Don’t Push Me

I have a better way to solve this matter! Stephanie, bring me this stuff and come to my condo tomorrow morning and …."

"And … Sir?" Stephanie raises her one eyebrow.

"Don't let people in the office know about this! Is an order!" said the man in the black deluxe car grin.

"Yes, Sir. I understand." Stephanie, the blonde woman who met with Brenda, bowed down while she watched the car disappear.

'Wonder if the Chairman would do something weird, just like usual.' She looked at a white long paper, like a shopping list and smiled plainly when she saw unusual stuff on that list. "What the hell is this? What will the Chairman actually do?"

The man in the gray suit looks confused seeing the man beside him called Chairman smiles and plays with his fingers. "S-Sir, are you okay?" asked the bespectacled man while he wiped his sweat.

"What? Something wrong?"

"N-no, is just … may I ask, Chairman?"

"Go ahead."

"Who's that girl whom we met at the park? Is she one of your mates, Chairman?"

Smile while watching the skyscrapers along the road. "She's my savior and she'll be my next."

"Pardon, what option, Sir?"

"You don't need to know! Do your job and mind your own business!"

"Y-yes, Sir. Forgive me."

A big white house with a high roof and large field and also a beautiful small fountain with a goddess of ancient Greece, decorated terrace belongs to The Elmer Group, one of the biggest and most influential enterprise entertainment groups in Dallas City. No wonder many women want to be the daughter-in-law of this family. Not only will they have fame and fortune, but also live in prosperous, rich, and exclusive cards through the great best hotels around the world. But, not as simple as they thought! The Elmer family has many rules that make people scared about them. Many successors try to make some bonds with this family, but unfortunately, none of them had success. The heirs of this family also become "delicious food" for the paparazzi, they try to find who is the heir of Elmer Enterprise Group and who they are still a mystery, even though not many employees at Elmer Group know their boss.

And now, one of the Elmer family successors, Aaron Duke Elmer comes out from his luxury black car along with Nicky, his henchman. Aaron Duke Elmer, is known as "The Shadow" in the Elmer family because he never shows up to the public and never comes to the office and puts all the office matters to the man beside him, Nicky. A tall, bespectacled, cold face, and silent like a stone with straight black hair man.

"I will leave behind, Sir. May you rest very well." Nicky bows down her body when he delivers Aaron to Elmer's family terrace.

"Remember what you saw today! Don't let people know about this and don't stalk me!" Aaron glares at his assistant sharply.

"O-okay, Sir. I understand. I'll be leaving now." Nicky and Aaron's car leave Elmer's mansion and now that the good-looking man walks through the corridors with fine paintings, pictures, and masterpiece art around the world.

"Where have you been?" A deep voice man sits on the white fur while reading a newspaper glares at Aaron.

"Looking for some fresh air. Lil bit hot and stuck in here," said Aaron casually.

Hold a breath for a while, the white man with red pajamas and a Cuban cigar in his mouth walk approaches Aaron and blows the smoke from his cigar on Aaron's face, looking sharply with his eagle eyes.

"What happened, Father? Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Mr. Rome invited us to come to his house tonight and I want you to come with me, no exception!"

"Hah, another blind date you arranged for me, Father? How many times you'll be like this? Didn't you tired always get involved in my business? Or maybe you lack some occupations so you must ruin my life?"

"God for sake! This is for you, Aaron! How many times I should be waiting for your marriage, huh? I'm not young anymore, Aaron and you know exactly what my requirements are if you want to be the next Elmer's successor! If you can't fill my requirements, I'll ask your brother to replace your place! Right now and right here! Are we clear, Aaron?!" John Elmer, founder and father of two sons Elmer family yelled at Aaron's face without hesitation. A man who is highly respected in the city of Dallas and a leader who is known to be wise but a bit picky when it comes to the marriage of his children. The man who is now only accompanied by his two sons wants one of them to get married and give birth to children, because that is the condition that Aaron must fulfill if he still wants to be the successor of the Elmer company.

"Sigh, that's why I told you, Father, give me some other time to find the proper girl to become your daughter-in-law. If you always pushed me and did not give me a chance, how impossible for me to find that 'right' girl?"

"Are you trying to negotiate with me, Aaron?"

"No, I'm begging … Father." Aaron smiles plainly.

"I give you three days to find your right girl! If you still can't find her, don't blame me if I would arranged another blind date for you!"

"What? Three days? Are you sick, Father? How impossible for me to find in three days?!" Aaron raised his voice.

"Aaron! I'm a businessman! You know exactly what will happen if Elmer Group doesn't have any successors! Do you think I don't know what you did behind my back, huh? You told to Nick, your henchman to organize and run the company while the 'head seat' is still empty!" John can't hold his anger.

"So you knew, Father?"

"Yes, I knew! All the things you did on my back … I knew!" said John strictly.

Taking a deep breath, Aaron starts to calm down and gives his explanations to his beloved father, "I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean to be disobedient, but please … believe me this time. I promise I will take my girl and introduce her to you, but not now cause looking for the right girl without any compromise is very hard. I hope you'll understand, Father." Aaron touches his father's shoulder gently and hugs him. "It must be tough for you, Father. Losing a beloved wife and lovely mother for us … I know what it looks like, but life must go on. And I promise this time, your daughter-in-law will look like a mother, lovely, nice, friendly, and a family lover."

"Don't need your promise, Aaron! I already had enough with those bunch of girls you brought here and introduced me as the candidate for my daughter-in-law. But what's to come to an end? They're gone! Disappeared after I told them the requirements to be part of the Elmer Family. This is not my wish, but your mother's. Before she died, she asked me to take care of both of you and find good wives so that this family will be everlasting."

"Father, I know … I already listened many times. Why don't you try to take a rest lil bit? Remember your hypertension and your heart illness, Father. I'll take you to your room." Aaron grasps his father and takes him to the room.


"What's that sound?" John feels shocked, and so does Aaron.

"I'll take a look, Father."

Aaron came down the stairs and saw who had just slammed the door with a bang.

"What happened? Why did you slam the door so hard?" asked Aaron to the tall-curly hair and light brown eyes man.

"Not your business!" said him glaring at Aaron.

"Must be a woman, right?" smirk Aaron.

"Mind your own business, Brother!"

"Bryan, is that you?"

That young man called Bryan watched over his brother, and saw his father come down.


"Did you just slam the door?" asked John curiously.

Bryan nods. "I'm sorry, Father. I slipped away," he said.

"I see. Where have you been?" asked John once again.

"Go for a while, healing …."

"Healing from what?"

"Father! Please, I'm not a child anymore! Don't treat me like I was a baby! I knew mom had passed away, but … can you just be a normal Father? Just give us space and place! I'm tired of always being watched for 24 hours a day! Let me be alone this time, Father!" Bryan left his father and brother, and went to his room, while John looked at his youngest children sad and quietly.

"Don't think of Bryan's words, Father. I think he is in a bad mood by now. Why don't we just give him time for him to be alone?" said Aaron grasping his father again and taking him to the room.

"Yeah, I think I need to take a rest, too. I'm tired of watching you, guys always give me a headache."

Aaron just smiles… but not an ordinary smile. 'I'll get what is mine, with or without these stupid requirements!'