Someone Brenda Knew

"You!" Brenda feels shocked after that mysterious guest opens his mask.

"Yes? Do you know me?" asked that man with a wide smile.

Brenda silents. She never thought that would meet Mandy's boyfriend in this lodging. "Aren't you Mandy's boyfriend? Did she know what are you do-"


That man suddenly pinched Brenda's chin with his big, long fingers. Brenda didn't have time to fight back and she was pushed a few steps until she leaned against a sofa.

"So your name is Brenda?" asked the man with a sinister smile and a cold expression on his face.

"W-how did you know my name?" Shocked, Brenda rolled her eyes.

"Haha, everyone on campus knows who you are too! A bitch who thinks she's beautiful and can make all boys bow down to you!"

Brenda was very surprised by the words of a man who she did not know his name, but which Mandy often brought home. "Don't talk nonsense, Sir! I don't know you, but why do you speak as if you know me?" Brenda slapped the man's hand and tried to stand up but her body was grabbed and pushed so hard against the sofa that her body hit the bottom of the maroon sofa.

"No wonder the Broodys kicked you out, you cheap woman! Look now at you, your clothes and where you live!" The man then pulled Brenda's hair so tightly that the poor woman screamed in pain. "Do you know this place and your duty here, huh?!" He glared at the man's eyes, the sound and smell of his nicotine breath hit Brenda's senses of smell.

Brenda just kept silent while holding back annoyance with her hands clenched into fists held by the man. "Hah, so you don't know where you are now, apparently!" the man's smirk then brushed Brenda's cheek with a look like a hungry lion.

"Get your dirty hands off my face!" snapped Brenda rebuffing the man's hand.

"Haha, did I hear right? Dirty? I'm dirty...."


The man tormented Brenda more and more harshly and arrogantly.

"Listen, bitch! If anyone has to say 'dirty', it's me! Got it! You still don't understand, huh? You're a whore!" shouted the man right in Brenda's face.

"W-what?" Shocked Brenda in disbelief.

"This place is a brothel! A house where girls and young women want money from rich people like me and beg to spend the night with them, got it!" a sharp, shrill voice slid from the man's mouth without pause.

"Don't talk nonsense, Sir! I can report your words to Mr. Anthony for spreading slander!" threatened Brenda still in disbelief.

"Hahaha, you want to threaten me? Go ahead! I'm not afraid! You want proof, huh? Want proof that you're a prostitute? Come with me!" The man pulled Brenda's arm tight, out of the small house resembling a hut, dragging the barefoot Brenda to the front of Anthony's mansion.

"See! See it with your own eyes, Miss Brenda! Now, do you still consider yourself holy, huh?" Brenda's body was thrown to the grass in front of Anthony's magnificent house terrace, while the women and men in the house watched with scornful expressions and curt smiles. "So how do you see yourself now, Miss Brenda? If word of you got out and spread, you know what would happen, right?" the man's grin was stroking Brenda's beautiful body again with the dress torn at the knees.

'Tell me this isn't true! Not true, Brenda! Not!' Brenda kept shaking her head, denying every inch of the man's words until someone's loud voice startled them both.

"What is this? Miss Brenda, why are you outside and your clothes-"

Brenda looked up at someone in a fiery red evening cocktail dress with a sad look in her eyes and almost tears in her eyes.

"Madam, where have you been? I am very disappointed with the service you provided tonight!" the man snapped, straightening his coat.

"Mr. Bernard, can you tell me what happened? Why are my men like this?" Anthony's lyrics.

"Ask this bitch! What has she done to me! How could you send someone who doesn't even know where she lives to serve me?! I'm really disappointed! Now, I want you to pay me back!" said Bernard, the man who had been torturing Brenda.

"Compensate for your losses? Have I heard right? Shouldn't I be the one asking for compensation, Mr. Bernard? Look what you've done to one of my men! How can you ask for compensation!" Anthony didn't want to lose.

An emotional Bernard approached Anthony and raised his head. "You know who I am and my family are, right? I can destroy this place with just a snap of my fingers and everything will be flat... destroyed... nothing left!" Bernard smirked.

"I know who you are and your background, but I'm not afraid of your threats either, Mr. Bernard! I too can destroy your life and reputation if you dare mess with me!" Anthony smiled broadly at Bernard's arrogance.

Bernard, who heard Anthony's words, immediately became angry and wanted to take it out on Brenda, but was immediately stopped by Anthony and ordered two of his well-built men to expel Bernard. "I will avenge what you did, Madam! I will destroy all the inhabitants of this damn place!" shouted Bernard.

Meanwhile, Brenda who was still kneeling in the grass just lowered her head while clenching her hands. Anthony then crouched down in front of him and patted him on the shoulder, but Brenda avoided him.

"Sorry-" Anthony said quietly. "I should have said it from the start, Miss Brenda. Didn't know it would end up like this." Anthony lowered his head, full of regret.

"Is that true, Mr. Anthony? This place is a brothel?" asked Brenda through a quivering mouth.

Anthony was silent. He sat down on the grass with Brenda and stared at the moonlight directly overhead. "I was afraid that if I told you the truth, you would leave and I would lose a good friend like you."

"Hah, don't be funny, Mr. Anthony! I'm not a good person, nor a saint. Please, don't make me laugh to death!" Brenda snapped, grinning.

"You do know how to humble yourself, don't you?"

"What? What are you talking about, Mr. Anthony?" Brenda looked displeased with Anthony's words and stood ready to leave.

"You're like my sister, Miss Brenda," he said suddenly.

"What?" Brenda turned to look at Anthony who was sitting on the grass.

"You're like my little sister, spoiled, grumpy, unruly, and a little arrogant." Anthony's smile.

Brenda was still silent and ignored Anthony's words. "But, that's what made me like you. When you came to this place for the first time with a shabby face and tattered clothes, for some reason my heart ached and ached. To think that my sister was still alive and like you. I would be very sad."

"Then?" asked Brenda coldly.

"If you really want to get out of here, I will no longer stand in your way. Sorry, if the way I greeted you would hurt Miss Brenda."

Brenda, who didn't talk much, immediately left the place, passing through the two large glass doors on the terrace of Anthony's house without knowing that someone was leaning against the wall, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Apparently, this time Miss Brenda is really angry and can't be persuaded anymore." Anthony said approaching the person, who else if not Aaron Duke Elmer.

"The man with Miss Brenda, who is he?" he asked curiously.

"Bery Bernard, son of Jason Bernard, CEO of Bernard Finance Corporation, one of the investors who owns many shares in the company in this city," explained Anthony.

Without thinking and hesitation, Aaron immediately took out his cell phone and called someone.

"Mr. Nicky, check if Elmer Enterprise has any relationship with Bernard Finance Corporation? If so, do they have any shares in our company? How much, tell me immediately!" Quickly, Aaron turned off his phone while flashing a faint smile.

"What do you want to do?" asked Anthony curiously.

"Giving a little 'gift' to someone who has dared to hurt my best friend's beloved sister." Aaron's smile.

"W-what?" Anthony widened his eyes and was taken aback.