A Twist of Fate


Ash is a popular gorgeous high school student. She plays in a university football team. she is single because she has a variety of options. Then she meets mysterious guy who is a gangster and helps her from where her life changed.


is a friend of Ash and helps her in every matter.


He is muslim ,he is quite a very good but handsome gangster type personality.


he is a friend of Ali and has a crush on Ash.


is a boyfriend of kali and a friend of Ash.

Title: A Twist of Fate


Ash, a popular and stunning high school student, walks confidently through the bustling campus. She is surrounded by admirers, but her focus remains on her love for football. In a surprising twist, she plays on a university football team, breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes.


Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Ash skillfully manoeuvres the football, proving her talent on the field. Despite her popularity, she remains single, not easily swayed by the attention she receives from various suitors.


Ash sits with her close friends Kali and Zack , who are always by her side, supporting her in every endeavour.She was on her way back from restroom , old library, which is closed for some reason Its gate is open because of her curiosity she went in and saw a boy doing something unusual. A thug boy passed by and came after watching Ash in there ,he grabs her hand, and she got shocked and slapped him,he get furius.

David: How dare you slap me.

he was about to her while Ali stopped him and said,

Ali: Stop you guys, disturb me.Don't you have manners . You should respect girls instead of doing this kind of stuff.And you should go alone where only a guy is.

David: I am going now, but i will take revenge soon.

Ali: Was about to go.his eyes are down. He didn't look at her even once.

Ash: Thanks for today ,i will owe you one.

Ali: I didn't do much, but this is what everyone could have done.

Ash: Can't you talk while looking at me.

Ali: I don't want to ruin believe.You are not my relative. Also, don't let others touch you , you don't know their intentions. Can i ask you to favour? Kindly don't come here again ,i was doing something important, and i got distracted.

Ash: Well, this place does not belong to you. Also, what kind of ritual were you performing here alone at a closed place.

Ali: I was offering prayer, which requires your foucs, and i have permission to perform prayer here.

Ash: Interesting, but i can come anytime.

Ali: Sure ,you can come, but not in the afternoon when i am here to pray.

Ash: ok ,I am leaving now. See you again.

Kali: Is everything alright? What has taken you for a long time.

We have ordered your favourite salmon and stake.

Ash: Yes, i was talking with someone.

Kali: Someone, huh?

Zack: You know it must be her admirers.

Ash: Let's eat, guys. i am hungry.


Kali shares drinks, and Ash told them she has something to say.

Ash: You know david, one of the seniors he came in the old library, he was about to hurt me while a guy saved me. I was shocked when he grabbed my hand. i slapped him.

Kali: You did right.how dare he did that? we will send a complaint to the dean.

Ash: Matter was sorted out, so let it be.

Zack: Who was the guy that saved you.

Ash: i don't know yet, but he was weird.

Kali; How come the old library is open, and what were you doing there.

Ash: i went out of curiously, and he was performing some ritual.

Kali: alone ,what kind of ritual.

Ash:he said he was praying.

Zack: If you want, i can find his biodata.

Kali: We should make him friend.

They laughed and talked.

Ash: Thanks guys if it wouldn't be you, i would be alone.

Kali: If something happened, just tell us we can sort it out.

Zack: You know i can save you.

Ash: I know . See you guys now. i have to go home.