The Secret Agreement Part 1

Aaron's Condo

Knowing that Brenda was hurt by the people who were now in Aaron's hands, the heir to the Elmer Enterprise did not remain silent. Shortly after, the doorbell of his condominium rang and the man's long legs headed for the black metal door and opened it wide with a smile. "Come in." He said to the man standing in front of him wearing a white suit, Nicky.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Aaron. Sorry I came late because I had to take care of one of our agencies which was a little problematic." Bow down Nicky.

"Come in."

"Thank you, Sir."

Nicky and Aaron sat across from each other. Aaron took out his cigar and offered it to Nicky. "Do you wanna?" Aaron asked, holding out his cigar.

"Thank you, Sir." Nicky said, taking Aaron's favorite cigar.

"Is there something, Mr. Aaron?" asked Nicky, feeling curious.

"Like I said yesterday, you have a mission to complete!" Aaron smirked.

"What mission, Sir?" Nicky was very curious.

"Has the drama played by Mr. Liam been produced?"

"Not yet, Sir. They still lack players to serve as extras," explained Nicky.

Aaron immediately smirked. "Good! Have an impromptu casting to find this extra and I want you to invite Mr. Berry Bernard, doesn't he want to be part of the agency under Elmer Enterprise?"

"You mean, Sir?" Nicky tried to interpret Aaron's words.

"Invite him personally! Don't leak anything about this film, let him show his fangs to us, I want to see how much influence the Bernard family has on him!"

Nicky, though not understanding what Aaron was saying, still nodded his head and said, "Fine, Sir. I will carry out your orders. But, what if Mr. Bernard asks about this?"

"That's my business, you just have to do what I tell you! Ask Stephanie to help you and the most important thing! Don't let anyone hear this, including my father! Got it?"

"Understood, Sir."

"Hmm, great! Go on, I have something to do!" Aaron ordered waving his hand.

"Yes, Sir."

Aaron kept grinning. The sly smile and expression on his face that was satisfied with what he had planned was clearly visible. 'Only I can play with that woman.'


Meanwhile, Brenda, who slowly opened her eyes, was seen groaning as she tried to move her cheeks. She touched his cheeks and felt a lot of pain. Curious, Brenda immediately got up from her bed, saw both her cheeks were injured and there were quite long scratch marks.

"What are you really thinking? Why would you do such a reckless thing?"

Anthony's voice suddenly sounded so clear that Brenda was surprised. "When did you come in, Sir?" she asked cover up her scar on her face.

"Just now. I didn't knock on your door on purpose." Said Anthony standing in front of the door crossing his arms.

"Isn't that a rude name?" Brenda glared at Anthony.

The man had a long smile on his face. He approached Brenda and noticed the face she was hiding with her hands.

"How's your wound? Is it better?" Anthony asked, keeping his eyes on Brenda.

"Much better, thank you."

"For what?" asked Anthony.

"For treating me,"said Brenda curtly.

"It's my duty."

Brenda jokingly looked at Anthony. She immediately thought of what the brothel master meant to her. "Why?" asked Anthony sitting across from her now.

"Obligations? What do you mean?"

"You're my guest, so it's my duty to take care of your every need, and protect you. Also, I'm sorry for the unpleasant incident that happened to you, Miss Brenda." Anthony immediately stood up and bowed his body.

"W-what is this?" Brenda was flabbergasted at Anthony's attitude.

"I apologize for the negligence of my subordinates causing this." Hunchback Anthony.

Brenda, who was initially still annoyed, became uncomfortable and looked embarrassed. She looked at Anthony who was sincerely apologizing to him and simply said, "I just don't understand, why did Mr. Anthony ask me to accompany that man? Does Mr. Anthony think of me as ...." Brenda closed her mouth for a moment.

"As what? Oh, you mean like them?" Anthony's lyrics pointed out Brenda's room.

Brenda was silent, she still felt the pain around her cheeks. "That man told me if this place is a place where women peddle their bodies, is that true, Mr. Anthony?"

"Yes, that's right!" said Anthony without hesitation.

"So when you asked me to accompany the man, you thought of me as a whore?" Brenda clenched her fists and glared at Anthony.

Sighing, Anthony stood up to Brenda and said, "If I had thought of you like them, I would have treated you like them from the start!" He said smiling but with a firm and heavy voice. Brenda fell silent immediately. She chose to turn her face away and did not want to argue with the owner of the house anymore.

"Oh yeah ... you got a greeting from my friend, he said he will take care of everything." Anthony's smile made his way to Brenda's door.

"Who?" asked Brenda curiously.

"Someone who has helped you." Anthony waved his hand and left Brenda's room, and smiled widely. Brenda was very curious about the friend Anthony was referring to. Slowly she got up from his bed, looked in the medium size mirror at her face which was still smeared with clear gel-like ointment.

"What am I actually doing in a place like this? Why am I stuck in a situation like this?"


Meanwhile at the Elmer family residence, Aaron who returned to the family's main residence found his father, John Duke Elmer sitting on a long white sofa while smoking his Torpedo cigar looking at his eldest son with a sharp gaze. "Father, what a surprise!" Aaron said, rubbing his chest.

"Why are you so surprised? Have you seen a ghost?" asked John grinning.

"No. But why are you here? Not in the office?" asked Aaron approaching his father.

John just kept quiet and looked at Aaron while puffing white smoke into his eldest son's face. "How was your meeting with Mr. Rome?"

"Well done!" Aaron said reassuringly.

"Is that true?" John glanced at his son with a slightly sarcastic look.

"Why? What did that perverted old man say?"

"Old pervert? Where did you get that nickname, huh?"

"Don't you know that your colleague is a man who can't see beautiful women?" His grin.

"Really? Is that a problem?" John did not want to lose to his eldest son.

Aaron approached his father and said, "What are you thinking? Do you think I will be caught in a trap you set? How many times have you done this to me, huh?" Aaron in his deep voice tried to affirm his stance.

"Sighh, I know what you're doing out there, Aaron! Don't make a fool of me." John's grin was really scary.

"Then what do you want?"

John opened a small black suitcase lying next to him and took out a medium-sized brown envelope to Aaron.

"What's this?" Aaron asked, flipping through the envelope.

"Open and read it, you will understand!" John ordered, while sip of his cigar.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' Aaron muttered looking at the envelope in his hand and sure enough! His eyes immediately widened when he saw the contents inside the envelope.

"Th-this is...."