Take me

Allison sat on a chair in the balcony on the first floor. She was bored and didn't have anything to do. She thought she would go shopping for Kylie today but Calvin already had that handled. She learnt that he sent Ellie and two other maids to get everything she needs. Now she's going to die of boredom. She thought of going to her bar, but she didn't want to leave the house for long until Kylie recovers.

Her mind drifted to Calvin. She remembered the story he told her about his parents. She wondered how he had been able to cope, after witnessing the horrible death of his mother. Those plenty years of abuse and her death will scar him forever. She imagined the pain that the woman would have gone through, been abused and cheated on by the man she loved and not leaving, trying to protect her children. What kind of monster did she get married to? Allison couldn't imagine the pain she must have felt been beaten in the presence of her children. Her heart ached for her. She died unfairly without justice. Calvin said he had something in mind, she wondered what it was. She just hoped he won't do something that will bring him trouble. He deserves some peace.

Thinking about him, her mind drifted to how good he has been recently. She had never met someone so caring and thoughtful. He would always put her needs first. She laughed at the thought of how he always hold himself back when kissing her. He didn't want to do anything that he thinks will spoil what they have. The guy constantly turn her on but has refused to sleep with her, maybe he thinks she won't be comfortable or she feels everything is too soon. Considering how he had been to her when they first met, she understood the reason he was holding back. He didn't want her to think that he wants her only for sex.

Now she thought about it, what if he makes sexual advances towards her, will she refuse?

She laughed at the thought. She knows that she definitely won't resist. Infact she wanted it as much. Maybe she should just seduce him. She shook her head in amusement. When did she become this starved?


~In Leo's office

There is a large mahogany table and chair behind it. They is also another chair at the opposite side. There are two large double hung windows with curtains draped over them. There is a leather brown sofa at one side of the office. There is a computer and a pile of documents on the table. Some pen and pencils can also be seen, neatly placed in a container.

Leo sat on the chair behind the table staring at the phone in his hand. His thumb has been suspended on air just before it will press the dail button. He has been contemplating whether or not to call Delia. She said she wants to be left alone so it wouldn't make sense if he calls her. But she looked so sad and he knew that she wasn't okay. He really believes that she is love with Mason. He would like to ask her more but he they are not as close for her to tell him about her personal life.

For Mason to be married already means that their break up wasn't recent. Why hasn't she moved on? Has she looked at herself in the mirror? A lot of boys will kill to be with her. She can easily get any man she wants with her beautiful face and hot body. Why then was she wallowing in the ghost of Mason? Anyway, he hasn't really been in love. Maybe he doesn't know how it feels. He has dated a few girls over the years and even developed feelings, but he knew he was just infatuated. He never really fell in love. So maybe he couldn't understand how it felt to break up with someone you love.

After contemplating for a moment, he dropped his phone, he didn't want to appear like a stalker.


Calvin entered his house with a smile on his face. He had hurriedly done everything he had to do at work. His head has been filled with thoughts of Allison. He almost didn't hear anything that was said in the board meeting that was held in the office that day.

He entered Allison's room first but she wasn't there. He then went to the living room and found her lying on the couch with her hair sprawled all over. She smiled cutely when she saw him.

"You are home." She said, still lying down.

Calvin didn't say anything, he just walked to her, bent down and planted a kiss on her lips. He wanted to pull away when Allison put her hands around his neck and wrapped her thighs around his waist making him fall back to her and deepened the kiss. Allison hummed in response. How could he still smell so good even after a long day of work.

"You are driving me crazy." he said into her mouth. "I really missed you today." he said still kissing her.

He caught her lower lips between his mouth and nibbled on it. Allison's hands around his neck pulled him closer and he lost his balance for a moment. His hands fell on her breasts mistakenly when he was trying to steady himself and she let out a moan.

Fuck! she sounded so erotic.

She was about to tell him not to remove it when a maid named Marian suddenly entered and she pushed Calvin away in embarrassment.

"I'm so...so... sorry. I just...jus..." she stammered, pointing at the dining table unable to complete her sentence because of Calvin's glower.

"Leave." Calvin said to her, and she dashed out.

Allison frowned at him. "It's not her fault you know? She was only doing what you are paying her to do." she scolded him. "And you should go freshen up."

He chuckled.

"You were about devouring me a moment ago, now you suddenly care about my appearance." he said raising a brow at her and they both laughed.

"Come let go in." he said stretching out his hand to her and she placed it in his naturally. He smiled and pulled her up and they went into his room.

Calvin took some clothes and entered the bathroom. He asked her to wait that he will be quick.

Allison heard the sound of running shower she knew he was bathing. Her mind drifted to the day he had attempted to bath her. She couldn't help but blush at the memory. She remembered how his hands felt on her bare body. She hated him then, but she definitely didn't hate his touches.

"Why are you blushing?" she heard a deep voice ask from behind her.

She didn't even realize when he came out.

"Were you thinking of me?" he teased.

"No. Why would I think of you?" she asked shyly.

"I don't know. Maybe because of our kiss or something related". he shrugged.

He went to sit down beside her. He used his thumb to caress her red cheek.

"So cute." he blurted out and her face became even redder.

He laughed at her reaction.

"Tell me more about yourself." Allison said trying to distract him. Thankfully it worked.

"What do you want to know?" he asked curiously

"Any exes?" she asked with a raised brow.

"You are my first girlfriend." he said with his lips slightly slanted in a smirk.

"That's a lie." she said in disbelief.

"It's true." he defended himself.

"I heard you have been with a lot of girls."

Uh oh! How should he tell her that he has been sleeping with different girls before he met her.

"Look, I never dated anyone." he said seriously.

"Dating is a normal thing. I didn't expect you to be single all your life, so no need to hide it." she said, not believing at all that she is his first girlfriend.

"You really think I'm lying?" he asked with creased brows.


"Look. I have been with a lot of girls, but that is just for..." he didn't know how to say it. "I just... I sleep with them." he said and looked away.

Allison furrowed her brows.

"After that?"

"I send them away."

Allison didn't know how to feel about that. Maybe having sex with him was not such a good idea anymore. What if he treats her the same.

"I promise, I will never do that to you." he said as if reading her mind. "I promise you that. I can't even bear the thought of losing you, not to talk of chasing you away."

Allison saw the sincerity in his eyes and she believed him. She didn't know why, but she just believed him. She believed that he will never harm her and he will always care for her, and it made her want him more.

Allison pulled herself closer to him and kissed him and he kissed her in return. She pulled away after a few seconds. He wanted to protest, when she suddenly straddled him.

Calvin's eyes widened in shock. Did she know what she was doing? His hands instinctively went around her and he held her bum.

She brought her lips to him and kissed him savagely and he kissed her back with the same intensity.

Allison gripped the hem of Calvin's shirt and he raised his hands, allowing her to take it off.

What has gotten into her?

She started grinding herself against him and a low growl escaped his throat.

Allison continued to rock against him. Before she knew it, he flipped her and she was lying on the bed and he was hovering above her. She flashed him a grin.

"You are tempting me." he said to her, eyes darkening, voice coated with lust.

Allison suddenly lifted her hand and took off her top, surprising him. Then she reached her hand for the clip of her bra, and with a click, she took it off, leaving her breasts dangling in front of him.

He swallowed at the glorious sight before him and a gush of blood was sent rushing down to his groin.

"Allison." he called with a husky voice. She is sure going to end him.

Allison raised one of his hands and placed it on her breasts slowly.

"Take me." she whispered seductively to him.