Carmen looked at her mate, unconscious in her arms, and felt something within her snap.

She was about to drop him on the ground when she saw his eyes twitched and fluttered open to meet hers.

Violet against grey eyes.

Carmen and Conrad.

He tried to smile at her before fainting in her arms.

''I had a feeling Seth would fail in capturing you,'' Typhon broke the silence as he started to walk.

''If he had succeeded in capturing you, I would have killed you for not meeting my expectations as Selene did.'' He continued.

She ignored Typhon and dropped her mate on the ground before moving Ryder to her mate.

The creatures who were waiting to attack froze at the aura Carmen emitted. They all shivered in fear even as they were under Typhon's control.

Carmen looked at her mate on the ground with injuries and blood dripping from them.

''Isn't that right, Carmen?'' Typhon said

What Typhon said seemed to break the line between patience and insanity in carmen as she moved in a flash and ripped out the heart of a vampire.

The body dropped to the ground with blood splashed on her face. But that didn't stop her from attacking the creatures with shades of black in their eyes.

The shades of black in their eyes differentiate between the enemies and comrades in the battle.

Typhon didn't stop smiling at what he was seeing, his soldiers were dying, but that didn't make him angry instead made him happy that his perfect bride was killing them one by one.

He licked his lips in excitement at the battle between them will be.

Carmen continued attacking creatures one by one without feeling stress or fatigue in her body.

She couldn't feel anything in her body as the words in her mind were 'kill,' 'kill everyone in her path.'

Carmen turned to the other person in her body that appears when she can't control her beast form with Artemis, but this time she couldn't control her body herself.

She turned to what she feared if she shifted to her beast form, a killing machine.


'Kill them.'

'Kill him.'

'Kill everyone.'

That's what echoed in her head.

Typhon looked at Carmen, killing everyone in her path apart from her mate and the vampire with him.

'It seems she recognizes him unconsciously,' He thought as he stared at her appearance.

Red eyes like blood on one eye, gleaming violet eyes on the other, razor-sharp fangs sticking from her mouth, and extended black claws as she stood staring at him.

As she stared at him with that impassive look in her eyes, he got a deja-vu feeling of who stared at him like that.

A beautiful face came to mind as he remembered.

'Selene,' He thought while sneering inwardly.

That look on Carmen's face resembles Selene when she prisoned him.

Like he wasn't worth her presence.

And he hated when someone dismissed his presence like stepping on an ant without knowing.

As Typhon was in thought, Carmen sped up to him in a flash and kicked him, but Typhon blocked her attack, saying, ''Like I would fall that trick again as your mate did to me.''

Carmen switched to a punch, but Typhon caught it before throwing her away.

Carmen facing Typhon as he threw her, placed her claws on the ground to slow down the momentum in the air.

Her claws scratched the ground, slowing her in the air before she dropped her feet to the floor.

Blood dripped from her claws, but Carmen didn't feel pain as her concentration was, killing this being in front of her.

She crouched down before her movement stopped before looking at Typhon and snarled at him.

As Carmen was about to attack him, something blocked her from doing so, like a barrier.

''Master,'' Dimitra appeared out of thin air smiling at Typhon with love in her eyes.

Annoyance flashed in Typhon's eyes as he stared at Dimitra, who interrupted his exciting battle.

But Dimitra didn't notice as her master always has an impassive gaze in everyone's presence, but kills anyone useless and has not killed her. So, it means he finds her useful.

She and Seth have stayed the longest with him.

Dimitra believes no one is as suitable as herself for the equal side of her master.

She worked hard to get limitless magic, unlike carmen, who have power bestowed by the gods without proving herself worthy.

She hated Carmen when she discovered all the planning the master did, was to get her, someone who didn't know Typhon until recently.

Dimitra thought that she who stayed by her master's side from the beginning was the perfect one for him.

Master believes Carmen is the one, but she doesn't.

''Master, let me deal with her for you.'' Dimitra offered herself with a smile on her lips.

Typhon neither denied nor agreed as he looked at the stupid woman in front of him.

'I wanted her sister to be my witch,' He thought in regrets.

Meanwhile, Dimitra, looking at her master, saw him staring at her. She took that as a sign to deal with Carmen.

Dimitra stood in front of Typhon in a protective and started waving her hands to perform spells.


Vines came out from the ground in every part of the area and struck carmen at high speed.

The vines pierced the ground where carmen stood.

Dimitra thought she had gotten Carmen, but before she could rejoice in her victory, she felt a punch at her side and flew away from the impact.

The last thing she saw before flying because of the punch was blood-red eyes staring deep into her soul.

The feeling she got from the stare was the same sinister feeling she gets from Typhon when he is angry and goes on a killing spree.

As Dimitra landed on the ground, Carmen and Typhon could hear her bones cracking on the battlefield.

Dimitra coughed out blood twice as she landed on the ground.

Typhon, who watched Dimitra like a clown, turned to Carmen, ''Now she is out of the way. Let's continue our battle, shall we?''

Carmen, whose concentration was on Dimitra, turned immediately to Typhon at his words and snarled at him before attacking him.