Little moments does matter

**Scene: Ash's Living Room - Evening**

*As the evening sets in and the darkness outside grows, Ash and Ali are having a conversation.*


I'm going to get dinner for us. Do you have any preferences?


Just get whatever you like. Thanks for taking care of dinner.

Ali get call from unknown number

Ash dad(over phone): I wanted you to stay with my daughter and protect her at every cost otherwise you will never find about your parents.

Ali: I just can't stay with her alone.She will also be discomfort.

Her dad: Its your to think of solutions but don't tell her anything understand.

*Ali get shocked before and said anything he hung up ,he remember to get dinner, beacuse Ash is left alone. Suddenly, the lights in the house go out, plunging the room into darkness.*

**Ash:** (startled)

What? The lights went out?

*Ash grabs a flashlight and starts to make her way towards the electrical panel to check on the power.*

**Ash:** (muttering)

This is strange. The solar panels should have kicked in by now.

*As Ash investigates the power issue, she senses a presence behind her.*

**Ash:** (nervously)

Who's there?

*Kidnappers emerge from the shadows, revealing themselves.*

**Kidnapper 1:** (smirking)

You're not alone, are you?

**Kidnapper 2:** (menacingly)

We've been keeping an eye on you.

**Ash:** (fearful)

What do you want?

**Kidnapper 1:** (threatening)

We know your friend Ali isn't here to save you this time.

**Ash:** (panicking)

How do you know about Ali?

**Kidnapper 2:** (taunting)

We know a lot of things, sweetheart.

**Kidnapper 1:** (warning)

Listen carefully. Do as we say, and so you will be save. Try anything funny, and we won't stand a chance.

**Ash:** (clenching her fists)

You can't intimidate me.

**Kidnapper 2:** (laughing)

We'll see about that.

*Just then, Ali bursts through the door, sensing something is wrong. He looks around and spots Ash.*

**Ali:** (concerned) Ash!

*Ash turns to see Ali, relief flooding over her.*

**Ash:** Ali, behind you!

*Ali quickly assesses the situation and confronts the kidnappers.*

**Ali:** (warning) Get out of here now.

**Kidnapper 1:** (mocking)

Or what? You gonna kill us? We know you can't do that.

*Ali moves towards the kidnappers, his demeanor serious and threatening.*

**Ali:** (dangerous)

I suggest you leave before you regret it.

**Kidnapper 2:** (hesitating)

Let's go. We'll deal with him later.

*The kidnappers retreat, disappearing into the darkness. Ash and Ali are left standing in the dimly lit room.*

**Ash:** (breathing heavily)

Ali, what just happened?

**Ali:** (grimly)

I also don't know what is happening.But i will promise to stay with you and save you.

**Ash:** (angry)

You were a part of them Right?

**Ali:** (regretful)

A long time ago, but I left. I didn't want that life anymore.

**Ash:** (frustrated)

And now they're threatening us?

**Ali:** (firmly)

I won't let them hurt you. I promise.

*Ali and Ash exchange a tense look, realizing that their lives have taken an even more dangerous turn.*

*Suddenly, a low, chilling voice speaks from the shadows.*

**Voice:** (whispering)

You can't escape, Ash. We're always watching.

*Ash's heart races as fear takes over. She clutches the edge of the couch, feeling trapped.*

**Ali:** (concerned) Ash, what's going on?

**Ash:** (panicking)

Ali, someone's here. They're watching us.

*Ali quickly rushes to Ash's side, flashlight in hand, ready to defend her.*

**Ali:** (firmly) Show yourself!

*A figure emerges from the darkness, revealing themselves as the kidnappers from before. Ash's fear turns to anger as she recognizes them.*

**Ash:** (defiantly) What do you want from me?

**Kidnapper 2:** (coldly)

We know you've got Ali with you. We're watching him too.

**Ash:** (angry) What do you want with him?

**Kidnapper 1:** (mocking)

He left our gang. We want him back.

**Ali:** (stepping forward)

I'm not going back, and I won't let you hurt her.

**Kidnapper 2:** (threateningly)

You should've thought about that before betraying us.

**Ali:** (calmly)

I'm not going back, and I won't let you hurt her.

**Scene: Ash's Living Room - **

*The situation takes a horrifying turn as the kidnappers attempt to attack Ash, but Ali intervenes and gets stabbed while protecting her. The room falls into chaos as Ash's heart races with fear.*

**Ash:** (screaming) Ali! No!

*Ali collapses to the ground, clutching his wound as blood seeps through his fingers. Ash's shock quickly turns into action as she musters all her strength to confront the attackers.*

**Ash:** (shouting) Get out of here right now, or I'll call the police!

**Kidnapper 1:** (grimacing) This isn't over, Ash.

**Kidnapper 2:** (hissing) We'll be back.

*With a menacing glare, the kidnappers retreat, leaving Ash and Ali alone in the aftermath of the terrifying incident. Ash rushes to Ali's side, her hands trembling as she tries to assess the severity of his wound.*

**Ash:** (voice shaking) Ali, stay with me. We need to stop the bleeding.

*Ash quickly tears a piece of cloth from her shirt and presses it against Ali's wound, trying to stem the flow of blood.*

**Ali:** (wincing) I'm okay, Ash. Just... need to catch my breath.

**Ash:** (frantic) No, no, you're not okay. We need to get you help.

*With great effort, Ash manages to help Ali to his feet and guide him to her bedroom. She gently lays him down on the bed, her hands stained with his blood.*

**Ali:** (weakly) sister, I'm so sorry... for all of this.

**Ash:** (teary-eyed) Don't talk like that. We'll get through this. Just stay with me, okay?

***Scene: Ash's Bedroom - **

*The room is dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a small lamp on the bedside table. Ali lies on the bed, his wound carefully tended to by Ash. Despite the pain, a small smile graces his lips as he gazes at her.*

**Ali:** You're amazing sister, you know that?

**Ash:** (softly) Don't try to talk too much. You need to rest.

*Ash helps Ali eat dinner, her touch gentle and caring. She sits beside him, occasionally wiping his mouth with a napkin.

**Ali:** (whispering) Thank you for being here, Ash.

**Ash:** Shh, rest now. We'll figure everything out.

*Ali's breathing gradually evens out as he drifts off to sleep. Ash stays awake, keeping watch over him, her heart heavy with worry and gratitude.*

**Morning Comes**

*Ash is startled awake by the first light of dawn. She slowly opens her eyes, finding herself nestled in Ali's arms. Blushing, she gently tries to extricate herself from his embrace.*

**Ali:** (murmuring) Ash Sorry i was sleeping i didn't do anything?

*Ali's eyes flutter open, and he gazes at her with a mixture of surprise and contentment.*

**Ali:** (whispering) You stayed.

**Ash:** (blushing) I... I didn't want to leave you alone brother you get hurt while saving you.

**Ali:** Thank you, Ash. For everything.

**Ash:** (clearing her throat) I should get up and... make breakfast.

*Ali chuckles softly as Ash slips out of bed, giving him some space to get up. She heads to the kitchen, her mind racing with a mixture of emotions. As she starts preparing breakfast, Ali enters the kitchen, looking slightly more refreshed.*

**Ali:** (grinning) I don't think I've ever woken up to the smell of breakfast before.

**Ash:** (teasingly) Well, consider it a special occasion.

*Ali comes closer, his eyes fixed on her.*

**Ali:** (playfully) You know, you look cute when you're cooking.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Focus on getting better, will you?

*As Ali leans against the kitchen counter, Ash places a plate of breakfast in front of him.*

**Ali:** (appreciatively) Thanks, Ash.

*Ali starts eating, but his gaze never leaves her.*

**Ali:** (thoughtfully) You know, you're stronger than you think.

**Ash:** (blushing) Stop it, Ali.

*Scene: Ash's Living Room - **


He had called kali and other to accompany ash and told them situation.


You know, Ali, I really appreciate you staying with me tonight.

**Ali:** (grinning)

Well, it's my duty as your bodyguard, isn't it?

**Ash:** (laughs)

I guess so. But seriously, I feel safer with you around.

**Ali:** (softly)

I promise you, Ash, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

*Just as they settle into a comfortable silence, the bell suddenly ring.*

**Ash:** (surprised)

Oh, not again. Ali can you open the door.


Don't worry,Let me check it out.

*Ali receives her friends . Ash get surprised, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity.*

**Ash:** (calling out)

Is everything okay, why you guys are here?

**Ali:** (muffled voice)

I hope you guys will going to stay with her from now on.

Kali: Don't worry from now on this is our house.

Zack: Ali you alone can protect her why you called us for help.

Ryan: Don't you know him ,he is a muslim and it is prohibited in islam to live with opposite gender without marriage.

Robert: Well ,i am impressed by you and i have curiosity for your religion.

Zack: Well I appreciate you if it would be someone else they love to stay alone.

**Ash:** (nervously)

Well? I thought you are my brother?

**Scene: Car Ride to University - Morning**

*The car ride is peaceful, the morning sun casting a warm glow on the surroundings. Ash is at the wheel, with Ali in the passenger seat beside her. He looks at her with a thoughtful expression.kali i still doubt it guys that you are not in relationship.Zack well Ali perception about her do change right.

**Ali:** You know, she is not as indifferent as you try to portray.

**Ash:** (raising an eyebrow) What are you talking about?

**Ali:** I can see through that tough exterior of yours. You're not as feelingless as you want people to believe.

**Ash:** (sighs) Ali, drop it. I'm fine.

Ryan: Guys i can see connection.

**Ali:** (insistently) No, there is not. And we don't have to pretend to be. Where is Robert.

Kali: he is big help he ask his bodyguards to protect her.

**Ash:** (glancing at him) I appreciate his concern, but it's not necessary. ALI got hurt because of me. And i don't wanted to involve you guys.

Zack: Ali you should have rest today we are with her.

**Ali:** (smirking) And I can rest at the university. I can't afford to miss any more classes.

Thier firends were quietly watching them talking.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Stubborn as always.

**Ali:** (leaning back) It's part of my charm.

**Ash:** (after a pause) You know, you're pretty observant. But you're wrong about one thing.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow) Oh? And what's that sister?

**Ash:** I don't fall for anyone. I'm not wired that way.

**Ali:** (smiling) Are you sure about that?

**Ash:** Positive. You saved me, and I'm helping you. It's as simple as that brother.

**Ali:** (playfully) Well, i am warning you never fall for me sister.

**Ash:** (chuckles) Don't flatter yourself.

**Ali:** (leaning closer) I don't know. The way you're blushing says otherwise.

**Ash:** (blushing) I'm not blushing.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow) Denying it doesn't make it less true.

**Ash:** (sighs) Fine, let's say I am. What does it matter?

**Ali:** (smirking) It matters because I fell for you too.

**Ash:** (taken aback) Wait, what?

**Ali:** (leaning back with a grin) Got you speechless, huh?

**Ash:** (nervously) You fell for me? But why?

**Ali:** (smirking) Why not?

**Ash:** (exasperated) Ali, this isn't a joke. You're not like other guys. Why me?

**Ali:** (serious) Because you're not like other girls. You're strong, independent, and you have this charisma that's hard to resist. I find you attractive, Ash.

**Ash:** (blushing and looking away) So, is that a yes or no to a relationship?

**Ali:** (pausing) Not at all ,See you are falling for me please don't sister.

**Ash:** (grinning) Don't worry, I'll keep your ego in check brother.

*Thier firends can see chemistry between them their newfound understanding and feelings creating an unspoken bond between them.*