Don't Mess Up With Me

After the incident at Anthony's house, Aaron begins to order Nicky, his right-hand man, to find out if Elmer Enterprise has a cooperative relationship with Bernard Finance, of course without the knowledge of his father, John Duke Elmer. Aaron, who was displeased with Berry Bernard's attitude, planned to take revenge on the twenty-five-year-old man.

[Sir, I have checked what you ordered.]

"How is the result?"

[Bernard Finance is not a shareholder in Elmer's company, but what I heard is that Mr. Jason Bernard's son plans to join one of the agencies under Elmer Enterprise.]

Aaron immediately smirked, as if enlightened, he asked Nicky to come to meet him at his condo.

"Come to my condo tomorrow after lunch. I have a mission for you to carry out!"

After being satisfied with calling his right hand, Anthony came and saw his best friend smiling to himself, inviting the androgynous man's curiosity. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because I have a small 'gift' for the man who has made our sweet lady sad and hurt."

Anthony frowned. "What do you want to do?"

"Just wait and see what I can do, my dear friend." Aaron's smile didn't stop grinning.


Meanwhile, in the room, Brenda was laying down and crying while clawing at her face which Bernard had touched. Screaming like a madman, Brenda kept moving her hands as if involuntarily until her face hurt and blood slowly oozed from the corner of her upper lip.

Anthony and Aaron, who heard Brenda's scream in the middle, went straight to his room and tried to open the door which was locked by Brenda from the inside. The two of them looked at each other and Aaron nodded coded to break down Brenda's door, while the "visitors" of Anthony's house began to be curious about the screams in the brothel.

Both Brenda and Anthony and the visitors at her house were shocked, while Aaron remained outside Brenda's room, watching her from a distance.

"Miss Brenda! What are you doing? Why is your face-" Anthony held Brenda's hands which kept clawing at her face until it hurt.

"Let go! Let me go, Mr. Anthony! Let me go!" shouted Brenda who tore a bit of the androgynous man's dress and made Margareth come forward, spontaneously rebuking Brenda.

"You ungrateful woman! Why did you ruin Madam's dress, huh?! Haven't you humiliated Madam in front of her VVIP guests? What a useless woman!"

"Margareth, enough!" this time Anthony let out his deep voice.

Everyone was silent, Margareth was a little surprised, as were the guests in the house. "Call the doctor, have him treat Miss Brenda's face." Said Anthony glanced at Margaret and then wanted to wipe Brenda's face which was full of wounds.

"But, Madam-"

"But what! I'm sorry I gave you this task, Margaret! It's you who can't work! Not Miss Brenda!" Anthony's high, curt voice echoed throughout Brenda's room.

"Now call the doctor and don't ask too many questions!" Anthony began to raise his voice. "And the others ..." Anthony stood up and bowed his slender body like a model in front of his exclusive guests saying, "Sorry for the unpleasant incident that happened today, in exchange I will treat the guests with the best quality wine and the best wine the best lady escort we have."

Shortly after, the doctor immediately came along with Margaret to Brenda's room. Anthony's bodyguards immediately took the guests out of Brenda's room, herding them back downstairs along with the best lady escorts in the brothel, except for Aaron who was still standing outside Brenda's room watching them. Anthony, who glanced at Aaron briefly, nodded his head as if to say that Brenda was fine. Margareth, who still hadn't moved from Brenda's room, gradually became curious about the whereabouts of Aaron who she had never seen before.

"Is there anything else I can help you with, madam?" asked Margareth, approaching Anthony.

"Nothing! Get out!" said Anthony curtly.

Margareth did not dare to argue, at a glance the brunette woman saw the condition of Brenda who was being treated by the doctor. A slight smirk crossed her face and she didn't seem to notice that someone was watching her.

"Your name is Margaret?" asked Aaron just as the woman came out of Brenda's room.

"Yes, I'm Margaret. You are ...."

"My name is Aaron, I'm a friend of Anthony." He smiled kindly.

Margareth saw Anthony from head to toe look like a naughty woman, seeing his clothes, physique, and charming handsome face Margareth immediately approached Aaron and put his hands on his broad chest. "Is there anything I can help you with, Mr. Aaron?" he asked.

"Yes, there is something you can do for me, Miss Mar,areth." Aaron said while kissing the back of the hand of the most beautiful woman in the house.

Shyly, Margareth replied, "Just tell me, Mr. Aaron, what I can do and I will gladly do it."

Aaron glanced at him grinning. He elbowed his elbow and asked Margareth to wrap her left arm. Of course, the woman would not waste an opportunity that did not always come like this, a handsome, rich, and towering man came to her and asked for 'something' from her.

Anthony, who saw the two of them slightly frowned, wanted to approach the two of them, but he also couldn't leave Brenda who looked in pain.

'Aaron, what are you going to do? Why do I have a bad feeling?' murmured Anthony continuing to be by Brenda's side who was being treated with ointment by the doctor.

"How is she, Doc? How long will it take for her to be back to normal? Will there be no scars on her face?" asked Anthony in a chorus of questions.

"Fortunately the claws are not too deep, so as not to cause serious problems. I have given this Miss the best ointment made by myself, Madam. So, I can guarantee that this lady's face will return to normal, it will even look prettier than before." The doctor assured Anthony.

"Hmm, is that so? I'll remember what you said! If you miss a word, Doctor ...." Anthony approached the Doctor, grabbed the collar of his black shirt, and pulled him tight. "Your tongue will be the guarantee!" Anthony's smile.

"N-no, madam. I'm not lying. I swear!" The doctor was very scared.

Anthony snapped his finger and two tall, well-built men approached Anthony. "Ready, Madam," said one of them.

"Take Doctor Leo out of Miss Brenda's room and make sure she gets out safely." Anthony grins.

"All right, madam."

After the doctor had finished examining Brenda, Anthony sat down beside the poor woman. Looking at his face which was full of ointment and clenched his fists, holding back the pain.

'I'm sorry, Miss Brenda. If it weren't for my selfishness, you wouldn't be like this." Anthony lowered his head, regretting what he had done.

"M-mother ...."

Anthony opened his eyes and saw Brenda who was delirious.

"M-Mother, where is the mother? Brenda misses ... Mother, don't leave Brenda ... take Brenda with Mother ... Brenda is afraid ... Brenda is alone, Mom ...." Brenda in the woman's closed eyes continued deliriously calling his mother.

'What exactly have you been through, Miss Brenda? How come we meet like this?' Anthony muttered as he continued to stare at Brenda's innocent sleeping face.


Meanwhile, elsewhere, Aaron and Margareth, who were in a room in Anthony's brothel, saw the woman pouring red wine into the legged glass in front of Aaron. With a mischievous woman's smile, Margareth stood up and sat on Aaron's thighs, suddenly handing him a glass of wine.

"Sir, this drink is not very intoxicating, but if you drink too much I can't guarantee what will happen." Said Margareth draping her right hand that was carrying the glass.

"To me, you are intoxicating, Margareth. Your mysterious name and your scent drive me crazy!" Aaron immediately slammed Margareth's body onto the bed until the glass he was carrying spilled on his head and body.

"Ahhhh," cried Margareth in surprise. "S-Sir-" A mischievous smile immediately appeared on Margareth's face. The woman thought Aaron was going to rock and enjoy her body, but it turns out ....


"Ahhhh!" Margareth shouted while holding her hair which was grabbed tightly by Aaron. "S-Sir ...."

"Shut up! I don't like your bad breath, bitch! You're the one who hurt Miss Brenda, so you should feel what she feels too!" Aaron lifted Margareth's head until the woman screamed again and brought her face closer. "You know what Miss Brenda has done? You do!!" snapped Aaron.

Margareth nodded in fear.

"I want you to do the same thing as Miss Brenda did!"

"W-what? S-Sir ...." Margareth's lips trembled violently and her eyes showed panic and fear.

"You know what Miss Brenda has done, don't you? I don't need to explain to you!" Aaron removed his hand from Margareth's hair and lifted the woman's left hand with his long, sharp nails, aimed it forcefully at her face, and ordered her to claw at her face.

"Scratch your face with your nails! Do exactly what the woman you've hurt did!"

Margareth rolled her eyes and shook her head in disapproval of what Aaron ordered until the heir to the Elmer Enterprise was forced to use violence that made Margareth scream as loudly as possible.

"No! Please ... please forgive me, Mr. Aaron ... please ... I will not repeat a mistake like this! Please ...." Margareth cried in tears.

"Haha, it's useless to say you're sorry, bitch! You've hurt someone you shouldn't have hurt! Now, you have to feel what he feels too!" Aaron was like a madman on a rampage.

Anthony, who immediately followed Aaron when he heard a woman's scream, just stopped in front of a room with a dark red door. His steps seemed so heavy that he couldn't move and open the door. Before long, Anthony saw Aaron tidying his tuxedo, smiling carelessly. Anthony glanced back and widened his eyes when he saw Margareth's face, which was covered in blood, on the bed and wept bitterly.

"What happened? Why Margareth-"

"That's her fault! Why would she dare to disturb someone she shouldn't be bothering with!" Aaron smirked leaving the room and going downstairs.