
Kate opened her door angrily to finally meet Mason. He beamed when he saw her.

"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stop bothering me."

He smiled. Since he found out where she had moved to, he took it upon himself to go there everyday. The first time he saw her, she ignored him and even asked her securities to send him away. Ever since then, she has been ignoring him. He was surprised that she came out today. Even though she was angry, he thought it was progress.

"How else would I talk to you? You blocked me remember?"

"Because I wanted you to stay away. I think you should do that."

"But you are my wife."

"I don't want to be." She fumed.

He suddenly took one of her hand, taking her off guard. He has never done that before.

"Kate, I know that I have been terrible to you, and was the worst husband any girl could have, but... I wish to try again. Please." His thumb caressed the back of her palm in small circles, and she looked away. "Look at me Kate."