Girl's outing

Allison came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her chest and another on her hair. She met Kylie and Delia chatting happily. Again it reminded her of the old times. Delia used to visit her from time to time, and she was also like an elder sister to Kylie.

"What took you so long?" Kylie asked.

"Isn't it obvious? She was fantasizing about Calvin."

Kylie laughed.

"Not everything is about Calvin Didi." Allison said, as she went to look for clothes to wear for the day.

"I bet everything is right now. It's two days to your wedding, and the only thing in your head is him." Delia said, and she blushed.

"Busted." Kylie said.

"Fine. I think about him all the time now. He's the only thing in my head, and I am not sorry about that." Allison said and smirked.

"Now I want to get married too." Kylie said with a pout, and they laughed.

"Wear something nice. Or just wait, let me pick something out for you, I don't want you embarrassing me outside."