Calvin's fiancee


Calvin's eyes widened in shock, did she just ask him to take her?

"Don't hold back anymore Calvin." she said, not caring how desperate he sounded.

Calvin immediately placed his other hand on her second breast and squeezed both of them. A breathy sound came out of her mouth.

"Fuck! Allison, you don't know how long I have waited for you to say this." he bent down and covered her lips with his, his hands still squeezing her breasts.

"So soft." he said, pulling away from her mouth. He looked at her breasts and smirked when he saw her hardened nipples. He pinched softly on them and she exhaled, her desires flaring.

Calvin bent down and took one of her nipples into his mouth sucking gently on it. His other hand found her other breast and he began to squeeze it.