Is She A Stalker?

She is nobody … she is only a daughter of foster parents who adopt her from the orphanage when she was three years old. Black long hair, yellow skin, big blue sharp eyes, thin lips, ah, everything so perfect about her. But, all the beauty she has, doesn't mean she easily gets what she wants. Even though her foster parents love her more than her stepsister, she's still become unemployed. Even her drawing and painting are above ordinary among the college student, but still, She is far from successful and welfare.

That girl named Brenda Clareta, a young and beautiful, also nice girl to everyone. no wonder, she has a lot of friends, and she likes children. Her painting is mostly about the children around her living. Cheerful, colorful, and happy, is her painting. But, unfortunately, no one is interested in hers.

"Ah, I don't know what I must do. I've put in my best effort to earn some cash. But, it seems, it is still far from my luck." Brenda complains to herself.

Not far from where she stood, Brenda saw her stepsister come out of a black Jaguar luxury car. With a smiling face, Mandy, her stepsister, carried a lot of goodie bags. Suspicious, Brenda gets closer to her, wondering what Mandy brought.

'Ah, Mandy is so lucky. I envy her. She can get what she wants without any sweat on her face,' mumbling Brenda still looking down at Mandy.

"Thank you, dear. You make my day like sunshine today. Bothering you … but, you don't need to buy all of these." Mandy lifts her goodie bags with a big sweet smile.

"Honey, what are you talking about? I'm rich and have a lot of cash. No need to be bothered. Just tell me if you need some, and I'll transfer them to your account.

"Woah, you're the most gentle, nice, and handsome man I've ever met. Thank you, darling." Mandy and her boyfriend hug very intimately while Brenda is still looking at them and feel pity.

'Oh, c'mon Brenda. You have to be rational! You're not their biological daughter. Had a place to live, that's enough for you. What are you thinking again? Don't be greedy!' Brenda tries to convince herself between sad and painful.

"Better I go back to my place, wonder if there's any buyer-"


"Aww!" Brenda falls after hitting someone when she turns back.

"Watch your walk!" that person angrily glared at her.

"Aww, it hurts …." Brenda touches her waist without knowing who she hit.

"Was that sound? I heard someone scream like hit something." Mandy looked around her after hearing someone scream.

"What happened, dear? Why suddenly you …"

"MANDY!" Someone yelled at Mandy.

"Bryan?" Mandy was shocked when she saw a tall, white, straight-haired man walk close to her and her boyfriend with a fist and an angry face. "B-Bryan, what are you doing here?" asked Mandy, surprised.

"What am I doing? If I didn't see with my own eyes, I would not believe what they said about you! A nice and pure girl, but actually like a fox who wags its tail to other men without hesitation! You're a shameless woman I've ever seen, Mandy!"


Mandy slaps the man called Bryan hardly! The other man beside Mandy tries to hug her directly and glares at Bryan. "Leave! Don't make me repeat my words!" said him.

"And who the hell are you? Her another sugar boyfriend? Or …."

"That's enough Bryan! I had enough with you! Didn't I tell you we broke up! Why don't you understand!" Mandy with tears and shaking fingers tries to stand and hold her anger.

Bryan gets close to them, staring sharply and intimately between Mandy and her boyfriend. "I will remember what you did to me! I won't let you off easily! Just watch and see, what will I do for both of you!"

"Are you threatening us?" asked Mandy's boyfriend sharply.

"Ben, c'mon … just let him go. He's nothing more than you. Don't waste your energy on people like him!" Mandy glares at Bryan.

"You-!" Bryan points out his finger at Mandy.

"Leave! We don't have anything to talk about! I'm done with you!" Mandy tries to bold her statement.

Bryan leaves them, walking between sadness, anger, and pain. He looks down and doesn't see Brenda standing up and blocking his path. She wonders if her cousin dumped that good-looking guy. "What are you looking at? Pity on me?" Bryan glares sharply against Brenda.

"Nothing." Said Brenda turning down her face.

'I swear I'll make them pay double for today!' That guy named Bryan leaves immediately.

"What an annoying man! Does he still deserve to be mine?" Mandy looks down and smirks watching Bryan leave the place.

"I think I've known him somewhere." The guy beside Mandy touched his chin, thinking deeply.

"Huh? What are you saying, baby?" wonder Mandy, looking curious.

"Ah, it's nothing. Come, I'll take you home." Mandy and that guy also leave the place where they met Mandy's ex suddenly.

Not far from them, Brenda is still watching both of them. Smiling and shaking her head without hesitation, murmuring while drawing her painting, 'I wish I had become like Mandy. Wonder when I would meet my prince … just like him.'

Brenda looks satisfied with her painting almost done. A good-looking face with black straight hair, long eyelashes, thin lips, and an angelic face stares forward at her as if it is life. 'You're handsome … wonder if I met you once.'

"Wow, that's a good painting. Will you sell it?" A woman with a blonde and well-known appearance comes closer to Brenda, watching her art.

"Oh, thank you, but I'm so sorry this painting is not for sell." Brenda smiles friendly to that woman.

"Oh, what a pity. I think your painting is really good, and maybe it can show off in the gallery."

Brenda just smiled, not knowing what she must say again after that blonde woman said so. "Oh, thank you. I appreciate your compliment. But, guess I do not deserve it yet 'cause my painting is still rough and needs a lot of repairs. But, thank you, Miss."

"I see, okay then. Here's my name card. Maybe if you change your mind, you can contact me as if you are interested in my offer." That blonde woman gave her white rectangle name card without hesitation to Brenda.

"W-what? A name card?" Brenda looks confused.

"Yes, why? Something wrong?"

Brenda goes blank. She has never thought about who the woman in front of her is right now, suddenly gave her name card to her and walked away leaving many questions to her. 'Am I dreaming off? Why did I suddenly get the name card from an unknown person?' Brenda looks down at the name card and wrote:


Dallas Gallery Art and Museum curator

"Dallas Gallery Art and Museum? Isn't that the biggest and most well-known art gallery in this city? What exactly happened? Oh, I feel dizzy, maybe I'm a little bit tired. Better I'm going home and taking a rest." Brenda began tidying up her painting equipment that lined the edge of a Dallas City Park. She still can't believe what she's going through today. A completely unexpected incident.

a woman who approached Brenda at the beginning walking towards a black Maybach which parked from where Brenda held her painting.

"Sir." The woman bent down and the window of the luxury car was opened. A man wearing white glasses and a gray coat showed his face behind the window of the car.

"How? Is the information we got about that girl true?" asked the man in a deep voice.

"That's right, Sir. I saw with my own eyes the painting that the girl painted was the same as the Chairman." That blonde woman still bowed down her body.

"Chairman, how is it? That girl seems to have been stalking you. Shall we take action?" the bespectacled man asked the man next to him in a low voice.

"No need! I have better ways than you have." The grin showed on the face of the man in the car.