Searching for Beatrice

Calvin and Leo found themselves in the place that the doctor had directed them to. They knocked on the door, but didn't get any answer.

"Are you sure someone leaves here?" Calvin asked in frustration.

"Let's find out."

Luckily for them, they saw two little girls just ran past them. Leo quickly went after them and caught up with one. He crouched down to her height. He guessed that she would be about five years old.

"Who are you?" she asked staring at him curiously.

"My name is Leo, and that guy over there is my cousin, Calvin." Leo said pointing at Calvin.

She turned to Calvin who had a frown on his face. She turned back to Leo.

"I don't like him." she said with a pout.

Leo used his thumb to caress her cheek and grinned at her. "Just ignore him okay."

"Just get it over with." Calvin said from behind him.

"And this is exactly why she does not like you." Leo said turning to him.

Calvin shrugged.