Chapter 55: Dinner Table

-Molly's POV-

By the time the plane landed in the states, I was in a weird state of exhaustion and excitement. The flight had been long, as it always was, and I knew I was suffering from jet lag. But I also knew that as soon as we landed, Scott would be there waiting for us, and I couldn't wait to see him.

I couldn't believe how much I had missed him. We texted and emailed often. But hadn't actually had a chance to talk on the phone again. I was kind of pissed at his father for keeping him so busy. But if there had been some sort of emergency in the company, I supposed it was to be expected.

But now I was home, and I couldn't wait to be in his arms again. The moment the seat belt light was off after we landed, I practically jumped out of my seat and grabbed our carry-on.

"Whoa, Molls," my mother murmured sleepily. "Give everyone a minute to clear. I don't want to have to fight the crowd."