Painting her

Delia opened her eyes, but then she closed them back as the bright light threatened to blind her. She half opened them again to find Leo sitting on a chair and writing something on a table. She was going to sit up, but he suddenly yelled;

"Don't move." He said with much urgency. His eyes then scanned her body, then he looked back at the table.

Her eyes widened. Could it be that he was not writing, but...

"You are painting me."

The corner of his lips curled up. "Thank God you are not dumb."

She glared him, but he just chuckled. She remembered him saying that he would paint her naked. She smiled.

She wasn't fully naked as the bedsheet covered half of her body. Her breasts and stomach were exposed, while one of her legs pushed out from the other end of the sheet.

"You shouldn't have woken up, now you have moved. Good thing that I am almost done." He said.

A few minutes later, he told her that she could get up, and she immediately did and excitedly went to meet him.