Give Me A Hand

In other to make "impress" his father, Aaron agreed to meet his father's partner, Mr. Rome William. Though Aaron already knows this person, he has another idea and comes to meet Anthony. With his swag style, Anthony, without hesitation walks through Anthony's study room. He saw his pretty-handsome mate taking a nap in his fine silk pajamas.

"Hey, sweetie … wake up, it's time to gather your exclusive customer," Aaron whispered around Anthony's ears.


"Haha, it seems you look so tired, my dear pretty boy." Anthony laughed and touched Anthony's hair smoothly.

"I already woke up. What customer?" His eyes are still sleepy while his ears hear very well when Aaron says "customer."

"I have a job for you, and this time you'll be satisfied with this person." Aaron smiles widely and convinces Anthony.

"Who person? Tell me!" Anthony suddenly opened his eyes widely and looked fresh.

"I'll wait outside. You better hurry, don't make me wait too long. And, yeah that person is someone that can help you to achieve your goals." Aaron blinks one of his eyes.

Silent, Anthony stood still. "What outfit should I wear?" asked him for sure.

"The best … better … and like a hot chick."

"What? Is he …." Anthony frowned. "Master, don't tell me he is …"

"You will know when you meet him. Now, hurry up! I don't have much time! That crazy old man keeps bothering me with his annoying messages!" Aaron slams Anthony's door and walks in a hurry.

'What a crazy man,' mumbled Anthony, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, in another room at Anthony's house, Aaron looks a little angry and wonders why his father sent him to meet his father's business partner. After all, Aaron wasn't legally the heir to the Elmer Enterprise because this man wasn't married and had children. The expression on Aaron's face was gloomy ever since his father had sent him to meet Master Roma William, "I doubt if the old man is making any other plans since I didn't come to fulfill their invitation? Tsk, this family really ... gives me a headache. "

"Mr. Aaron." A soft, feminine voice called his name from behind. Aaron then turned his body and saw Anthony who had turned into a "goddess" like the land of heaven. The sky-blue eyes, the thin thin lips, the charming smile and the makeup that is not too luxurious but still flawless, the red dress with a V-shaped pleat right in the middle of the chest makes the androgynous man indistinguishable between men and women.

"How do I look?" asked Anthony, stretching out her glamorous cocktail dress.

"Perfect! You look like Miss Universe," Aaron teased.

"Hah, don't make me a laughing stock!" chatted Anthony waving a fan of the same color as her dress.

"You are very beautiful indeed, madam. If only you could make her as beautiful as you are." Aaron pinched Anthony's pointed chin a little.

"She? You mean...."

"Yes, who else?" Aaron's grin made Anthony even more curious about his relationship with Brenda Carleta.

"So, when are we leaving? I can't wait to meet my new 'customer'," Anthony teased with a smile.

"He will be yours, Madam." Aaron opened to form an elbow on his left wrist, while Aaron greeted him with a clasp.

"Is he not home yet?" asked Aaron as he walked towards Anthony's main door, looking around.

"I don't think so, but I have very interesting news for you, my dear friend."

Aaron raised a thick black eyebrow. "What's that?"

"I think I know how that girl named Brenda Carleta lived on campus."

"Speak clearly!" said Aaron.

"When I came to drop him off, he became the center of attention of his friends, I thought at that time he was the center of attention because of his clothes or his face that I gave a little touch of my magic hand, but it turns out ..." Anthony smiled placing his hand on his pointed chin.

"What did it turn out to be?" curious Aaron.

"They were only interested because of the vehicle that brought the girl. Hahaha, if you were there at that time, you would have laughed out loud, Aaron. Women these days take material things seriously, don't they? Haha ...."

"Is that true?"

"You doubt my words, Aaron?" Anthony looked at his best friend with a confused expression.

"No, I believe your word. Please come in, Madam." Aaron opened his metallic silver Maybach door with a smile.

"So, what are you gonna do now with your little rabbit? I should admit she has the potential to be the greatest woman ever." Anthony glances at Aaron with a seductive smile. "But, I'm still curious with your mentioned word 'savior', what was the point of? Why is she a very important person to you and how did you know her?"

"Let's say is like a stupid faith God made up for me. Just enjoy the show and you'll be satisfied, Anthony. But now, all I want from you is doing your job for this person, and the rest of it … let it all to me."

"You are like a ghost, Aaron. Sometimes it makes me feel creepy, like dust and gone like a wind. What a terrible person," said Anthony seductively.

"Haha, you never know if you never try, my dear friend."


Meanwhile, in another place, at Dallas University. Brenda has just finished her class and is ready to go home. But unfortunately, Mandy and her gang already waited for her right before Brenda could walk away from her campus.

"M-Mandy?!" Brenda was surprised.

"Hello, my dear sister. Do you wanna go home?" asked Mandy, smiling.

Brenda nods her head, while her step-sister smirks and glances at her friends.

"Hum, there is something I wanna ask you." Mandy rubbed Brenda's left shoulder gently but with an expression as if she was interrogating.

"W-what's wrong, Mandy? What do you want to ask me?" Brenda looks uncomfortable with the presence of Mandy's friends.

"Who was the man who escorted you earlier?" Mandy asked curiously.

"He-" Brenda immediately covered her mouth. She still had a good talk feeling about Mandy's question. "Why do you want to know, Mandy?"

"Nothing, just curious. Because ... as soon as you leave the house, you look completely different. Well, maybe you can't compare to me, but still, I don't like it!" Mandy confirmed her sentence, bringing her face closer and gripping Brenda's right shoulder tightly.

"H-he's my friend. That's all," said Brenda in pain from Mandy's grip.

"Really? Just friends?" Mandy's deadly gaze couldn't believe Brenda's words.

"R-really! That's all!" Brenda reassured Mandy.

Mandy finally released her grip from Brenda's shoulder and snapped her fingers. She and his gang of pretty girls on campus were rushing to leave Brenda, but the leader's steps suddenly stopped and turned to Brenda with a sly smile, "Would you mind introducing me to that friend of yours?"

Brenda is shocked by Mandy's words! He knew very well what kind of person Mandy was! Someone who will never be satisfied with just one man who can't fulfill his desires. "W-what? Introducing him to you?"

"Yes, why? Do you mind, my dear sister?" Mandy smirked.

Brenda was silent for a moment. "No, I'll introduce him if he drives me again."

"Okay, make sure he drops you off and when he arrives, tell him someone wants to see him."

Mandy and her gang of girls immediately left Brenda in front of her class. The girl seemed to sigh as she carried her backpack. With a downcast look, Brenda stepped out of her campus with mixed feelings, all on her mind right now was where she should go. Should I return to that strange house or sleep on the streets.

"Huh, how come my luck is never lucky? I'm so jealous of Mandy. She can get what she wants, any man she wants with just a snap of her finger ... they will come naturally." Brenda looked at her colorful, accidentally washed fingers. "Now, where should I go? Back to Mr. Anthony's house? It's so awkward. I can't even step around a house full of women at night."

Brenda sat at the bus stop with her long legs outstretched, looking up at the orange sky of Dallas. Now and then the girl played with her lips, sometimes she whistled softly. Before long, a luxury black sedan stopped at the bus stop and a man opened the car door from inside. "Are you Miss Brenda Carleta?" asked the man with the sunglasses from inside the car.

"Ah, y-yes. I'm Brenda Carleta. W-who are you?"

"Please come with me," the man said simply.

"Following you? Where and who are you?" Brenda was curious.

The man immediately took out his cellphone and seemed to be talking to someone. Before long, the man's cell phone was given to Brenda. "Please, sir, would like to speak to you."

'Sir?' Brenda murmured increasingly curious and confused.


[Dear Brenda, how was your day today, huh? Did something interesting happen?] Brenda's soft, feminine voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"F-fine. But, who is this?" she asked, confused.

[It's me, Anthony. Don't you recognize my voice? Does my voice sound different on the phone?]

"Ah, n-no sir, uh, s-I mean yes … your voice sounds very different."

[Hahah, I'm very flattered by your compliment, Miss Brenda. But, maybe I'll return the credit to you if you'll help me.]

"M-me? H-help what, Mr. Anthony?" Brenda clenched her left hand tightly and stood opposite the man in black glasses who was still sitting in the sedan.

[Your task is very easy, Miss Brenda. All you need to do is sit back and smile.]

Brenda increasingly did not understand what Anthony said.

"You mean Mr. Anthony"

[There will be a very important guest coming to my house. Since I was out and probably came back late at night, then I want you to take my place to meet this guest. How? Do you want to help me? Don't worry, you don't have to worry, Miss Brenda. I will pay you.]

'Could it be that he wants me to be a woman ....'

"Ah, s-sorry, Mr. Anthony. But . . . but I can't help you. Sorry."

[I'll give you Pierre Auguste Renoir's painting, how about that?]

"What? W-what did you just say? Pierre Auguste Renoir? Are you going to give the painter a painting?" Brenda was so shocked that she covered her mouth.

[Yes! I'll pay you for the painting. I see you are quite familiar with canvas art. How?]

Brenda thought for a moment, her thin red lips bitten as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay! I'll help you, Mr. Anthony."