Ali started to live with Ash

**Scene: Ash's Living Room - Morning**

*Ash is pacing around the living room while Ali sits on the couch, looking calm and collected.*

**Ali:** (exasperated)

Ash, you can't just decide to move in with me like that! And calling me your boyfriend? Seriously?

**Ash:** (leaning back)

Relax, Ali. It's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be.

**Ali:** (stopping and facing him)

Not a big deal? You want to live together, and you're acting like we're already in a relationship.This kind of relationship is not acceptable in islam.I am calling you sister.

**Ash:** (shrugging)

I thought it would be a good idea. You can help keep an eye on you.

**Ali:** (rolling her eyes)

Oh, great. So I'm your next "mission" or something?

**Ash:** (leaning forward)

No, it's not like that. Look, I'm not used to letting people close, but I want to make sure poeple will not cling to me if they know you are my boyfriend.Just act like one atleast.

**Ali:** (sighing)

Ash, I appreciate your concern, but this is too much. We barely know each other.Also i can protect to you as a brother.

**Ash:** (softly)

I know we haven't known each other for long, but sometimes you just feel a connection, you know?Everyone knows i don't have brother.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow)

A connection? Really?I am not that type and you know that.

**Ash:** (smirking)

Yeah, a connection. And don't deny that you feel it too.


Connection (huh)?i was just helping you beacuse it was my mistake that they think you are my gf and now you wanted to become on.

**Ash:** (holding up a bag)

I brought breakfast. See? I'm not forcing you just eat.

**Ali:** (crossing her arms)

Fine, i can stay for breakfast. But that's it.

**Ash:** (nodding)

Deal. And about calling you my boyfriend... It just slipped out.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow)

Right. Slipped out, huh?

**Ash:** (leaning closer)

But it wouldn't be a lie if it wasn't just a slip, would it?

**Ali:** (pausing)

Let's not complicate things, okay? We'll be housemates, and that's it.

**Ash:** (smirking) We'll see.

**ali:** (rolling her eyes)

Just eat your breakfast.

*They share a playful moment before Ali gets up to join her in the kitchen.*

**Ali:** (whispering)

And don't worry, I'll still be your bodyguard.I am sorry i worked up but i never see you that way.


Ali was doing workout and did fresh up and wearing shirt while ash came unannounced.

Ash: was peeking at him admiring his abs while he ask her to leave.

**Ali:** (jokingly)

You can't come like this sister as you know?

**Ash:** (peeking) I'm sure you're in great shape.

**Ali:** (wearing a shirt) Okay, I'm decent now.

**Ash:** (turning around) Finally.

*As they're talking, the doorbell rings.*

**Ash:** (opening the door)

Kali, Zack, Ryan! What are you guys doing here?

**Kali:** (playfully)

Just wanted to surprise you, but it seems like we interrupted something.

**Zack:** (grinning)

Yeah, Ali's "killer abs."

**Ali:** (smirking)

Hey, they're just a bonus.

**Ryan:** (looking around)

I didn't expect to find a party here.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes)

It's not a party. Come in.

**Kali:** (teasing)

And why was Ali in such a hurry to put on a shirt?

**Ash:** (annoyed)

Can we not talk about that?He is my brother and bodyguard ok guys.

**Zack:** (laughing)

Alright, alright. We'll behave.

**Ryan:** (apologetic)

Ash, I'm sorry for not informing you. I wanted to surprise you.

**Ash:** (softening)

It's fine. Just give me a heads up next time.

**Ali:** (casually)

I were just working out.

**Ryan:** (raising an eyebrow) Working out, huh?

**Ali:** (chuckles)

Yeah, you should join us sometime.

**Kali:** (playful)

Is there anything you two want to tell us?

**Ash:** (sighing)

No, Kali. Nothing to tell.

**Ali:** (grinning)

Just some brother sister bonding.

**Ryan:** (playfully)

I feel left out now.

**Zack:** (smirking)

Yeah, where's my invitation to this gym session?

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes)

You guys are impossible.

**Kali:** (laughing)

Alright, we'll stop teasing. Let's do something fun instead.

*As their friends settle in, Ash can't help but feel grateful for their presence, even if they did manage to turn a simple workout into a teasing session.*

**Scene: Ash's Kitchen - Afternoon**

*Ali is cooking in the kitchen while Ash offers to help him.*

**Ali:** (smiling) You really want to help?

**Ash:** (grinning) I promise not to burn anything.

*Ali hands Ash some ingredients, and they start cooking together.*

**Ali:** (casually) So, do you usually cook at home?

**Ash:** (curious) I'm just wondering how someone like you ended up learning to cook.

**Ali:** (pausing) Well, I had to learn when I was away from home for a while.

**Ash:** (nodding) I see.

*As they cook, Ash steals glances at Ali, intrigued by his skills and his past.*

**Ash:** (smirking) You've got some serious cooking skills brother. Should I be worried about your hidden talents?

**Ali:** (laughing) Nah, cooking is just one of the many things I can do.

**Ash:** (teasing) Care to share any other hidden talents?

**Ali:** (playfully) Some other time, perhaps.

**Ash:** (looking thoughtful) By the way, where's your gang, your crew?

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow) You said you don't care, remember?

**Ash:** (backtracking) Right, I was just curious.

**Ali:** (smirking) Curiosity killed the cat.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) I know, I know. Let's finish cooking.

*They continue cooking, and Ali's dish turns out to be delicious.*

**Ali:** (proudly) Voilà! Lunch is ready, everyone!

**Ash:** (grinning) You're in for a treat. Ali's cooking is pretty amazing.

**Kali:** (impressed) Well, we're in for a surprise then.

*As they gather around for lunch, Ali sets the plates on the table.*

**Ali:** (muttering to Ash) You know, I usually cook for you.

**Ash:** (whispering) They don't need to know everything.

*As they start eating, the atmosphere becomes light and friendly.*

**Kali:** (playfully) Something feels different today.

**Ali:** (casually) Yeah, we decided to pitch in together.

**Zack:** (smirking) But why? You're Ash's personal chef, right?

**Ali:** (smiling) You can say that.

**Ryan:** (curious) Why are you suddenly being so nice to Ash?

**Ali:** (softly) Because she's is sister to me.

**Ash:** (surprised) Ali...

**Kali:** (grinning) I knew you are hiding something Right!

**Ryan:** (smirking) Well, Ash, it looks like you've got yourself a personal bodyguard and a brother.

**Ash:** (teasing) Yeah, lucky me.

*As the meal continues, the group enjoys the delicious lunch Ali prepared, and the atmosphere becomes warmer, filled with camaraderie and laughter.*

**Scene: Ash's Living Room - Night**

*After lunch, the group continues to chat and enjoy each other's company.*

**Ash:** (smirking)

By the way, I've got some news for you all.

**Kali:** (curious) What's up?

**Ash:** (looking at Ali)

Ali and I are living together now.

**Zack:** (surprised)

Seriously? That's a big step.

**Ryan:** (raising an eyebrow)

Wait, what? Since when?

**Ali:** (grinning) Since today. Surprise!

**Kali:** (excited)

Oh my gosh, this is unexpected! But I'm happy for you guys.

**Ash:** (teasing)

Yeah, so from now on, you all have to inform me before you come over.

**Zack:** (chuckling)

So, we need permission now?

**Ali:** (playfully)

It's for your own safety, you know.

**Ryan:** (smirking)

Guess we have to follow the rules.

**Kali:** (grinning)

This is going to be interesting.

**Ash:** (looking at Ali)

And oh, we're officially in a relationship.

**Zack:** (raising his hands)

Whoa, slow down there. First living together, now a relationship? You two don't waste any time.

**Ali:** (smirking) kind of but not what you think.

**Ryan:** (looking at Ash) Is this true?

**Ash:** (nodding) Yeah, it's true.

**Kali:** (grinning)

Well, I must say, you two make an interesting couple.

**Zack:** (jokingly)

So, who's going to cook and who's going to be the bodyguard now?

**Ash:** (laughing)

We're going to share the responsibilities.

**Ali:** (smiling)

Yeah, I'll be the chef and the bodyguard.

**Ryan:** (raising an eyebrow)

That's a unique combination.

**Ash:** (smirking) That's Ali for you.

*As they continue to chat and joke, the news sinks in, and the group becomes even closer, embracing the changes in Ash and Ali's relationship.*