Chapter 13: Nicknames

Scott’s POV-

I could see the look of hesitation on Molly’s face, as if she was truly worried about what was going to happen if Jean-Pierre and I met face to face once more. I didn’t really blame her, a red-hot fury was roiling in my gut towards that man, and it was all about jealousy.

Was I jealous? Absolutely and I wasn’t into self-denial enough to refuse to acknowledge that. I was insanely jealous that he could touch something that I KNEW I shouldn’t want to.

But I really fucking did want to.

However, that was not the only reason I was angry at him. How dare he bring Molly into this club without having a conversation with her about what to expect? Without finding out exactly what she did and did not want to happen when she was there? How the hell did he expect to keep her safe?

That pretty boy had not done the basics of preparation for his sub, and that only proved one thing in my mind; Jean-Pierre did not give a damn what happened to her as long as she was there to make him look good.

Thankfully, this was one thing that I could fix right away.

“Let’s go,” I told Molly as I pointed the way towards the path.

Molly gave a loud sigh and nodded, then began to lead the way inside the building. A few times, I had to point her in the right direction. But for the most part, Molly remembered how to make it back to the club.

Just on the other side of the door was Esme, obviously keeping an eye out for us. I gave her a small grateful smile, wondering silently if Laurent had asked her to keep an eye out or if it had been all her idea. Maybe it was both that was the most likely explanation.

“Everything good, bo-bo?” Esme asked softly.

I winced a little as Molly looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. Eric had always called me bo-bo since I first walked into his place on my first day of college abroad. Haughty, full of myself, and thinking that I was tough shit. He and the other Doms I met quickly reminded me that I was extremely novice and needed to stuff my ego. Only after they made me feel like a teen boy standing in front of my father caught with a playboy in my hands.

But even though they had stripped me of my pride, they had taken me under their wings and helped me become the Dom I was today. I had gone from loud-mouthed and cocky to a quiet confidence that was easily mistaken for a push-over which many subs had found out the hard way, but that was not the case.

Esme and several of the other subs had picked up on calling me that as well. It had never really bothered me until that moment. I was trying to get Molly to show me some respect. It was slightly embarrassing to have her witness the informality that Esme had fallen into over the last few years that I had known her.

“Yes, everything is okay, Esme. I just need to talk with Jean-Pierre before he and Molly continue to play here,” I informed her. “If you would go get Master Laurent, please, and have him join me. I think it would be best if he was there as well.”

“Oui, Maître Scott,” she replied and quickly hurried off to do as I asked.

“Bo-bo?” Molly asked as soon as we were alone.

I sighed heavily. “It was a nickname that Eric, the club owner, gave me when we met. I don’t know why he gave it to me. I just know that it had something to do with a few things the subs were saying when I began coming to the club.”

“What did they say?” Molly asked.

Her lips were curved into a smile that looked as if it could turn into a full-on laugh.

“Something like: C’est un très beau garçon. I don’t really remember, but it was along those lines. Anyway, it went from beau to beau-beau.”

Molly covered her mouth, trying to keep the giggles inside. “Oh! They’re calling you BEAU-BEAU, not like Bo-Bo, the clown.”

“Yes.” I laughed. “It’s Beau-Beau, not Bo-Bo.”

“So, they are basically just calling you ‘handsome-handsome? I can see why they would do that,” Molly replied, still giggling.

I gave her a sly smile, wondering if she realized that she had inadvertently let it slip that she had called him handsome. I felt a wave of pride that she was attracted to me. I couldn’t help enjoying that feeling more than I had enjoyed anyone else’s complement. I had never put much stock in my good looks. But I enjoyed knowing that Molly was appreciating them.

A flush suddenly tinged Molly’s cheeks as it dawned on her what she had said to me. I took a step forward, my mind focused on wanting to be close to her again.

“Scott!” A voice called to me, breaking the spell.

I looked up to see Laurent waving to me, obviously having gotten the message from Esme.

I quickly waved back. “Looks like Laurent is ready.”

Molly nibbled on her lower lip. “I’m not sure if this is a good idea, Sco-Master Scott.”

I had to look away from her for a moment when I heard her use my title. I loved hearing it come from her lips, much more than the other times that I had heard it. But I didn’t want her to see how much I enjoyed it.

“I understand your hesitation. But one of my jobs here is to keep people safe. I couldn’t do that if I failed to speak to someone who is not following the basic rules,” I told her. “The first rule is to make whomever you bring in here understand what they’re doing here. The second is to make sure a Dom or Domme knows their sub’s limits... as well as their safeword. Do you have a safeword?”

Molly looked hesitant again. Another horrible sign and another log on the fire in my gut.

But I forced it away. Sometimes new subs had a hard time picking out a safeword. Though their Doms/Dommes were supposed to help them with that, it wasn’t really that uncommon. That’s why everyone was informed about the safeword “Red”. It was as close to a universal safeword as we could get. This way, everyone had a safeword that would bring anyone to their rescue should there be a need.

“Should you need one, the club safeword is—”

“Red or rouge, I know,” Molly interrupted. “Laurent—”

“Master Laurent,” I corrected her.

Molly looked like she wanted to bite back, but she swallowed the urge. I have never been more proud of her.

“Master Laurent told me about it,” she finished.

“Good. Use it. Shout it as loud as you can if you even FEEL uncomfortable. Promise me?” I asked her.

Molly nodded. “I promise.”

The tightness in my chest eased slightly at her promise. “Alright,” I replied. “Let’s get this over with.”

I put my hand on her lower back and guided her towards where Laurent was waiting. “Esme told me that you desire a conversation with a certain Master that you have a bit of an issue with.”

“Yes. After speaking to Molly, I am certain that Jean-Pierre is not doing his job with her. It’s our job to remind him,” I informed Laurent.

Laurent looked like he had more to say, but he dropped it and nodded.

“Very well,” Laurent replied and waved us ahead.