Dreaded wedding

Girlfriend? She was his girlfriend now? That doesn't sound bad at all.

Allison's hands went around his head and her fingers tugged on his hair pulling him closer. She kissed him back with the same fiery intensity as he kissed her. His kisses sent her toes curling and she felt her surrounding becoming hot, or was it her body? She didn't know that a simple kiss could make her feel this way, even his hot breathe on her skin made her lose her senses.

To Allison's utmost disappointment, Calvin suddenly pulled his mouth away from hers. He kissed her forehead and climbed down.

"Rest now princess." she heard his raspy voice say. She smiled at the nickname he used on her, he definitely knew how to make her feel special. But she needed more.

Calvin looked out the window, he was surprised that it was already dark. Wow! he really loses track of time when with her.

"I will see you in the morning." he said and made his way to the door.

She wanted to call him back. She really wanted to. Fuck! Who needs rest right now? She wanted him to do things to her but she didn't want to sound desperate and she felt too shy to do that.


Calvin slumped down on his bed. That woman was driving him crazy. If he had stayed a bit longer, he wasn't sure he would still be able to control himself. His raging lust was threatening to take over. Lord! what has she done to him?

He has never seen someone so desirable.

Just as he forced his eyes close to sleep, he heard his door creak open slowly. His eyes shut open again and he saw Allison standing in front of the bed. He smiled. She doesn't even knock again.

Now he wondered what she came to do. Did she come to tempt him again? He barely escaped her. He was glad that she is at least dressed in a pyjamas that covers her body fully.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" she asked shyly. She had felt lonely after he left and she didn't want to sleep alone.

"Of course." he hurriedly said and she slowly climbed the bed, feeling a bit nervous.

Calvin pulled her close, putting one hand around her waist, he tangled his legs with hers.

Allison was surprised at their sudden position, but she didn't hate it. Infact, she wouldn't want to sleep any other way.

Calvin watched her shut her eyes. He listened to her breathing until it became even before he forced himself to sleep too.


Delia stretched out her hand to stop the blaring alarm from disturbing her sleep. She propped herself up for a second and fell back down. She was not ready to face the day yet.

She had taken a sick leave at work the previous day. She had forgotten to put off her alarm, now it has woken her up. She still wants to be in bed for the next two hours.

She shut her eyes and tried forcing herself to sleep but was not successful. Her brain kept reminding her what day it was. The day she has been dreading and wished would never come. It was Mason and Kate's wedding.

Surprisingly, she wasn't as depressed as she thought she would be. She was sad but was not broken as she had expected.

She rolled on the bed restlessly for sometime before deciding to get up. She sat up, put her feet in her fluffy slippers that was just beside the bed before finally getting up. She grumpily walked into the bathroom, cursing the alarm for disturbing her sleep, not that the sleep was peaceful anyway. She kept having repeated nightmares of Mason and Kate kissing and doing other things that she doesn't want to think about.

She picked up her toothbrush, applied toothpaste and on it and went to the sink. She looked at herself in the mirror on the wall above the sink. Her hair was scattered from all her rolling. It looked worse than a bed's nest.

She began to brush her teeth . She was brushing so hard that one would think that her teeth did something to her.

After brushing, she quickly took a shower then came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. She went to the sitting room and made her way to the fridge. She brought out a gallon of milk and poured some inside a plate, she also poured some in her mouth before keeping it back. She brought out a pack of cereal from the cupboard just beside the fridge and poured some into the plate.

She began to eat while standing. She stopped after eating a few spoons and abandoned the rest on top of the fridge.

Delia dragged her feet back to her room and fell back on the bed. Beds should be seen as sacred. The peace it gives is undisputed. She closed her eyes savouring the comfort of the bed. After a few moments, the bed became uncomfortable. Shit! Fuck you Mason!

She went into her closet, picked up a long silver gown and black heels. After she wore them, she proceeded to seat in front of the mirror, and she applied make up on her face. When she was satisfied with her make up, she styled her hair.

Delia got up, picked up her purse and walked to the door. She stretched her hand to open the door but hesitated. She was going to Mason's wedding. Why was she going there? She was already moving on, going there is definitely not a wise choice. She knew all that but she just couldn't stop herself. She took a deep breath, opened the door and went outside.


Delia packed her car in the car pack just opposite the large cathedral that the wedding is going to hold.

She came out and walked into the cathedral, her heart banging, warning bells ringing in her head. She took one of the seats at the back.

Looking forward, she saw Mason standing at the altar, looking at the door, smiling expectantly.

Shortly after, everybody inside the building turned back, and Delia turned as well to see what got their attention. She saw Kate walking gracefully with a man she assumed was her father holding her hand. Her heart was pounding nonstop and she felt the sadness she thought she had overcome resurface. Why does it have to end this way?

She could see Kate's smiling face even from her veil. She looked beautiful in her elegant wedding gown which is flowing on the ground behind her. She had dreamt of getting married to Mason many times, little did she know that she did not stand a chance.

Delia looked up again and saw Mason taking Kate's hand from her father. She looked up to him and smiled. They looked so good together.

Delia stared at the couple painfully as they said their vows and they kissed, her throat dry, tears threatening to pool in her eyes, but she held them back in. She was tired of crying because of him. Why did she even come here? She was getting better. What was she expecting? Why is she so dumb?

"Pervert, I didn't except to see you here." A familiar made voice whispered in her ears from behind.

She turned to him trying to force a smile.

"Don't call me that here. Take a look at me, I'm looking too beautiful to be called that." she joked.

Leo's eyes instinctively travelled down her body. She really looked good, with her silver gown hugging her from her shoulders down to her hips, accentuating her curves, the rest flowing freely down.

"You really do look good." he admitted.

"I know that. I just didn't expect you to admit." Delia said with a strained smile still trying to hide her emotions.

Leo noticed that there is something wrong with her, she is usually more vibrant than this, and he can tell that her smile is fake.

"You don't seem okay." he stated a bit worried for her.

"I'm fine." she said.

How was he able to see through her? she was trying her best to hide her messed up emotions. Was she that obvious?

"I said I'm fine". Delia said in a low voice.

"Then why are you crying?" he asked.

Delia touched her face, that's when she realized that the tears she was trying to hold in was already rolling down her cheeks. Shit! this is embarrassing. She got out of her seat and walked in hurried steps to the door. Leo immediately went after her, she wasn't fine at all.

Delia ran to the car park, but Leo caught her by the wrist before she could reach her car.

"I can't leave you like this". he said holding her firmly.

"Let me go." she yelled angrily trying to pull her hand away from him, but she couldn't. "let me go please." she begged, her angry voice just now, no where to be found.

"Why are you always like this anytime I see you?" he asked.

"Huh?" she looked at him confused.

"The first time I met you in the club, you were so broken that you almost drank yourself to death."

"Oh! At least I am not drunk now." She said sniffling.

"I kinda wish you were though." he said looking at her with a naughty smile.

"Why?" she asked him confused.

"Maybe you would have kissed me again."