Ali started to ignore Ash

**Scene: University Grounds and Classroom**

*Ash is practicing on the football ground when Kali approaches her.*

**Kali:** (concerned) Hey Ash, you've been skipping classes and practicing all day. What's going on?

**Ash:** (trying to avoid the topic) I just needed to clear my mind, that's all.

**Kali:** (not convinced) Ash, come on, I know something's up. Did something happen between you and Ali?

**Ash:** (hesitating) Well... yeah. He's been acting strange since yesterday.

**Kali:** (raising an eyebrow) What do you mean, strange?

**Ash:** He's ignoring me, avoiding me. I tried talking to him, but he just brushed me off.

**Kali:** (concerned) Maybe he's going through something, Ash. You should give him some space.

**Ash:** (frustrated) Space? Kali, I can't just stand here and watch him distance himself from me.

*Kali's eyes shift to the side, spotting Robert.*

**Kali:** (slyly) Well, maybe you can distract yourself. Look who's here.

*Ash follows Kali's gaze and sees Robert.*

**Robert:** (approaching them) Hey, Ash! Long time no see.

**Ash:** (forcing a smile) Hey, Robert.

**Robert:** (playfully) How about a little friendly match? Just like old times?

**Ash:** (smirking) You're on.

*They start playing football, and Kali watches them with amusement. Meanwhile, Ali's friends tease him about Ash playing with Robert.*

**Ali's Friend 1:** (grinning) Looks like your girlfriend found a new partner.

**Ali's Friend 2:** (teasing) Yeah, Ali, you better watch out.

*Ali clenches his fists, visibly annoyed by their comments. Later, he ends up beating them up, which lands him in detention.*

**Principle:** (scolding) Ali, fighting is not the solution. You'll serve detention for this.

*Meanwhile, Ash's practice takes a toll on her, and she collapses on the ground. Ali, who's been released from detention, watched her and rushes to her side.*

**Ash:** (worried) Ali, are you okay?

**Ali:** (weakly) I'm fine... just... tired.

*Ali helps her to the medical care, staying by her side until she regains consciousness.*

**Ash:** (murmuring) Ali...

**Ali:** (softly) I'm here, sister.

**Ash:** (opening her eyes) Ali... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you.

**Ali:** (concerned) You need to take care of yourself. Don't skip meals and practice so much.

**Ash:** (whispering) I thought you were mad at me.

**Ali: I was... but that doesn't mean I want to see you hurt.

**Ash:** (looking into his eyes) Ali, I don't want you to ignore me. If something's bothering you, talk to me.

**Ali:** (sighing) Let's just forget what happened you have to take rest.

**Ash:** (smirking)If you are angry beacuse of robert. There's nothing between me and him. He's just a friend.

**Ali:** (serious) Just keep quite and don't get drunk again.

**Ash:** (blushing) Ali, that was just a moment. Nothing happened between us.

*Ali's expression softens, and he takes a deep breath.*

**Ali:** (gentle) Ash, I'm sorry for ignoring you. It's just... I care about you, and when I see you with someone else, I get protective but as a brother.

**Ash:** (smiling) Ali, I appreciate that. But I apologise what i said to you while i was drunk so come back home and accept my feelings.

**Ali:** I know it confusing for you but I just... can't be yours, I care about you beacuse i put you in danger and i can't have romantic relationship with you not even friend just think me as your bodyguard.

Ash: Don't be possessive about me then and Dont care about me much remember you are only bodyguard.

Then They eat together in Cafeteria.Ali went out for call .

Ash dad called Ali and told him to stay with her again and protect her and don't let her with anyone.

Ali: I just can't do what you say and your daughter starting attracted to me and i can't stay with her and you should let her do what she wants why i force her.

Her dad: Do whatever you say otherwise your parents will die and you never gonna find about them.

Ash's House - Evening**

Ash: Thanks for coming back.

Ali: Where are kali and Zack.

Ash: They will come tomorrow.

*Ali wakes up in Ash's living room, his gaze falling on the empty spot.He stretches and yawns, then heads to the kitchen. He finds Ash there, busy cooking.*

**Ali:** (smiling) Morning.Where are everyone?

**Ash:** (glancing at him) it's Evening. They went to picnic and i declined, Did you sleep well?

**Ali:** Yeah, your couch is surprisingly comfortable.But they shouldn't let you alone.

**Ash:** (playfully) Next time, you can sleep there.You are my bodyguard not they remember.

*They enjoy a cozy dinner together, sitting at the kitchen island.

**Ali:** (taking a bite) You're a great cook.

**Ash:** (teasing) Surprised?

**Ali:** (chuckling) I guess I underestimated your skills.

**Ash:** (smiling) Well, I have my moments.

*They continue eating, stealing glances at each other and sharing smiles.*

**Ali:** (softly) About last night...

**Ash:** (looking at him) Ali, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.I will not disturb your boundaries.

**Ali:I have to pray before eating ,do have any clean room which i can pray daily.

Ash: Second floor every room is cleaned feel free to pray.

While Ali was praying ash was constantly watching him and falling for him.He complete his prayer, ash hurry back while about to fall and Ali holds her ,let's eat sister.

**Ash:** (playful) So, Your arms are long enough to hold me.i love your embrace.

**Ali:** (smirking) u promised not to skip meals and take care of yourself.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Yes, brother.

*They both laugh, the tension from before melting away.*

**Ali:** (serious) Ash, about our relationship... I know it started as a way to protect you, but I don't wanted to end it in bad way.

**Ash:** (meeting his gaze) Ali...

**Ali:** (softly) you can marry me to become lovers.

**Ash:** (whispering) I'm glad we're not one's. It would be awkward to become one.

**Ali:** (blushing) Think so.

**Scene: Ali's Room - Movie Night**

*Ali's room is dimly lit, a movie playing on the screen. They're sharing a bowl of popcorn and sipping on drinks as they watch the movie.*

Ash:This is nice.

Ali:Yeah, it is.

*They both laugh at a funny scene in the movie, their laughter filling the room.*

**Ash:** (playfully) I didn't expect you to be into romantic comedies.

**Ali:** (smirking) What can I say? You're rubbing off on me.

*As the movie continues, the conversation between them shifts to more personal topics.*

**Ali:** (curious) So, tell me about your family. Where are your parents?

**Ash:** (sighing) My parents are always busy with work, traveling and all. They're hardly around. I live alone most of the time.

**Ali:** (gentle) Must be lonely.

**Ash:** (shrugging) I got used to it. What about you? You mentioned you were adopted by gangsters?

**Ali:Yeah. My real parents abandoned me when I was a baby. The gang took me in, raised me. I used to be part of their fights, but then I realized I wanted something different.

**Ash: (curious) And that's when you quit?

**Ali:** Yeah. I didn't want that life anymore. It's not the life I want to live, especially not if it means I can't protect the one i wants.

**Ash:** (softly) You're quite the contradiction, Ali. Tough on the outside, but I see a different side of you.

*As the movie comes to an end, the room is filled with a comfortable silence.*

**Ash:** (whispering) Can I ask you something personal?

**Ali:** (whispering back) Of course.

**Ash:** (nervous) Why am I the only one you've opened up to like this?

**Ali:** (sighing) Because you're different. I see myself when I'm with you, a better version of me. And I don't want to hide anything from you.

*Their eyes meet, and the intensity of their connection is palpable.*

**Ali:** (softly) I'm controlling myself to not falling for you, Ash.

**Ash:** (blushing) Ali...