
After his conversation with Linda. He had himself thinking even more. He was either the first human with powers or they already had super-powered beings and they have managed to hide them somehow.

The operation was under Atlas labs. A government-owned research unit and Linda had mentioned Craig being one of the lawyers assigned to the organization and that's why she was here.

It was late night and he couldn't even get any sleep. He had been in a coma for five years, he had learned to envy and hate sleep wholeheartedly. The issue of being stuck in the same dreams was starting to feel like hell.

He would see himself burned to the point where it was just his under the skin. He would remember the pain he experienced as he cried to the universe to please kill him now. 


 he hoisted himself from the bed and sat on the edge. He faced the window and noticed the distant city lights of current-day Summerville. It looked more flashy almost like Los Vegas from the hotels, the casinos, and the busy streets. 

'I should go check out the city at least.'

He grabbed a jacket, a pair of sneakers, and some shorts. He wasn't some kid to stay indoors. He was nineteen an adult. 

He used the window to get out of his room. He saw a tree branch he could hold on to and use as a swing to get down. 

He wasn't athletic but he knew that he wasn't a normal human. He calculated where he was supposed to jump from and how much force he was supposed to use if he were to reach the branch.

'The branch is about three to four meters ahead and by looking at it. Dark brown, it might be wet and weak so I can't last longer than sixty seconds swinging on that branch.' he thought then smirked and jumped from the window ledge. 

He was in the air a second before going down into the branch's reach. He grabbed onto it and swung himself for ten seconds, building up momentum and letting go. 

He ended up crashing into another tree and falling on the grassed ground of Craig's compound.

He stood up and it seemed he had no injury at all. 

He pulled up his smart watch and tapped record, 'Patient eleven seems to also have increased endurance and enhanced physical abilities like agility.'

He paused. 

He stepped out of the train station and the first thing he saw was the huge buildings and lights of the city. It looked as much as he remembered it. But it was a bit too crowded from last time. 

The city had grown famous for being one of the cities that still stand even after the great event from five years ago. He crossed the street and found himself bumping into a girl. 

She dropped her handbag and all her things dropped to the ground. 

'Am sorry…' she exclaimed nervously, 

he knelt to help pick up her things and noticed she was in Eden college when he grabbed one of her handouts. 

They straightened at the same time and he finally got a clear look at her. She was a blonde-haired girl with brown eyes and a baby face. 

'So, what course are taking?' he asked, handing over her handout.

'Biochemical engineering, am a  first year, she slapped her chicks as she chuckled nervously, get yourself together Kelly.'

Jace on the other hand found that "cute"  

'I know how that feels like, I was a first-year five years ago,' 

'Really?! You don't look so old, did you graduate?'


'No, I was stuck in a coma and stuff…'

'And you still look like that,' Kelly smirked, doubting Jace's words. 

Jace rubbed the back of his neck looking for something to tell the girl before she concludes his a dumb-ass dude trying to get her number by lying. 

'The magic of coma, am I right?'


Kelly sighed, 'Am Kelly by the way and you are?'

'Jace, Jace Harper.'

Kelly burst into laughter, 'And I am the queen of England, see you later Jace.' 

She then continued on her way leaving Jace extremely confused about what was going on. Was that like some inside joke that he didn't get. 

He just sighed and continued with his tour around current Day Summerville. 

After an hour he noticed something. A man had been following him from the time he had left the train. He was a huge black man in a Hawaiian tiger print shirt and cargo shorts. He had a shiny scalp and he looked very strong from a distance.

He paced and made a hard left turn into an alley that was in between two apartment buildings. 

They followed him to an alley and stopped once he spotted him. He had intentionally driven him from the street to avoid attracting any attention.

The man spoke;

'Jace! Come with me…you're not safe,' he sounded like he was forcing his speech. 

'I will be the judge of that,' Jace snarled as he raised his right arm to use his powers.

He grunted, trying to force his telekinesis to work, but nothing happened. 

'It's not as easy as it looks,' the man clenched his fist and it grew bigger like a balloon being pumped with air. 

Jace stopped, 'You're a super-powered human! Like me.'

'Super-powered, yes. Human, no,' he threw the first at Jace and his hand stretched like rubber. 

Jace dived out of the way and the punch stopped in mid-air as it pulled back to the man. 

Jace was now trembling on the ground. The man had a serious look on his face with a frown that made his very black eyebrows look like they were joined. He didn't expect to meet another powered human like himself.

'We've been looking for you for a long time Jace. We've crossed three realms for you. Now come,' 

The man offered his giant hand. Jace looked at it with eyes full of doubt, but in his mind, he felt the need to follow this man. He wanted answers to explain what was happening to him. 

He accepted the man's hand by grabbing onto it before they were both suddenly teleported.