About him

Allison stood transfixed staring at Calvin.

"What... what did you say?" she asked.

"I said I really like you."

He wondered if he was doing the right thing, if this was the right time to tell her. He has already said it anyway, all he can do is to follow up.

"You don't have to say anything now." He added when she remained quiet. "You can take as much time as you want to think about it, I can wait for you. We are going to move at your own pace, I won't do anything that you don't like..."

He was still talking when Allison lifted herself on her toes and pecked his lips and pulled away shyly. He stared at her in disbelief, he has been waiting for this moment since what feels like forever.

Calvin lifted her and her legs instinctively went around his waist. His eyes fell to her lips and she licked it. At that moment, his sense of reasoning flew out the window. His lips found hers in a slow and sensual kiss. Calvin walked to her room table and placed her on it without breaking the kiss. He placed himself between her legs and held her waist, deepening the kiss. Soon, the kiss turned fiery and passionate with both of them fighting for dominance. His tongue delved into her mouth, making sure not to leave any corner untouched.

He used one hand to pull her hair backwards slightly and deepened the kiss again. They kissed each other without restraint, their eyes filled with lust.

Calvin mouth left Allison's and moved to her neck. He kissed and nibbled on it making her moan a little. He wanted to do more than just that but he promised to take it slow with her. He had been controlling his urges since he met her, he won't mess it up now that he's so close.

All reason had flown out of Allison's head the moment he kissed her back. Her nipples had hardened and she was aching down there. She knew he was controlling himself but she is too turned on for that. She wanted to ask him to do more but he had suddenly pulled away. Shit! This is not the time for games Mr!

"I will be back soon." he said and ran into the bathroom. Soon after, Allison heard the sound of shower. She shook her head in disbelief. He rather do that than touch her? This guy sure have great self control. Maybe she should test his limit.

Calvin came out of the bathroom in just his shorts, leaving his upper body exposed. Allison looked at him and wondered if he did it on purpose to seduce her. If he did, it was definitely working. She clenched her thighs as the memory of their kiss flashed in her head.

"Am I that good looking?" he teased when he caught her staring at him.

"Am I that irresistible to the extent of your brain playing tricks on you?" she asked in return.

"What?" he asked confused. That wasn't the reaction he expected, he expected her to be shy.

"You still haven't realize that you just used my bathroom." She said and she saw his ears turning red. "Are you blushing?" she asked amused. She never thought she would see him blush one day.

"I'm." He admitted. He walked to the table on which she was still sitting. "And yes, you are fucking irresistible." he said and gave her a mischievous smile.

"What?" She asked suspiciously.

"Why are you still sitting on the table." he asked, then he leaned himself to her so that his lips was almost touching her ear. "You were waiting for me to come back. weren't you?" he asked in a low voice.

"What if I say I am?" she asked challengingly instead of shying away.

"Then I will gladly serve you milady."

Fuck! She can't keep up with him. He's too much. She immediately jumped down from the table and went to sit on the bed. Calvin wanted to tease her more but decided to stop.

"What are we now?" Calvin asked suddenly making Allison to lower her gaze in embarrassment.

"I don't know." she said in a low voice and shrugged.

"Can I call you my girlfriend now? You said I can't go around kissing people that I am just friends with." he said with emphasis on the 'just friends'.

Does she wants to be his girlfriend? It wouldn't be that bad right? He's very caring and he said he will take it slow with her. Does she even want it slow? Can she date him when his whole life is a mystery?

"Tell me about you first." She demanded and Calvin elated mood drop drastically. She could see the visible frown on his face.

"You want to know why I hate my parents so much right?" he asked.

She nodded.

Calvin took a deep breath and went to sit with her.

"This is the part of my life I don't talk about."

Allison could hear the pain in his voice and her resolve wavered. Maybe she should just let him be. She knows that she will forever wonder about it, but she won't make him tell her if he is not comfortable with it. Just as she was about to stop him, he spoke again.

"But I will tell you anyway. I trust you and I want you to trust me too. If I want this to work, I will have to open up to you." he said looking at her. "And besides, I promised to tell you about it."

"Mrs Bruce is not my mother." he said looking directly at her eyes to know when the story gets too overwhelming for her.

"But...but how is that possible?" she asked with wide eyes.

Calvin lay his back on the bed and shut his eyes. He placed one of his hand on his forehead. This is going to be exhausting.

He was quiet for a while before he finally said;

"She used to be my father's mistress. My father had abused and cheated on my mother for years. He... He would beat her at the slightest provocation but she still loved him."

Allison could hear the anger in his voice, his hands balled to fist. she reached out and stroked his hair, trying to give him comfort through the gesture. She couldn't believe what she is hearing. How could his father be so heartless?

"I begged her severally to leave but she refused. She knew that my father won't let her take her children, so she refused to leave. She rather endure the pain and be with him for our sake and the sake of her stupid love for him. She thought things couldn't get worse but was proven wrong when my father started bringing his mistress home. He would... sleep with her on their matrimonial bed, not caring that we do see them."

The way he narrated it made tears gather in Allison's eyes. The anger, the pain, bitterness, resentment, all evident in his voice.

"On a particular day, he had beaten her because she had a fight with his mistress. Her body was already sore from previous beatings but he didn't care about that, all he fucking cares about was his stupid mistress. I can still remember her face that day, she was bleeding all over, her face filled with tears, the pain, the hurt, I still remember. My sister and I had ran to her to shield her from his blows, but..." he sighed. "He had beaten us up together with her. I called the police and reported but my father told them that it was a false alarm. When they didn't believe him, he forced my mother to convince them. After the call, he had beaten her more for being reluctant, he had also beaten me up for reporting. I remembered the smug look in his mistress' face, the satisfaction she showed made my stomach churn.

My father only stopped hitting my mother that day when he saw that she wasn't moving. She was rushed to the hospital but she died shortly after."

Allison was already crying so hard. How was he able to cope with life with such nasty memory? His life looks so perfect, but he is broken inside.

"I'm so sorry Calvin." She said, her voice coming out as sobs.

Calvin shut his eyes and stayed quiet for a very long time before finally speaking again.

"I had almost hated my mother. She was weak. She let herself be treated that way because of love. Her family wasn't wealthy, so she had no one to back her up. Grandma tried her best, but she couldn't do it alone, especially not with how stubborn my mother was. I once overheard Leo's mother telling her to leave, and offered to help her with money, as my father didn't let her have a bank account of her own. But as expected, she refused." He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. The memory of his mother's death was the darkest part of him.

"No other person was there for her. My grandfather never liked her because he felt that she didn't add anything to the family. He saw her as a... liability."

He said the last word with so much difficulty, and she knew that he was trying not to break down. She quickly pulled him into a hug. The pain in his voice was stabbing her heart. His father is indeed a monster, and he deserves every bit of hatred Calvin gives him.

He smiled at her reaction. She was holding him as if afraid that he would break.

"I haven't told you the most painful aspect. Do you want to know?"

"Yes." she said, nodding her head.

"The fact that nobody did anything about it. He was able to clean everything up. He bribed the doctors to lie that she died of an illness. He warned me not to say anything to anybody, not like they would believe me then anyway. He then married his mistress shortly after, and actually treated her nice. He genuinely loves her, and does everything to protect her." He said through gritted teeth, his eyes shut tight.

"It's okay." Allison said. She was already sobbing so hard and she couldn't help herself. "It's going to be okay. I am here now."

Calvin propped himself up on one elbow. "You look so messed up right now." he tucked some strands of her hair behind her ear. "You have been crying so much recently."

"That's too much painful memory for you." she complained, wishing that she could take away the pain.

"Don't worry about me," he smiled, feeling a little glad that she was feeling so concerned about him. "I'm used to it."

"Do you plan to do anything about it?" She asked a bit nervously, afraid to hear his answer. She wished that he would forget about revenge and just live a happy life, but she knows that's almost impossible. He can't just leave them like that after everything they had done.

"I do, but I will tell you about it later," he said, not wanting to overwhelm her more than she already is.

Calvin suddenly moved to carry her and the next thing she knew, she was already lying on the bed and he was hovering above her smiling mischievously. She bit her lower lips at their sudden position. Why was she getting aroused?

"I need my girlfriend right now." he said and bent down, taking her lips with his.