
Kate woke up the next morning. She turned and didn't find Mason beside her. She heaved a sigh of relief, he had seriously scared her last night... and that sex, she could still feel her core aching. She got up from the bed and entered the bathroom but found him there. He was naked in front of the mirror, shaving his beards.

Kate rolled her eyes as she turned to leave, but then she heard him say;

"Good morning Mrs Sinclair."

She turned to look at him, his gaze was still focused on the mirror.

"You know I hate when you call me that," she said. He mustn't remind her that she is in a marriage she was forced into.

"Which is exactly why I do it."

She ignored him as she opened the door to leave.

"Get back here Kate."

"Or what? You will..."

"Fuck you till you cry Kate," he cut her off. Turning away from the mirror, he faced her. "And not the kind of cry that you look forward to. I guess you already had a taste of it yesterday."