''Wake up, Child,'' A deep voice said as my eyes remained closed.

''You have to wake up, Carmen,'' At the mention of my name, I had to wake up to see the owner of the enthralling voice.

I opened my eyes to see the familiar white light that appeared with the moon goddess.

'But her voice,' I wondered as I noticed I was laying on thin air slightly above the light.

I sat up, and my feet touched the light before I stood up.

I looked up at the person who called me and saw it was the lycan god, the handsome Lycan god.

''You are awake,'' He said as he stared at me blankly, sitting in the same chair the moon goddess sat, arrogantly.

I could feel the pressure from him as he stared at me.

''Selene was right when she said you were special,'' He suddenly said.

''You who her, and I can't see the end of your future.'' He added.

''It was a gamble that we chose you, and it seems we did well in choosing the right person.'' He continued.

I stared blankly at the handsome man talking for a while before asking, ''Where am I?''

He stared at me before asking, ''Do you know who I am?''

I nodded.

He chuckled lowly, ''Such insolence.''

''As you can see, you are dealing with Typhon but not you at the same time,'' The Lycan god answered.

''You couldn't control the power of being a half-god in your beast form and now in your human form,'' The Lycan god added.

''In summary, you turned into a killing machine,'' He concluded with a tap of his index finger on the arm of the chair.

As he said those sentences, I felt pain in my head and remembered Conrad lying motionless on the ground before I blacked out and also saw a man with those eyes, the aura I felt from him was the same aura I sensed in the vampire castle.

'Typhon,' I thought as I remembered his black eyes.

'That should be him.' I concluded in my thoughts.

''Why am I here?'' I questioned the lycan god.

''I called you,'' The Lycan god stated.

'The Lycan god?' I thought.

''Then, what about the moon goddess?'' I asked in a confused tone because she had been the one to speak to me when I came here.

He stared at me before answering, ''Selene felt that you are not ready to know the truth since you don't know how to defeat Typhon, but I thought otherwise.''

''Don't you gods know how to defeat him?'' I asked as I remembered the witch goddess telling the moon goddess why she should have killed Typhon.

From that sentence, it seems they knew how to kill him.

''We did,''

''Then why wait for me to kill him?'' I asked because none of this would have happened if they had killed him from the beginning.

He didn't answer.

''Selene couldn't kill him,'' He said after a while.

''You can't feel it now because of your unfinished memory, but the bond between a god and its messenger differs from the mate bond. What Selene had with Typhon or his real name, Iasonas, was painful to let go.''

'That name,' I thought as I remembered the name in the book from the vampire castle.

'That is Typhon's real name,' I thought, listening to the Lycan god.

''So she couldn't kill him despite doing what he shouldn't have done, she naively thought he would change, but that didn't happen since he did what has never happened. Escaping the imprisonment of a god.''

''Why can't you tell me the truth?'' I asked.

'If knowing the truth helps me, why can't they tell me.' I thought.

He kept quiet and just stared at me.

We stared at each other in silence.

''I want you to know, but Selene's right. You are not ready yet,'' He said after a while.

'That sentence again,' I bit my lips in frustration.

I took a deep breath before asking, ''Why am I not ready?"

''I can't answer that question, but what I can tell you is, more creatures knowing, can lead to one thing.'' The Lycan god said.

'' Disruption of the balance in the supernatural world," He continued.

''Typhon is doing what the gods are trying to avoid.'' He added.

'what does that mean?' I was thinking of the last sentence until I felt immense pain in my back.

I arched my back slightly and furrowed my brows in confusion.

The Lycan god saw my reaction, waved his hand once, and said, ''It seems Typhon is destroying you as we speak.''

The light surrounding us showed my body and Typhon fighting.

I looked and saw Typhon attacking me non-stop, but my body fought on its accord without giving up.

'It's doing what I wanted to avoid doing to people, killing.' I thought.

'But strangely, I am relieved this happened now,' I thought.

''As a god, I am grateful to you for solving our issues and the consequences of Selene's naivety.'' I heard a voice beside me.

I looked at my side and saw the Lycan god watching my body and Typhon fighting.

''I will help you only once in this fight,'' He said, moving closer and placing his forehead on mine.

I felt dizzy and lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes to the familiar battlefield, standing, but I saw my body struggling to stand in front of me.

I looked at my hands and wondered how I could see my body at my front, but Typhon's voice broke my thoughts.

''The gods were jealous of my power and couldn't take that someone was more powerful than them.''

'' I wanted to help Selene, but she didn't appreciate it.''

''Having much power was good. why can't Selene understand that?'' Typhon said, kicking my body.

My body hit a collapsed building, and I felt pain in my back from when my body hit the collapsed building.

''When I found out about you, whose future she couldn't see, I was strangely happy that the powerful moon goddess couldn't predict the future of one of her species.''

''I ignored you at first, but when I found that Artemis was your beast, I had to get you. You reminded me so much of her when I paid attention from your birth, my Selene, and you have her power as a messenger. So why couldn't I have you?''

''And you have that arrogant Lycan god's power. Who else is perfect for me other than you?''

Typhon smiled crazily, talking at my body lying on the ground, and it was struggling to push my back upwards, but my body collapsed.

I tried to move forward, but something was pressing my feet on the ground that I couldn't move.

I struggled to move as I stared at Typhon, moving towards my body, but I couldn't.

When Typhon was about bend to touch my body, My body's hand caught his arm and held it tightly within its grasp.

Typhon flinched at the sudden touch before looking at my body, whose face moved upwards, showing my eyes which became red in both.

Typhon tried to remove his hand, but he couldn't.

He stared at my body's face for a while before mumbling, ''Impossible.''

''I didn't know that Selene had to be thankful to you for gathering so much power for her.'' My body spoke, staring at Typhon while squeezing his arm.

It was weird staring at my body talking on its accord, but my voice echoed with a familiar male voice.

''Lycaon!'' Typhon exclaimed with a creepy smile.

Yes, him, the Lycan god.

My body, which had the lycan god controlling it, flung Typhon away before standing from the ground.

''How dare you speak like you were doing a good thing for Selene when we both you did it for yourself!'' The Lycan god snarled with my face.