''Why didn't you use the library in my kingdom?'' Conrad muttered as I pulled a thick book from the shelf.

I laughed inwardly at his behavior and answered, staring at the book, ''I couldn't go there.''

''Why?'' He asked, puzzled.

''Don't you remember? You weren't exactly nice to me then,'' I said, staring at him.

He stared at me for a while before saying, ''Oh.''

I looked at the book with the title ''Greek gods'' written on the book cover in my hands.

I looked at Conrad and said, ''Let's sit.''

We went to the side with tables and chairs and settled down with the book.

I opened the book with Conrad beside me to the first page.

I continued flipping pages of different gods and their history till I got to the page with the moon goddess and her history.

I skipped her history and went to the messenger part.

(You can skip this greek mythology part unless you want a small lecture made by me and google.)

'Messengers are the connection between species and their gods. They deliver messages or prophecies according to their task from their gods.

The Four well-known gods have their messengers.

Lycaon, the lycan god has Fenrir

Hecate, the witch goddess, has Circe.

Ambrogio, the vampire god, has Absalom.

Other gods like Fox goddess, faeries goddess, Dragon god, and others have their messengers but are currently unknown as their species are not as populated as the Well-Known gods' species.'

' But The messenger of the moon goddess is unknown, but the name for her messenger was Iasonas, and he is a mystery to everyone.'

The writing on the page continued, 'It is known to history that the moon goddess doesn't have a messenger. She speaks to the oracle, delivering her messages or prophecies to her species since they are similar to a messenger.'

'If you check other books about gods from different libraries, it will tell the exact sentence that the moon goddess doesn't have a messenger, but she does, and the messenger is a mystery,'

I read the page talking gods and their messengers, but the moon goddess' messenger page is the shortest as it doesn't contain information apart from mystery.

'But I learned something. The messenger's name is Iasonas.' I thought, flipping the pages to check if I could find more information.

''But according to her and the other gods' conversation, Typhon was a messenger. then who is this Iasonas unless that was his former name.'' I mumbled, closing the book.

Conrad, who had been so quiet that I almost forgot his presence if not because of his scent, said, ''You know, you haven't told me exactly what happened to you.''

I stared at him and realized I had never told him about what had happened.

''Sorry,'' I apologized because I am used to doing everything on my own. Even Aiden, Scarlett, and hunter beg me to rely on them. But I guess the fear of abandoning is still within me.

But I have a mate, and we are working together to build a good relationship and hopefully a family.

I looked at him and briefed him on what I saw and the conversation between the moon goddess and me.

''I thought there would be a document about gods and their messengers. But there is no information on the moon goddess's messenger.'' I said.

''Do you know why she does not want to tell you?'' Conrad asked.

''No, I don't. she only said, I am not ready. And that's when I woke up,'' I replied.

''Then what do we do? We don't know when Typhon can come again, and we need to leave the vampire territory before something happens,'' Conrad said.

I agreed with what Conrad said, but there is no information about Typhon or Iasonas that we can find here.

As I stood up to leave the library and Conrad did the same, a memory flashed in my head about Amelia.

'You smell like him,' She said.

I paused my movement, and Conrad noticed before asking, ''Are you okay?''

I nodded and thought, 'She might know something.'

''Amelia said something about me being similar to Typhon,'' I said as we walked to the bookshelf where I took the book and placed it.

''Do you think she might know something?'' I asked.

''It won't hurt to ask,'' Conrad answered.

''But she always pales at the sight of me,'' I pointed out the issue.

''She should understand that we need more information as we can, so ask her.'' Conrad encouraged me.

I nodded as we walked out of the library.

I knocked on the door that the maid escorted me to after I asked for the witches' rooms.

Rose opened the one I knocked on and smiled when she saw me.

''What are you doing here?.''

''I want to talk to Amelia, and I thought she was here,'' I said, glancing at the other door.

''You can come in, and I will call her,'' She opened the door a little wider as she said that and left to call Amelia.

I nodded and entered the room before closing the door.

I settled on the bed, and after a while, the door opened. And both rose, and a pale Amelia entered the room.

Amelia settled on the chair while rose leaned against the table with her arms crossed.

'Here goes nothing,' I thought.

''I want to ask what you meant by my scent being the same as Typhon.'' I talked straight to the point.

If I could compare a transparent thing with Amelia, I could have done so because Amelia's face became so pale that she looked like she could die at any minute.

''W-Why do you need an answer,'' She avoided my gaze as she whispered in a very tiny voice that no one could hear so clearly apart from me because of Artemis.

''I know that you knew about my mate and me going to see the messenger, and I learned some things about Typhon and myself,'' I started explaining.

''Do you know anyone by the name of Iasonas?'' I added.

''No,'' She said.

''Do you know anything about Typhon that we could learn about?''

She kept quiet at my question until Rose patted her shoulder and smiled at her.

''I know a little about him that your kind doesn't know of.'' She answered a little clearer and louder.

''He was the moon goddess's messenger and was involved in forbidden magic,'' She continued.

I rose an eyebrow at the last word, surprised.

''Forbidden magic?'' I repeated.

She nodded and glanced at Rose.

Rose smiled at her and turned to me, ''Yes, he was.''

''Why didn't you say so earlier?'' I furrowed my brows, asking.

''I did, but I didn't explain further.,'' Rose answered.

''The witch who went voluntarily with Typhon practiced Forbidden magic, and to witches, that magic was expelled from the coven by our goddess.'' She added.

'Hecate,' I thought, remembering the name of the seductive witch goddess.

''I do not know what happened, but for her to go along with Typhon voluntarily meant he was involved with forbidden magic because there is no book about forbidden magic in the coven.'' She continued.

I nodded, adding more to the list of Typhon's army of supernaturals that I need to be wary of,

'Strays, rogues, a witch with forbidden magic, and Typhon, who I don't know his exact power apart from manipulating thoughts, are the problem,' I thought.

'A messenger,' I added to my thoughts.

''Do you know about the powers of a messenger?'' I asked both of the witches.

''N-No'' Amelia, who kept quiet, spoke.

''But he is a demon, exactly like a demon,'' she embraced herself, trembling in fear like Typhon is with her presently.

''You are similar to him. At the same time, you are not,'' Amelia glanced at me in fear.

''I-I don't know how to explain what I felt when I-I saw him, but since you are of help to the witches, p-please don't underestimate him.''