Paint you naked

Calvin stared at the woman in front of him wondering why she was there. And she introduced herself as his girlfriend? That receptionist must be stupid. Everybody knows that Allison is his girlfriend.

"Relax baby, I am not here to cause you trouble."

"Get out Hannah!" He barked at her.

"You shouldn't be so hard on me. I am your futu..." she couldn't complete her statement because he stood up and walked up to her.

"I want to make this clear here, there is nothing between me and you. There won't ever be," he told her calmly, but she could see the warning in his eyes. "So I want you to wipe that thought out of your head and leave. And this should be the last time you will come here unannounced."

"But Calvin..."

"And this should also be the last time you will address yourself as my girlfriend to people. I already have one, and she is more than enough for me."


"Don't let me drag you out myself, I am sure you are not going to like that, Leave now!"