She started to have feelings for Ali

**Scene: University Classroom**

*Ali and Ash walk into the classroom hand in hand. All eyes turn to them as they enter.*

**Ali:** (smirking) Alright, here we go ,sister.

**Ash:** (whispering) Just go with it.

*Ali clears his throat and addresses the class confidently.*

**Ali:** Listen up, everyone. I want you all to meet someone very important to me. This is Ash, my girlfriend.

*The class erupts in whispers, surprised glances, and even a few audible gasps. Ash feels a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.*

**Ali:** (holding Ash's hand) Now, I know many of you have admired her from a distance, but from now on, no one will dare to flirt with her. She's off the market.

*The jealousy and surprise among the students become palpable. Ash tries to hide her smirk, sensing the reactions around her.*

**Ali:** (with a mischievous grin) If anyone has any issues with that, you can come talk to me. Trust me, you won't want to.

*Some students exchange uneasy glances, while others seem to be calculating their chances. Ali and Ash share a private smile, knowing that this charade will definitely keep unwanted attention away.*

**Ali:** (looking at Ash) Alright, babe. Go to your class. I'll see you later.

**Ash:** (playfully) Don't worry, I'll be okay without your protection.

*She gives him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the classroom, the students' eyes following her as she exits.*

**Scene: University Café**

*Ash and Ali sit at a corner table in the café, enjoying their lunch together. The other students can't help but steal glances at them, intrigued by their newfound closeness.*

**Ali:** (smiling) So, how's your day going, sister?

**Ash:** (grinning) Well, I've never been the centre of attention like this before. Everyone seems so curious about us.

**Ali:** (playfully) Yeah, I guess that's what happens when the mysterious gangster starts dating someone.But this is just an act that i am doing for your sake, sister.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) You really enjoy that gangster title, don't you?

**Ali:** (smirking) It adds a certain flair to my reputation.

**Ash:** (softening) You know, you don't have to put up that tough front all the time.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow) You're the first one to say that. Most people seem to think I'm pretty convincing.

**Ash:** (sincerely) I know, but I've seen a different side of you, Ali. And I like that side.

**Ali:** (genuinely touched) Thanks, Ash. I guess I'm just used to keeping my guard up. But with you, it's different.And that is why I don't want to be with you.

There is a long pause, then ash speak:

**Ash:** (concerned) How's your injury? Are you sure you're okay?

**Ali:** (grinning) I'm tougher than I look. A little pain won't stop me.

**Ash:** (softly) You're really protective, you know that?

**Ali:** (smirking) I have to be, especially now that I have a sister to look out for.

**Ash:** (playfully) Don't take this too seriously, Ali. I just wanted to enjoy some moments together, that's all.

**Ali:** (leaning in) I know, and I am bearing them. Just... let me be your protector for a while.

**Ash:** (teasingly) I'm not some damsel in distress, you know.

**Ali:** (whispering) I know, but you want me to be the one you lean on.

**Ash:** (softly) You're really changing the rules of the game, Ali for me.

**Ali:** (smiling) Maybe it's time for a different game altogether.

*They share a warm smile, their connection deepening as they enjoy their time together.*

**Scene: University Classroom**

*Ash rejoins her friends in the classroom after the break. Kali and Zack look at her with curiosity, their expressions practically screaming with questions.*

**Kali:** (teasingly) Well, well, well. Look who's back from her secret lunch date.

**Zack:** (playfully) Yeah, and with none other than the notorious Ali. So, are you two an item now?

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Seriously, guys? Can't I have lunch with someone without it turning into a major conspiracy?

**Kali:** (grinning) Oh, come on, Ash. We know there's more to it than just lunch. The whole university is buzzing about you two.

**Zack:** (raising an eyebrow) Yeah, and he practically whisked you away like some prince charming.

**Ash:** (sighing) Fine, I'll spill. But you guys better not overreact.

**Kali:** (leaning in) Spill it, girl. What's the real deal with you and Ali?

**Ash:** (softly) At first, I just wanted to escape from Ryan and the other guys. But... I can't deny that there's something about Ali. Something that's different from everyone else.

**Zack:** (smirking) Different, huh? Like the fact that he's the tough guy on campus?

**Ash:** (nodding) He's not what he seems, you know. There's more to him beneath that gangster exterior.

**Kali:** (teasing) Are you falling for him, Ash?

**Ash:** (blushing) No, it's not like that. I mean... maybe a little. But I want to ignore it. I want to ignore him.

**Zack:** (smirking) Yet here you are, telling us about it.

**Ash:** (sighing) I can't help it. Whenever he's around, I find myself staring at him, thinking about him. And having him by my side... it makes me happy.

**Kali:** (grinning) I knew it! Our girl is falling in love.

**Ash:** (defensive) No, I'm not. It's just... complicated.he is muslim and not wanted to be near me ,he always said me sister.

**Zack:** (playfully) Complicated, huh? Well, just remember, we're here for you no matter what. If you're happy, we're happy.

**Ash:** (smiling) Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on you.

**Kali:** (winking) So, when's the next lunch date with the "complicated" guy?

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) You two are impossible.

**Scene: University Football Field**

*Ali is engaged in a heated football match with his friends when Ash approaches the field. She's unable to tear her eyes away from him.*

**Ash:** (muttering to herself) What is he doing here? Playing football with that injury?

*Without thinking, Ash marches onto the field, her determination clear. She snatches the ball from Ali's feet and suddenly plants a passionate kiss on his lips.

**Everyone:** (awkwardly) Whoa!

*The crowd starts dispersing, giving Ash and Ali some privacy.*

**Ash:** (breathing heavily) We need to talk. Alone.

**Ali:** (grinning) That's some entrance you made, Ash.

*They move away from the football field, finding a more secluded spot.*

**Ash:** (crossing her arms) What were you thinking, playing like that with your injury?

**Ali:** You don't have to touch me. i told you our sister to me. Kindly don't make things complicated for me, and I was thinking I needed to practice for the next match.

**Ash:** (angry) I did nothing wrong i am attracted to you Ali, you're hurt! You can't just push yourself like that.

**Ali:** (calmly) why you are making me uncomfortable, and I'm fine, Ash. Besides, there is no big deal having you worry about me

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Don't change the subject. It's unfair that I can't do anything reckless?

Ali: (getting closer) Well, it's unfair that you get to do everything while knowing my situation, I hold back myself otherwise i will be furious in front of everything which i don't wanted.

Ash:(sighing) Look, Ali, I am what I am. I can't change overnight just because you're muslim.

Ali:(softening) I know, Ash. And I'm not asking you to change. I just want you to consider my boundaries. Please don't make it difficult for me.

**Ash:** (still upset) This isn't about you playing football. It's about you being reckless and getting hurt.

**Ali:** (cupping her face) Hey, I promise I won't play football until I'm fully healed. Happy now?

**Ash:** (softening) You better keep that promise. I don't want to see you hurt.

**Ali:** (smiling) As long as you're in boundaries of me,

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) You're impossible.

**Ali:** (grinning) And you love it.

**Cris Coach office**

*Later, in the coach's office, Ash and Ali sit together.*

**Ash:** (nervous) Coach, I wanted to talk to you about something.

**Coach:** (raising an eyebrow) Go on.

**Ash:** (taking a deep breath) I want to be captain of the team again. At least until Ali recovers fully.

**Coach:** (surprised) Are you sure about this, Ash?

**Ash:** (nodding) Yes, Coach. Ali's injured, and I want to help the team while he's recovering.

**Ali:** (supportive) I think it's a great idea, Coach. Ash is an excellent captain.

**Coach:** (smiling) Well, if both of you are on board with it, I don't see why not. Ash, welcome back as the captain.

**Ash:** (grinning) Thank you, Coach.

**Scene: University Corridor**

*Ali is walking to his class when Ryan approaches him, his expression somber.*

**Ryan:** (hesitating) Hey, Ali. Can a muslim kiss and stay with the girl he likes without marriage.

**Ali:** (curtly) This is not what you think and what do you want, Ryan?

**Ryan:** (sighing) Look, I know you're close to Ash now, and I just wanted to say that where is your religion now.

**Ali:** (raising an eyebrow) Why are you suddenly so concerned about my religion? i did nothing wrong she is sister to me, ok?

**Ryan:** (sadly) sister, huh? I've seen her get close to guys before and then just... move on.

**Ali:** (firmly) Well, she's not going to move on from me. She's mine, and I'm not going to share her with anyone.

**Ryan:** (bitterly) You think she's sincere? She does what she wants, and she'll leave you when she gets bored.

*Ali's patience snaps, and he raises his hand to slap Ryan across the face.*

**Ali:** (angry) How dare you say that about her? You have no idea who she is, what she's been through, and what she means to me.

**Ryan:** (holding his cheek) Ali, slapped back ,you jerk deserve it how dare you are destroying our relationship for a girl. You better watch she is with robert now...

**Ali:** (furious) You destroyed our friendship, you were disrespecting her, and I won't tolerate that. Stay away from her, Ryan, and don't you dare talk about her like that again.

**Ryan:** (nervous) Okay, okay, I get it. I won't say anything again.

*Ali walks away, his anger still evident. Ryan is left standing there, his expression conflicted.*

**Scene: Ash's Bedroom**

*Ali walks into the room, his expression a mix of concern and frustration. He finds Ash lying on the bed, clearly upset from her hangout with Robert.*

**Ali:** (softly) Ash, where were you?

**Ash:** (giggling) Hey, Ali! I was out with friends, having a great time!

**Ali:** (his tone serious) Friends, huh? Were you out with Robert?

**Ash:** (nodding) Yeah, we had dinner talked and laughed. It was so much fun!

**Ali:** (angry) You were eating with him and having fun? Ash, what will other think if they know I did act for you just for it?

**Ash:** (giggling again) Ali, chill! We were just having a good time. Don't be such a worrier.

**Ali:** (frustrated) You don't understand, Ash. I worry because I care about you. You don't know other intentions.

**Ash:** (giggling) You're so cute when you're all serious and protective.You are the one declining my feelings. How dare you act like that, brother?

*Ali's frustration grows, but he tries to keep his emotions in check.*

**Ali:** (sighing) Ash, you were out with another guy, and you think it's okay? What if something had happened to you?

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Nothing happened, Ali. I'm fine. You're overreacting.

**Ali:** (his voice tense) Overreacting? Ash, you are drunk,

Ash:(leaning closer)If you are that much concerned, will you be my boyfriend?

**Ali:** (moving away)You are drunk. Let's meet tomorrow. I just... I worry about you as a brother. I want you to be safe. I don't want you to face danger because of me. Remember, i am your brother, and let me be one.

**Ash:Ok ,don't let me see your handsome face again, and you are not my brother. Go away.

*Ali closed the door and made sure she would save it and he leave the house. He was very annoyed because none understood him.