Chapter 11: The Gazebo

Scott’s POV-

As I stared into Molly’s beautiful blue eyes, I was intrigued by her all over again. It was similar to when I had caught her when she had fallen out of the tree. But much, much deeper and more intimate. My eyes caught on her full lower lip. All I could imagine was biting it the way I had seen her do on those rare occasions when she was unsure or deep in thought.

Absently, I heard a sharp intake of breath, and I realized that Molly was also affected by this moment. It was a heady thought, knowing that I was not the only one feeling this intense attraction. But it also made it difficult to ignore it any longer.

I looked into her eyes once more, fascinated by the burning of emotions in them as I unconsciously rubbed the soft flesh that I had been fantasizing about.

Slowly, my head began to dip lower and lower, unable to stop myself from tasting her... just one time. I expected her to move, to push me away. But her eyes swept close, and her face tilted upwards further as she waited for me.

A loud screech, then a giggle startled us both, and we jumped apart until there were several feet between us. I looked to the side and saw a half-naked sub racing through the garden with a Dom following behind. The man had a mischievous grin and a whip wrapped around his chest. When they caught sight of us, the sub blushed prettily and hid against her Dom. The man chuckled and apologized before dragging his woman further into the garden.

Once they disappeared out of sight again, I turned back to Molly. A part of me wanted to pick up where we left off, but the rational part of me was in charge again, and I shoved those desires down. Molly’s back was stiff, and her head was bowed as she held onto the gazebo's railing.

“Molly,” I called to her in a surprisingly gentle tone.

“Out of all of the places to run into you… a kink club was not one of them that would have ever entered my mind,” Molly began quietly.

“I could say the same to you,” I replied back.

I moved to the opposite side of the gazebo. I was terrified that if I stayed too close to Molly, I would grab her again and finish what I started. She turned towards me and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she demanded.

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Why would I, Molly? My kinks are not something that comes up in our day-to-day conversations. It’s not like I would bring it up over dinner sometime. Why the hell would I say ANYTHING to YOU?”

Molly rolled her eyes at me. “I guess I really should have guessed you’d be into all of this. It’s not a deep, dark secret that you enjoy bossing me around.”

I let out a short laugh. “Like you listen anyway! The number of times you did the exact opposite of what I told you to do is uncountable. OR if you DO listen, I swear you did everything in such a way that you knew it would purposely piss me off!”

I caught the slight half-smile on her face before she dropped her head to hide it from me. I had to control my face before my own smile showed. The last thing I wanted to do was encourage her.

“Who is that man that you’re with?” I asked the question that was burning deep inside me.

“Jean-Pierre DuPont. I met him at a coffee shop about a week ago,” Molly admitted.

“And you let him bring you to a BDSM club?” I replied in absolute shock. “That’s a really stupid move, Molly!”

She stiffened again, and that flash of temper rushed across her face again. “I didn’t actually KNOW it was a BDSM club when I agreed to come with him.”

Anger began to churn in me once more. He hadn’t TOLD her EXACTLY what he was doing and what to expect?

“Bastard,” I spat out as I turned away and ran a hand through my hair.

“It’s not that bad, Scott,” Molly defended him. “Even if he had told me, I probably would have wanted to come to check it out anyway. I just didn’t expect… well… I guess I just didn’t know what to expect. It’s much different than in the books.”

I whipped back around in shock. “Books?”

Molly gave me a snarky look. “Yeah... you know… books. Those things people look at to get information.”

I frowned sternly at her. “You know what I meant, Molly. I would appreciate it if you just answered the question without giving me any more lip. What books are you talking about, and where the hell did you find them?”

Molly shrugged her shoulders. “They are pretty much everywhere, Scott. They are insanely easy to find.”

“I think we need to talk about what you have been exposed to,” I told Molly with a stern, disapproving tone.

“You really want to do this right now, Scott? Give me the lecture on how I’m a poor innocent girl and shouldn’t know about such filthiness?” Molly smarted off. “Should I start swooning because I might have seen a man spanking another man? What about that man that was using clothespins in such an interesting way that I don’t think I’ll ever see them the same again?”

Her words triggered a fantasy of me doing the same things to her. Her bringing those two things up gave the impression that she would actually like those things. I couldn't help wanting to try them, and the thought of that pretty boy, Jean-Pierre, doing it pissed me off so badly that I almost put my hand through the railing. I had to get away from her or get her away from here. There was no way I could continue to control myself properly if she was in my space like that. Now that I knew she was interested in some of the same kinks I was, it made it even harder to stay away from her.

I briefly wondered if I should just make up a room in the back of the club and stay there until the family went back to the states. It might be the only way I would be able to keep my hands off her now.

“Fuck,” I spat out as I turned away.

“Look, Scott. I’m sorry,” she said, sounding suddenly sincere. “I didn’t know you would be here, or I would have refused to come. But I’m here now. Don’t you think that we can both share this space?”

I gave a husky, humorless laugh. Molly honestly had no idea what happened here, and she wanted me to allow her to stick around so she could… what? Play?

It was even worse now that I was stuck helping out while Eric was gone. There was no way that I could avoid her and that man playing. I would be personally responsible for her safety and would HAVE to check on her. If I were to be honest with myself, I probably would check on her no matter what. I couldn’t stomach the idea of her being someone else’s responsibility.

“I’ll be honest, Molly. I don’t know. I really don’t think this is a good idea,” I responded finally.

Molly’s face dropped slightly, and suddenly I was face to face with a look that I had never really learned to say no to.

“Please, Scott?” Molly pleaded, opening her eyes wide. “I really, really want to check this place out.”

It was an extremely bad idea. The worst idea in the history of ideas, and I knew that to the depth of my core. Saying yes would be the absolute dumbest thing I could ever do.