A Silly Trick

Aaron and Anthony arrive at an exclusive five-star restaurant where he must meet his father's client and best friend, Rome William. Aaron who that night looked dashing in a black tuxedo and Anthony who had transformed into a very beautiful goddess with white silver hair and a red dress without a collar splitting in the middle, thigh-high cleavage, and eye-catching diamond necklaces made her appearance the center of attention of men. who saw it.

"I haven't felt like this in a long time." Anthony's smile took Aaron's hand like a couple.

"You'll get a lot more attention when you meet this person, madam." Aaron teased staring at Anthony, the androgynous.

"Good evening, Mr. Aaron." Said the man in a maid uniform.

"Evening, on behalf of Mr. Rome William," Aaron said later.

"Okay, he's waiting for you, Mr. Aaron. Come, I'll take you."

The two of them followed the waiter to the table that had been provided. The interior of the restaurant looks very grand, like the Winter Palace in Russia, paintings from past century painters hang neatly as if they too are enjoying dinner in the restaurant.

"Good evening, Mr. Rome. Mr. Aaron has come." The maid opened the gold-plated brown wooden door wide.

"Let him in." A deep male voice immediately wafted through the VVIP room.

"Good evening Mr. Rome William, how are you? Nice to meet you, how long have we haven't seen one another? I apologize that my father cannot come to see you in person." Aaron said, bowing his head.

"Haha, that's fine, Mr. Aaron. I understand if Mr. Elmer is so busy, you too have had enough, Sir." Said Rome William, a sixty-year-old man with slightly graying black hair on the right side and a bulging belly standing up to greet Aaron.

"Thank God that Mr. Rome is an understanding person, so I don't have to hesitate." Aaron's laughter melted the tense and tense atmosphere.

"Haha, please have a seat, Mister Aaron." Rome William's eyes glanced at Anthony who was standing behind Aaron and covering his face with the fan he was carrying. "That . . . who, Mr. Aaron, if I may ask?" Rome asked curiously as he continued to look at Anthony.

"This is my friend," Aaron said with a small smile. "Why, Mr. Rome? Would you like to meet my friend?" Aaron glanced at Anthony and gave him a nod, while Rome William rubbed his chin.

"If your friend doesn't mind, Mr. Aaron."

"How?" Aaron asked, looking at Anthony.

Rome William was immediately stunned when Anthony folded his fan and showed his entire face. "How are you, Mr. Rome? My name is Antoinette, nice to meet you." Anthony, who dresses up as a woman, doesn't look flawed, especially since he was already known as an androgynous model.

"What a beautiful name, just like the wife of Louis XVI," Rome replied without stopping smiling looking at Anthony with his flirtatious eyes.

Aaron, who knew his father's client's temperament and character, immediately called the waiter and brought him the best white wine plus the best caviar the restaurant had. Aaron glanced at Anthony and asked him to pour white wine into Rome's glass as a tribute to his father's best friend.

"Please, Mr. Rome. I'm sure this white wine won't be intoxicating unless you drink it with me." Anthony said looking back at Rome with his big round blue eyes.

"Haha, I have to admit it. Aaron, you are very good at treating guests, whereas in this case, I was the one who asked your father to come to see me," said Rome William.

"No problem, Mr. Rome! My father's client is also my client, your father's best friend will also be my friend, right? So why should we hesitate." Aaron raised the glass of white wine and widened his smile.

"For the cooperation of Elmer Enterprise and Rome Enterprise." Rome William said, raising his glass too. "Initially, I wanted to take Clare, my daughter, to meet with Mr. Aaron. But, it seems the circumstances are not possible. She has to have surgery on her patient today," explained Rome William, shaking his head.

"Too bad, not Mr. Rome. I wanted to meet and get to know your daughter. I hear she's a surgeon in one of the hit hospitals in town?" Aaron's fishing rod, while Anthony was busy listening and watching Aaron's interlocutor.

"Haha, right Mr. Aaron! My daughter is a plastic surgeon who has received worldwide recognition and has operated on many world celebrities, as well as some important people in this city," whispered Rome William proudly.

"Is that so? Hmm, looks like I'll need your daughter's help, Mr. Rome." Aaron said, twirling his glass.

Anthony furrowed his brow in a crooked smile. He had no idea what his crazy friend would do.

"Mr. Aaron? But, I wonder who will need my daughter's hand? All I know is that your friends are very physically perfect. So which friend are you referring to, sir?"

Aaron began to be displeased with Rome William's words. He then pushed into the middle of the goblet containing his white wine and said, "Do you see this white wine, Mr. Rome? What do you think?" asked Aaron again.

"White, clean, fragrant, refreshing, and healthy."

"Is that so? If that's your opinion then I don't think Elmer Enterprise is the right place for you to invest, Mr. Rome. Excuse me." Aaron was about to rush out of his seat.

"Eh, Mr. Aaron. Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? What does wine have to do with our cooperation?"

"Mr. Rome, Elmer Enterprise is a company where there's not only good quality but also bad. They don't always come from white wines that are healthy, fragrant, and fresh. I think my father would have the same opinion as me if he comes tonight," Aaron confidently.

"Hah, looks like you misjudged Mr. Aaron." Rome William smirked with a cynical smile.

"I misjudged? Can you tell me where I misjudged, Mr. Rome?" Aaron put his hands in his pockets, while Anthony still sat quietly watching Rome William.

"Between Mr. Elmer and I have been friends for fifty years and during that time I have watched you grow and develop into a mature man, established, but unfortunately not mature enough."

"What?" Aaron narrowed his eyes.

"My goal tonight to invite your dad is to talk about your and Clare's matchmaking and engagement. Because, I think you two grew and thrived together, even though Clare only lived in Dallas for a short time, but I don't think you'll forget my daughter."

Anthony brushed his fan aside and covered his smiling face. "Anything funny, Miss Antoinette?" Aaron glanced at Anthony in annoyance.

Anthony shook his head, still laughing.

"What do you think, Miss Antoinette? Am I wrong? Did I say too much?" asked Rome looking at Anthony with puppy-like eyes.

"I don't think it's wrong, Mr. Rome. There's nothing wrong with what you said, it's just ..." Anthony stood up and closed his fan, approached Aaron, and kissed his left cheek very affectionately by showing his face towards Rome William.

"W-what are you guys doing?!" Rome was surprised and pointed at both of them with emotion.

"What do we do? Can't you judge for yourself, Mr. Rome? And, almost forgot, sorry I couldn't come at your invitation because ..." Aaron pinched his right hand against Anthony's sharp chin as he said with a gentle look, "I'm with my girlfriend, enjoying our first anniversary." His smile is carefree.

"You! Don't you know what the consequences will be if your father finds out about this, huh?! Do you know the impact on Elmer Enterprise? No wonder your father doesn't trust you running Elmer Enterprise!" Rome's emotions.

"What I'm doing has nothing to do with Elmer Enterprise, Mr. Rome. Besides, this way won't work for me, Mr. Rome. I've known a lot of people like you! We're going, my dear." Aaron turned his body from the face of Rome William, holding Anthony's hand affectionately until the old man sat down in a limp chair.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to do something crazy like that, Aaron." Said Anthony who was already in the car.

"That old fox just keeps on making me do useless things! He thinks he can fool Aaron Duke Elmer, huh?" The man smirked as he left the restaurant.

"What would you do now after you dumped that ugly fat man?" asked Anthony suspiciously.

"Still on planning A, come back to my savior and wait for the best performance," Aaron smirks widely.