She's furious

Calvin glanced at Leo and then back at the Man. He wasn't sure what to say.

"We... We wanted to find out some things about her."

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"I am Calvin. Calvin Bruce."

The man frowned deeply. "Which Bruce? Wait, are you the son of Brian?"

Calvin glanced at Leo again, he knew that the man wasn't pleased to hear his surname.

"Yes, I am but..."

"Get out; Get the hell out of here now. You dare show yourself here after everything your father has done to my family." He rushed at Calvin, but Leo was quick to hold him. He struggled against Leo's hold, still wanting to attack Calvin, but Leo held him tightly by the waist, not minding the kicks and blows he was receiving.

"What did you come here for? Do you want to kill me like your father killed my mother? She was all I had. She... she was a good person..." he voice cracked and tears bursted out. "She didn't deserve to die."

"Calvin go." Leo told Calvin.