Dear mother

Leo grabbed Delia's hand as she turned to walk back to the room. She turned to him with a hard glare.

"Dee," He called softly.

"What is it?" Came her angry question.

"Just hear her out." He said pleadingly.

"And why should I do that? You were there the last time I went to see her. She made it known that she does not want me, what am I hearing her out for?"

"At least she came here today. That should mean something." Leo said trying to persuade her.

"You know you were the one that pushed me to go see her the last time, and I listened to you. Why should I listen to you again this time?" She crossed her arms as she glared daggers at him.

"This is the last one. If she messes up this time I won't persuade you again. I promise."