The name 'Nyctimus' came out of my mouth in familiarity as I knew him.

I instinctively covered my mouth and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

There was a deadly silence in the room before the pretty man, whom I called Nyctimus, smiled suddenly at me, ''It seems Artemis's memory is mixing with yours after shifting.''

That smile was too blinding for me.

If my mate was handsome, then this man was pretty. Too pretty to be mistaken as a woman.

I was dazed for a moment before a cough broke my fantasy.

I looked at the owner of the cough behind me and saw Harrison smiling with a paled face at me.

'what happened to him?' I thought before I focused on the pretty man.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise before questioning, ''Are you the oracle?''

He smiled at me, "You know my name already, and Yes, I am.

He looked behind and said, "Harrison, please wait outside as I talk to an old friend.''

Harrison complied with his wishes and left the room quickly like his butt was on fire.

When the door closed, I asked, "Why do I know you?''

I stood with my arms crossed.

''You don't want to sit?"

''No, Thank you.'' I rejected politely.

Although I don't know him, Nyctimus.

I could sense familiarity with him, Like my guard, came down around him.

''As I said before, Artemis's memories are mixing with yours, but it seems you don't know everything yet.

'Everything?' I thought.

''Well, what I am going to say will be long, so I hope you will sit when you are tired,'' He said in a worried tone.

I nodded, still standing straight.

He shook his head at my stubbornness with a smile on his face. ''At this point, I don't know the difference between you and Artemis.''

"Your beast, Carmen, always comes to my dream and talks with me," Nyctimus said

"It seems she was lonely, trapped within the gods fearful of her power," He added.

I rose an eyebrow at that sentence.

''I am sure you are wondering how she did it, but don't forget you are half-god, Carmen.'' He smiled at me.

I nodded my head at that answer.

''But that does not explain how I knew you and why?'' I asked.

"Artemis memories are forming into yours,'' he said without an explanation.

''You know, From my understanding of Artemis, she doesn't like creatures and gods much. Yes, they created her, but they grew fearful of her powers and tried to kill her.

You, on the other hand,'' he paused and removed his glasses.

Just like Selena, he was white everywhere. White hair, milky skin, and white eyes.

He opened one eye, stared at me, and smiled sadly, "You suffered greatly you poor thing,''

"Your previous mate and your previous family, I didn't know that you suffer this much,'' he added.

'It seems he could see my past thanks to the lycan beast in me,' I thought.

''Mate? What previous mate?'' My mate asked with a slight frown on his face.

But I saw nothing on his face that gave away what he felt.

I pushed the disappointment of seeing him jealous and felt someone's stare on my face.

I looked at Nyctimus, who asked me, "Should I?"

I sighed, unfolded my crossed arms, went to the single couch, and sat down with my legs crossed and dangling.

I nodded, and Nyctimus answered, "Her previous mate rejected her before she bonded with Artemis, and her family abandoned her."

I could feel his stare on my face, but I didn't look at him and continued to look at Nyctimus.

''Conrad, If you want details. Ask her, your mate.'' Nyctimus said with a smile.

'Conrad,' I thought

'So, that's his name,' I added to my thoughts

"Anyway, For both of you are one while the others are two,'' Nyctimus said.

''You understand each other more than anyone, and maybe Artemis unconsciously released her memories into yours without knowing,'' He added.

"Not all beasts and their host are like yours.'' He continued.

'I need to ask Artemis about it later,' I nodded as I thought, still not understanding what he meant by that.

''And sometimes not what you and I know is the truth.'' He said.

"What do you mean by that?'' I asked.

''You will find out very soon'' Nyctimus smiled at me.

''Now to the main topic, Typhon,'' Nyctimus said.

''Selena told me I would find why he is after me from the oracle of the Lycans,'' I said, finding it weird why he did not answer me.

"Yes, you can, but not all can you find from me,'' Nyctimus said with both eyes opened.

"It has to do with your blessings and Artemis,'' Nyctmius said, looking at me but at the same time, not me.

It looks like he is looking at my soul.

"When Typhon escaped long ago, the gods knew that he would destroy the lands and come for them, then it would be late for them. For him to break the seal of the moon goddess, how powerful would he be to come back and destroy them? Do not underestimate Typhon, Carmen.''

''But what did he do for the gods to banish him and for them to fear him,'' I asked.

It does not make sense for Typhon to be a god, yet he was banished, but now the gods who banished him are so fearful of him.

Nyctimus closed his eyes and sighed before opening them, "I don't know, Carmen. The messenger says it is taboo for me to know but not for you.''

''Okay, The moon goddess and the lycan god, known as the powerful gods within the gods, created Artemis,'' He continued.

"But I thought,'' I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes. Artemis told you that the gods sealed her because she was powerful, but not everything she said is true.''

'So that's why he said that sentence.' I thought, remembering.

'sometimes not what you and I know is the truth.' Nyctimus said before.

"Sometimes knowing too much is not good, and that's what happened to Artemis.

The gods knew the future sometimes, but sometimes what they predicted might not happen.'' He said, breaking me from my thoughts.

''Typhon knew the moon goddess's prediction and found out about Artemis.

The moon goddess at that time found a suitable host for Artemis, and that was you, so Typhon came for you.''

''I am sure you can figure out what happened to your family by yourself,'' Nyctimus said.

''He manipulated their thoughts about the blessings,'' I answered him, remembering what happened to my former family.

''Yes, he did,'' Nyctimus said, closing his eyes and wearing his black shades.

"So the lycan god and the moon goddess sealed Artemis, and they manipulated her memories to keep you safe until it was time for you know."

"I found out about this story the day the messenger came to you,'' Nyctimus said.

'That day at the rosemoon pack border,' I thought as I remembered.

"He told me to tell you and for you to find out more,'' He said.


''Vampires,'' Nyctimus said.

I asked with wide eyes, "What?"

Vampires are private creatures and the most reclusive creatures in the supernatural world.

They don't interact with other species, including my mate, the king, and there are hardly any rumors about them.

'How is Nyctimus sure that they would welcome me.' I thought.

"Yes, Vampires. They would welcome you, Carmen, and you will find out how to kill Typhon from the oracle there,'' Nyctimus said, answering my thoughts.

''But Selena said when I find my mate, we can defeat Typhon,'' I said, ignoring the glaring stare at the side of my face.

''Yes, that's true, but you need to unseal the rest of Artemis's memories, and then you can defeat him,''

''Carmen, as I said. Don't underestimate Typhon. He is a sly and cunning demon capable of doing anything to get what he wants, and that's you.'' Nyctimus warned me.

"Why does he want her?" My mate, who had been quiet, spoke suddenly.

I looked at him to see him glaring at Nyctimus.

Nyctmius smiled at him and looked at me, "She is the closest to the moon goddess,''

"What does that mean?" I asked.

''You will find out from the vampires,'' Nyctimus said.