
Allison was crouched on the ground holding her stomach tightly. That one kick hurt like hell and she tried her best not to lose consciousness. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled to breath. God, she felt hopeless.

Gary's eyes fell on her hand. "Is that an engagement ring? You are engaged?"

She didn't answer him. He then noticed how she was holding her stomach.

"That's just a useless attempt if you are still trying to save that bastard you are carrying," he growled disdainfully at her.

She didn't know how she found the strength, but what she knew was that in the next moment, her fist came landing hard on his groin. She didn't give him the chance to recover before another strike came landing there, followed by a kick. Gary groaned and immediately ran out of the room, locking the door.

"I will make you pay for this," he yelled from outside.