes. She wanted to get up and hug her sister but she was too weak to do so. She knew that Allison had been there. She had heard her voice speaking to her in her coma, she had heard her cries, she knew her sister had been in pain all because of her.

"A...Al...ly". Kylie managed to call in a very weak voice and Allison rushed to wrap her in an embrace. She was careful, afraid the she will crush her.

"Hush now baby. I'm here". Allison said.

"Al...Ally " Kylie called again, her voice weak and hoarse.

"You don't need to say anything baby. I'm here." Allison's said, trying to control her very emotional voice. "I missed you a lot Kylie. I really missed you. Thank you for being so strong." Allison said and kissed her forehead.

Calvin had been standing close to the bed since they entered the room. He didn't know what to do so he just decided to stand there and wait for her. It was painful seeing Allison like that, he knew she was just trying not to cry in front of her sister. she had wiped her face before entering the room. Does she always have to act so strong?

The room door opened and doctor Thompson came in. He asked them to leave the room, that Kylie needed space at the moment. Allison was reluctant to leave her sister, so Calvin had to practically peel her off.

As soon as they stepped outside the room and closed the door, Allison immediately found herself wrapped in Calvin's embrace. He was hugging her so tight that she felt herself melt. All her feelings came pouring out; pain, longing, exhaustion, frustration, happiness, relief. She suddenly burst into tears and he quickly moved her away from there. He knew that she didn't want her sister to hear her cry.

Calvin brought Allison to the first floor living room. He sat down on a sofa and made her sit on his lap and she let her head fall on his chest. Calvin just continued to pat her back and rock her without saying anything.

There stayed like that for a while until she pulled back. She stared intently at his face. She is sure he is exhausted from work. He hasn't even taken off his work clothes but here he was, doing his best to comfort her. Her heart melted. She has never met someone so caring. She looked at his eye lashes. How could a boy have such long lashes? Not fair! Her eyes fell on his lips, It was the lightest shade of pink. Allison leaned her head closer to his family, and in the blink of an eye, she kissed him.

Calvin has been waiting for this moment for a long time, when she would willingly kiss him, let him touch her and do other things to her. It was just a kiss, but it was enough for him.

Nope! He thought wrong, because at that moment, Allison suddenly straddled him and she deepened the kiss. As if that wasn't enough, she began to grind against him. Calvin was damn tempted to grab her butt and pull her closer, but he knew that she wasn't in her right mind. Damn! Get a hold of yourself!

Calvin quickly put both of his hand in both sides of her waist to stop her movement and she gasped sexily. Shit! He's trying to stop her, not to turn her on.

"Stop tempting me like this Allison if you are not ready for the consequences." He warned.

Allison immediately stopped, she didn't know why she did that, she wasn't that bold after all. It was his fault anyway, he is just too good looking.

"So what did you do today apart from talking with your friends? I hope you had enough to eat." Calvin asked trying to change the topic.

"Ellie and Isaac made sure I didn't go hungry. They are fucking treating me like a baby." She said staring at him suspiciously. "...and I thought of you." Allison blurted. Calvin's eyes widened. She was also shocked at what she had said. It was in her mind, but she didn't mean to say it out. Now this guy is going to tease her forever.

"Really?" Calvin asked, and a smirk formed on his face.

She had already said it, so she decided to go with the flow.

"You gave me a white clover this morning. You think I don't know what it means?" She asked tilting her head to one side.

"I wasn't sure but I had hoped that you will." he replied mischievously.

"And I did think of you." She said while staring into his eyes, as if challenging him.

Fuck! She's tempting him again. Calvin immediately pulled Allison off him and quickly stood up. He thanked his stars that he was wearing jean at the moment. If not, she would have seen his erection.

"Let me go take a shower now." He said and quickly left there without waiting for her reply.

Allison stood there staring at the direction of the stairs which calvin just climbed. what just happened? why did she do that? why did she have to act so starved? how will she be able to look at him again? he was going to tease her to no end. But is she to be blamed though? He lips were so tempting and his gaze was full of desire. It wasn't good for her poor heart.

She stood there pacing back and forth. What had she gotten herself into? What if he thinks she's leading him on? What if he comes back for her? Will she resist? Can she resist him? Does she even want to resist him? She was sure that if he make advances towards her, she will just melt like a puddle. Wait! Was she falling for him? Nope! She just likes his handsome face.

Where do she go now? Kylie's room? Nope, the doctor is still checking on her. What about her room. No, she would be restless. Maybe she should just spend the rest of her day with the maids, but those annoying people treats her like a fucking boss. They will only speak if she speaks to them first. Maybe she should just go and tell Calvin to forget everything that happened. Yes that should be it.

Allison walked to the stairs, after taking a deep breath and telling herself that she can do it, she began to climb up. Her resolved wavered with each step she took, but she will always try to convince herself. 'If you don't do this Ally, he will get the wrong idea'. She kept telling herself.

Calvin had finished taking his bath and is now dressed in casual home clothes. He had hoped that the shower would at least help his mind and body calm down but it did little to help him. He sat idly on his bed thinking about what happened. That should be a good thing right? She came to him on her own? Should he ask her out now?

His numerous thought was disrupted by the ringing of his phone. He picked it up and smiled genuinely when he saw the caller.

Allison was already in front of Calvin room and she heard him speaking to someone on the phone. Maybe she should come back later. She turned around to leave but stopped on her tracks, when she heard the tone with which Calvin was talking. She had never seen him speak so freely with anybody. Her thoughts began to wander more when she heard bits of his words.

"I miss you too.... really?... I can't wait to see you."

She even heard him laugh. Who could it be? She didn't think he has a close friend. Could it be someone from his family? His relationship with his parents is beyond terrible.From the little time she spent at his family house, she knew that he has good relationship with Leo's mother, but they don't talk too often. Or was it grandma? She knew that Calvin loved his grandmother, but not enough to talk this freely with. Or was it Leo, he was closest with him, but they definitely didn't have this kind of relationship. That's when she remembered when Lisa had told her, Calvin has another woman.

Why? Why was he treating her like this? Allison's heart ached. Why did he made her feel like she was the only woman in the world when he had someone else? Why was he leading her on only to break her at the end? She was thankful for everything he did for her, but she won't let him play with her emotions.

She's not supposed to feel this way, he's not dating her, neither was she in love him. Maybe she's just attracted to his physical appearance. As soon as Kylie gets better, she will leave. Maybe when she doesn't see his face for some days, these stupid feelings will go away.

She remembered what happened to Delia with Mason. Was she hoping that something was going to go on between them? She shouldn't hope too much. Calvin is from a very wealthy and prominent family. The only thing she has is her bar, the house her parents left for them and her little car. She should just focus on Kylie.

Just as Allison thought she will be okay, Calvin said something to the other person that made her heart sink to the ground, her eyes stung and her vision blurred with tears.

"I love you." he said to the person at the other end of the phone.