Chapter 12: Lessons One

Molly’s POV-

I could still see Scott’s hesitation roll through his eyes. He obviously did not want me here, and I wanted to respect that. But this was an opportunity I could not allow to pass me by.

The world of BDSM has intrigued me since I stumbled across my first romance novel that featured it lightly. Now that I was literally in the heart, I didn’t want to leave so quickly.

“Please, Scott?” I pleaded again.

Scott sighed heavily and smacked his fist into the railing once more. “Fine! But, while you’re here, you need to show my friends and me the proper respect.”

“What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. “I have been nothing but respectful to you and your friends.”

Then again, he hadn’t been around when I spoke to Laurent or Esme, and I couldn’t say that I had been too respectful when I came out here. However, something told me that he meant much more than he let on.

“When you speak to us, you will use our proper titles and obey us when we ask something of you,” Scott instructed.

I gave him an odd look. “I’m sorry, I’m confused. I thought Jean-Pierre was the only one I was required to obey while I am here?”

Something flashed through Scott’s eyes that looked suspiciously like jealousy.

“Yes, you must obey him as your Dom. Should anyone wish to speak with you and/or scene with you, they must speak with him first. At that point, you need to obey that Dom. Do you understand?”

“Wait… wait… so Jean-Pierre can just hand me off to whomever he wants?” I demanded, aghast.

Scott raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’ve stated that’s a hard limit, then yes.”

I searched my mind for the memory of that term. I had a vague recollection of limits and how to set them. But I couldn’t remember them all exactly. I got the impression that there were a lot of them.

However, I knew one thing for sure… I hadn’t discussed ANY of the limits with Jean-Pierre. I did not like the idea of him having that power over me.

“Molly?” Scott interrupted my thoughts.

“Yes?” I responded, snapping my gaze back up to his.

“Is that on your limits list?” he asked me.

I thought about it for a moment, then nodded. There was no way that I wanted Jean-Pierre to pass me off to whomever he wanted. I was very much not okay with that. Though, I wasn’t sure he was that type of man… Dom, anyway. I was not about to take that chance.

“Does Jean-Pierre know that?” Scott pressed further.

“How could he when I didn’t even know it was a thing?” I pointed out to him.

“Did you guys discuss your limits at all?” Scott demanded.

I didn’t want to lie to Scott. He would probably see through it anyway. But I had a feeling that if I told him the truth, he would be VERY upset.

However, as I sat there trying to figure out what to say, my silence seemed to be all the confirmation he needed.

“God damn it, Molly. These are a few of the FIRST things you talk about when you start a relationship with a Dom. Now, what exactly did Jean-Pierre say when he brought you here?” Scott demanded angrily.

Molly crossed her arms over her chest again and stared him down. “Don’t you dare talk to me that way, Scott! This is—”

Scott raised his hand to silence me, and I wasn’t sure which one of us was more surprised that it worked.

“Watch your tone with me, sub,” Scott reprimanded me, making sure to emphasize the title to remind me of my place. “You will address me as Master Scott. It is my preferred title and one that I have earned here. Another thing I think you do not realize is that, as a Master at this club, if I feel you have disrespected me, I can ask to have you disciplined. Do you really want me to ask that of Jean-Pierre?”

I growled quietly, then took several deep breaths to try and calm my temper. With everything else Jean-Pierre had shown a blatant disregard for, the very last thing I wanted to do was to give him the power to discipline me.

“Fine… M-Master Scott,” I replied finally.

I was frustrated with the slight stutter in my tone. I couldn’t help it. Out of all the people in the world I had imagined calling Master, Scott Monroe was not one of them. Then again, I could count on one hand all the people I imagined calling Master. I was thrown off by the way saying that word made me feel.


I felt excited hearing that word fall out of my mouth. Almost as excited as I was at the sound of Scott calling me a sub. It thrilled me in ways I had never expected. This had been a deep, dark dream of mine ever since I had stumbled upon my first romance book with a light BDSM theme. I wasn’t sure if this was how I was supposed to feel about this. Was this… excitement that I was feeling natural? I bit my lip to keep my thoughts inside. The very last thing I wanted to do was make Scott think that I was some kink-crazed nympho.

“Thank you,” Scott replied softly.

A low warmth spread through my belly at his words. Startled by his words and the new feelings, I looked into his eyes and saw…pride there, and it made me happy that I made him feel pride. Happy that I had managed to push past the awkwardness and called him by his preferred title. I realized that I enjoyed making him happy as much as our battle of wills.

“Now, please tell me what EXACTLY Jean-Pierre told you before bringing you here?” Scott repeated.

I sighed and nodded. “To be honest, Jean-Pierre didn’t really tell me much. He told me some of his rules and that I was required to call him Sir. He also told me to keep my eyes on the ground and not speak unless spoken to.” I winced slightly. “I think I might have broken that once or twice.”

Scott chuckled slightly. “I’m not really shocked. I don’t think I can recall a time when you were good at keeping silent.”

I glared at him for a moment but quickly erased that look when he raised his brows at me. He relaxed when he saw that I got the hint.

“So, that is all that he said to you? All that he told you about this club? About this lifestyle?” Scott tried to clarify.

I hesitated a moment and bit my lip before finally nodding. Scott turned away and cursed several times before finally turning back to me. I should have been shocked that he looked relatively calm, but I had seen him like this before, and I knew what it meant.

Scott was furious. “Alright, come with me. I think it’s time I had a discussion with your Dom.”

He spat out the term with a slightly snide tone that belied his calm appearance.

“And what are you going to say to him?” I asked, feeling a little unsure of his request.

Scott’s eyes pinned me with a look. “I believe it’s time someone explained to Jean-Pierre exactly how he should be treating his sub.”