''Sorry, but we need to seal half of her memories and manipulate some, Selene.''

'Who is there?' I thought with my eyes closed.

''Why? It is our issue. If we dragged our species to this battle, they would die, Lycaon.'' I heard a familiar crying voice.

'Is this a memory?' I thought as I opened my eyes and saw what I heard.

I looked around and saw darkness apart from this memory in front of me.

''He had already dragged our species, Selene.'' The man who the moon goddess called Lycaon argued.

'The moon goddess and Lycaon,' I thought, looking at the enchanting moon goddess and another handsome and pretty man.

'The lycan god,' I added to my thought.

I think I know where Lycans inherited their beauty.

Although no man can be handsome as my mate, I have to admit that he can't compare to the beauty of the Lycan god.

'Sorry, Conrad.' I thought with an apology.

''You made the mistake of not dealing with him when he disregarded the rules as a messenger, and now he is disrupting the balance of the supernatural world,'' The Lycan god said.

The moon goddess shed tears silently as she looked at the Lycan god.

''You and I both know you made the mistake of not killing him, and now, in the future, he would be stronger than all of the gods, including you and me.'' The Lycan god said.

''She might have a chance of defeating him,'' The Lycan god continued.

''You should know he is stronger than her,'' The moon goddess said with dried tears.

''I will add some of my powers to her, but we will have to seal her till she gets a host,'' The Lycan god said.

''No,'' The moon goddess denied the Lycan god's suggestion.

''We don't have time to argue, Selene,'' The Lycan god stated.

The moon goddess looked at the lycan god for a while.

''What if she turns like him?" She asked.

''She won't. We would have sealed her memories and manipulated some.''

''But she would become a half-god and not my messenger anymore.'' The moon goddess complained.

''I didn't expect the mighty Selene to be conscious of power,'' I turned to the owner of an unfamiliar voice and saw another beautiful lady.

''Hecate, I don't have time to argue with you,'' The moon goddess frowned at the other god.

Hecate just smiled at the reaction of the moon goddess.

'Hecate,' I thought, looking at the seductive, charming woman dressed the same way as the moon goddess.

'The witch goddess,' I thought, remembering her name from Hunter.

''So you know you don' have time when to argue with me, but you have time for being power conscious,' She said, smiling.

''I warned you to kill him because he would be a problem in the future, but you didn't heed my advice and looked where that got you.'' The witch goddess continued.

The moon goddess frowned without saying anything.

The witch goddess looked at Selene and sighed, '' I don't like seeing you this way if it wasn't me that didn't put the frown on your face.''

''Lycaon is right about giving his powers to her, but you will have to manipulate her memories and bond her to a host,'' The witch goddess advised.

''You should know that bonding a were and the wolf doesn't include me only. The wolf has to choose for themselves,'' Selene said.

''Will it be the same for Artemis?" The witch goddess asked.

''I don't know, Hecate. I don't know,'' The moon goddess said as she closed her eyes.

The memory changed to another one, a familiar one that flashed in my mind when I thought of the vampire god messenger's name.

But this time, I saw myself. Another of myself with red eyes and not violet eyes held in chains with symbols surrounding that version of myself in the air and on the body.

'Artemis,' I thought as I looked at the red eyes.

Other gods surrounded her as the sealing took place.

I saw another handsome god with bat wings on his back, and I guessed he was the Vampire god.

The moon goddess sobbed and kept apologizing, ''Sorry, I am so sorry.''

''It's okay, your majesty. The future, you predicted, might not come true if you don't intervene.'' Artemis, the other version of myself, struggled to talk as the gods sealed her powers.

''The Host you chose will be different as I bonded with her the second she was born,'' Artemis said, smiling at the moon goddess.

''We will defeat Typhon together,'' Her voice echoed as the memory changed to another.

But this time, my surroundings changed to white, and white light surrounded me.

'The moon goddess,' I thought as I remembered the dream with the same scenery.

''So Artemis was your messenger,'' I stated in the white scenery.

The place was quiet till a familiar enchanting voice spoke, ''Both of you were.''

The moon goddess appeared before me, standing and staring at me.

I stared at her before speaking, ''What future did you predict for Artemis to choose me?''

She stared at me for a while, then answered, ''I didn't.''

I looked confused at the answer she gave.

She turned around and walked with me, following her as the light pushed me behind.

''I have many predictions of different people. I know the start of their future and the end.'' She paused before continuing.

''A god and a messenger have a connection. I felt it when Artemis chose you as her host.''

''I checked your future, but your future didn't have an ending. No, I couldn't see the ending.'' She corrected herself.

I didn't stop her when she was talking, but I had a lot of questions about what she meant by that.

She stooped walking and turned around to face me, smiling, ''I was relieved when I saw you accepting Artemis as your own and not greedy for more when you knew about being half-lycan,''

''Normally. There is a difference between a god and their species. With you being almost like us, I was afraid you would turn Artemis power hungry, but it seems Lycaon and the others were right,'' She continued.

''I was afraid for nothing,'' she added.

''Then what did Typhon do to be banished?" I asked the question that bothered me the most.

According to the memory from Absalom, Typhon was the moon goddess's messenger before Artemis.

'Seeing she was afraid of me being power hungry, Typhon must have done the same thing.' I thought.

She winced at the question but didn't answer.

She looked at me and turned to walk away, saying ''You are not ready.''

''W-Wait,'' I stretched out my hand to grab her, but something pushed me back, and my eyes became dark.