Unconventional Bonds


Ash, the football team captain and a celebrity on campus, strolls confidently, admired by everyone for her looks and sports prowess.


Ash's best friend, Kali, notices her exhausted state.

Kali: (concerned) Hey Ash, why aren't you going to class?

Ash: (tired) Kali, I'm so exhausted. You forgot to call me earlier.

Kali: (apologetic) Oh, sorry, I was in a rush to class.

Zach, Kali's boyfriend, joins them.

Zach: (teasing) Hey lovebirds.

Ash: (smiling) Hello, Zach.

Kali: (playful) Hello, Zach. We're going to the cafeteria. Want to join?

Zach: (enthusiastic) Let's grab some breakfast then.


Ash, Kali, and Zach sit at a table.

Ryan, an admirer of Ash, approaches her.

Ryan: (nervous) Ash, can you spare a minute?

Ash: (busy) Not now.

Kali: (teasing) You can have her.

Zach: (amused) We'll meet you in the cafeteria.

Ash: (irritated) See, Ryan, I'm already messed up. We can talk later.

Ryan: (persistent) Listen...

Zach: (teasing) Now she'll fight with us for leaving her behind.

Kali: (sarcastic) Yeah, because of her attitude, he lost many handsome faces. If I were her, I'd date everyone.

Zach: (laughs) You're saying that in front of your boyfriend?

Kali: (defiant) So what?

Rosie, an antagonistic presence, joins the scene.

Rosie: (mocking) Hey, Kali, have you seen Ryan anywhere?

Zach: (knowingly) Yep, he's with Ash.

Rosie: (jealous) She's just a bitch who snatched everyone's boyfriend.

Kali: (furious) Stop! What did you say?

Rosie: (provoking) Do I have to repeat myself?

Kali: (slaps Rosie) You're a real bitch, that's why he left you.

Zach: (laughs)

Rosie: (about to slap Kali) But...

Ash: (interrupts) Enough! Stop creating a mess. Let's go, Rosie.

Rosie: (angry) I want my revenge!

Kali: (defiant) Ash, she called you a bitch. Why wouldn't I slap her?

Ash: (calmly) Step back. (slaps Rosie)

Ali arrives on the scene.

Ali: (intrigued) Why are you guys disturbing me?

Ash: (assertive) This place doesn't belong to you. Go back if you have a problem.

Ali: (nonchalant) Ryan, come practice with me.

Ryan: (hesitant) See you, guys.

Ash: (stopping Ryan) Wait! Don't you want to talk to me?

Ryan: (conflicted) Ali, can you give me a minute?

Ali: (warning tone) You're going to have a hard time.

Ryan: (apologetic) Sorry, Ash. We'll meet tomorrow.

Ash holds Ryan's hand, making him pause and kiss him.

Ash: (firmly) Hey, Rosie, he's my boyfriend now. Back off.

Ryan: (happy) get near her and said Goodbye.

Rosie leaves angrily.

Old library

Ali: Why you are involved in mess ,the girl who kiss you doesn't she the one who rejected you once.

Ryan: Maybe she started to change. I am going will join you later.


Ash, Kali, Zach, and Ryan sit together, enjoying breakfast.

Ryan: (concerned) What happened to your arm?

Ash: (hesitant) I just... well...you don't need to concern.

Kali: (interjecting) She hurt herself while practicing.

Ash: (frustrated) I'm going. Don't follow me.

Kali: (worried) Ash, eat something first.

Ryan: (apologetic) Did I say something wrong?

Zach: (explaining) She injured herself while fighting some nuts.

Ryan: (understanding) Should I follow her?

Kali: (reassuring) No, she'll be alright.

Ali heads off to change, and the group continues their breakfast.


Ali: I warned you to not come when i am here.

Ash: (to herself) I just need some personal space to heal. Can I hold your hands, Ali?

Ali: (surprised) I am not your friend why would I. Also i can't touch you or let you touch it is prohibited for me to.

Ash:Don't you just look at me , I seem bright and beautiful, but emotionally broken and need some time to heal you can help me like you do yesterday.

Ali: You can stay and heal i will come afterwards.I can't allow to stay with girl alone in room.

Ash: (confiding) grabs his hand, whats wrong with that,you are first one to decline , Everyone else likes me, but I want someone to know the real me and enjoy life with me.

(Someone clicks photo of them.)

Ali: (suggestive)leave my hand kindly, I Don't need to explain myself.

Ash: (appreciative) Okay. By the way, I haven't seen you on the football field.

Ali: (nonchalant) Everyone's afraid of me. Ryan and I play during our free lectures.

Ash: (excited) You can play with me. I have class now, so I've got to go.

Ali: (relieved) Thank God, now I can rest freely.

Ash: (playful) I'll tease you daily, good luck!


Ash enters the classroom, and Kali immediately approaches her, curious about the situation with Ryan.

Kali: (whispers) So, Ash, are you really going to date Ryan?

Ash: (whispers) Oh, that? I just wanted to make Rosie jealous, so I said that. You know how she is.

Kali: (whispers)do you know Ryan is friend of that gangster Ali? You should avoid Ryan?

Ash: (whispers) Ali might have a tough exterior, but he's not bad like other said. We've had a couple of encounters, and he surprised me ,i said can i hold your hands and he declined like what why, he declined me.

Kali: Isn't he rude ? Maybe he is dangerous that's why.

Ash: Don't be silly ,he isn't like that he is just different and that is why i wanted to know about him.



Ash is studying in the library when Ali approaches her.

Ali: (casual) Mind if I join you?

Ash: (surprised) Oh, sure. I didn't expect to see you here.

Ali: (smirking) I like to keep people guessing.


Ash: (whispers) See, he can be quite intriguing.

Kali: it was just coincidence there was not enough space in other tables so he sit with us.



Ash is sitting alone in the garden, deep in thought, when Ali appears.

Ali: (softly) You seem lost in your thoughts. Everything alright?

Ash: (sincerely) Yeah, just dealing with some stuff. Thanks for asking.


Ash: (whispers) Ali's been there for me, Kali. He may have a tough facade, but there's more to him than meets the eye.

Kali: (whispers) Well, if he's good to you, I guess that's what matters. Just be careful, Ash.

Ash: (smiling) I will, don't worry. And to be honest, after those encounters, I found myself more attracted to Ali than I expected.

Kali: (whispers) Really? I never would've guessed!

Ash: (giggles) It's strange, right? But I guess sometimes, people surprise us in the most unexpected ways.

The professor begins the class, and Ash and Kali focus on their studies, looking forward to whatever the future holds for their friendships and relationships.


After the class ends, Ash, Kali, and Zyan head to a cozy cafe for a drink.

Kali and Zyan are being affectionate, and they playfully tease Ash about her single status.

Kali: (playful) Ash, you should get a boyfriend already. We can't stand seeing you single!

Zyan: (teasing) Yeah, at least give these guys a chance. So many people have asked to join you.

Ash chuckles, taking a sip of her drink.

Ash: (smiling) You both know I'm not into clingy stuff. I'd rather be alone until I find someone who truly attracts me.

Kali: (curious) But Ash, so many people are interested in you. Why don't you say yes to any of them?

Ash: (thoughtful) It's not just about the number of people interested in me. I believe in genuine connections, not just dating for the sake of it. When the right person comes along, I'll know, and that's when I'll consider being in a relationship.

Zyan: (nodding) Fair enough. You know what's best for you.

Ash: (content) Exactly. I'd rather wait for something real than rush into something that doesn't feel right.

Kali: (supportive) We totally understand, Ash. We just want to see you happy.

Ash: (grateful) Thanks, Kali. I know you guys care about me, and I appreciate it. But for now, I'm perfectly content being single and focusing on what truly matters to me.

They continue their evening, enjoying each other's company and supporting one another in their choices and decisions.