I woke up struggling for air from the shock of the fall.

My vision felt blurry as my hands grasped something, breathing heavily.

I felt someone patting my back softly as I calmed down.

The peppermint with a mix of musk scent wafted, and my nose twitched at the familiar smell of my mate.

''It's okay, you are here,'' Conrad reassured me repeatedly, and I could hear the relief in his voice.

I turned in the direction of his voice and focused my blurry vision on him till it became clear.

Conrad stared, and when he saw me focusing on him, he sighed with his eyes closed before opening them.

''How are you feeling?'' Conrad said as he leaned back on the seat and focused on me.

When he asked, the conversation between the gods and the moon goddess flashed in my memory.

I stared at him without answering and turned my sight away, noticing that we were in a room.

''Where are we?'' I asked, dodging the question.

It seems Conrad noticed my behavior but didn't say anything.

I looked at my clothes and noticed a different set before, releasing my hands from the sheets.

''We are in the room for us,'' He answered.

Then I noticed our stuff in the corner of the room.

''What happened after?'' I turned my gaze to Conrad.

Conrad didn't say anything and avoided my gaze.

'It seems he doesn't want to answer,' I thought as I changed the question.

''What about Ryder?''

Immediately I mentioned that name, the atmosphere turned grim, and Conrad's face hardened.

A knock broke the silence, and Conrad stood up to answer.

'Did something happen?' I thought.

Conrad came with a frown, clearly downcast with what the person behind the door said.

He looked at me and sighed, ''Ryder is asking for your presence.''

I nodded and stood up immediately, but my legs were not cooperative, and I almost fell.

''Where are you going? He didn't say you should come now.'' Conrad complained as he caught me.

''But I need to speak with him about something important,'' I said, placing my hands on his chest and balancing myself.

''Don't behave like last time,'' Conrad said, holding me gently by my waist.

I stared at him and thought, 'Last time?'

''You didn't allow me to do anything and forced me to stay with you in your room,'' I said, thinking it was when he brought me back injured from the battle with strays and rogues.

''No, it wasn't then,'' Conrad said as he stared at me.

I tried to remember when this happened, but nothing came to mind.

When Conrad saw that I didn't remember, he smiled sadly and answered, ''It was the day we met for the first time.''

When he said that, I remembered the first banquet I attended in casual wear, what happened to me, and after.

'It was the first time I saw him and spent a night in his room,' I thought, looking at Conrad.

''I remember,'' I said, noticing the difference between then and now.

Then he ignored me because of his hatred of werewolves, but now he speaks and treats me well. Too well. Although the hate is still there, we will figure things out.

'Speaking of then,' I thought as I remembered something.

''How long was I asleep?'' I asked, remembering the fact that then, I slept for one week.

Conrad smiled and answered, ''One week, same as then.''

''Oh,'' I said.

'No wonder my legs felt sleepy,' I thought, trying to stand without his help, but he held me in place.

''But I need to speak to Ryder now,'' I said, taking us back to the beginning of this conversation.

Conrad tightened his hold on my waist before releasing and surrendered with a sigh, '''Just, take it easy, and don't forget I am here.''

I nodded.

After cleaning up my appearance, We went under the maid's guide to an office where Ryder was.

''Master, they are here.'' She knocked on the door.

''Come in.'' A faint voice said.

The maid opened the door and gestured for us to enter.

Conrad and I entered the office, and the maid closed the door.

When Ryder saw us entering, he stood up from his chair behind the office desk and walked to the front, gesturing with his hand to sit on the couch before leaning on his desk and staring at us.

We sat on the couch before he started the conversation.

''It is nice to see you awake, Miss carmen,'' Ryder stared at me, smiling.

''Believe me when I say I am happy to see you awake and unless your mate would have killed me,'' He added, smiling even though a fight would have happened between him and Conrad.

'But, at the same time, I don't feel he is smiling,' I thought, staring at the smile on his face that gave me chills when he mentioned the second sentence.

I glanced at Conrad seeing his face blank like he did nothing wrong.

'But That would explain why he avoided my gaze,' I thought.

''I want to see the messenger again,'' I said, staring at him.

''Yes, he mentioned that you might want to come to him, but he can't meet anyone without the god's permission,'' Ryder said.

''But he told me to tell you to figure things out on your own,'' Ryder added.

I frustratedly sighed, ruffling my hair because things got more complicated with Artemis' origin and Typhon's.

When Ryder saw my reaction, his smile widened.

I ignored him and turned to my mate, staring at me.

He took my hand and squeezed it, assuring me.

When I stared at Conrad, something came to my mind. ''How was Conrad not affected by the messenger?'' I asked, remembering the messenger's aura did not affect Conrad.

'Including Ryder,' I thought, turning my gaze back to him.

''I thought you would feel it. Absalom said you would feel it,'' Ryder paused before continuing.

''There was a barrier that protected us from his aura. It activated once it sensed your mate and me,'' He explained.

'That would explain what I felt then,' I thought, remembering the sensation I felt near the black-winged door.

''Do you have a book about gods or documents?'' I asked.

''Yes, we do have a library,'' He answered

''Your Library, can I use it?'' I asked Ryder, thinking about how to find more about Typhon and the god's history.

'Maybe there would be something about Artemis,' I thought.

''You can, miss carmen.'' He answered with a smile.