I'm controlling myself not fall for u

**Scene: Ash's Private Gym - Morning Workout**

*The gym is well-equipped, and the morning sunlight filters in through the windows. Ash and Ali are side by side, both dressed in workout attire. They're going through a rigorous exercise routine.*

**Ash:** (breathing heavily) You're going to kill me with this workout.

**Ali:** (grinning) Come on, Ash. You've got this. One more set!

*As they finish their workout, they both collapse onto the mats, catching their breath.*

**Ash:** (playfully) You know, your abs are quite distracting.

**Ali:** (chuckles) Oh, really? Maybe I should show you my abs again for motivation.

**Ash:** (blushing) I-I didn't mean...

**Ali:** (teasing) Relax, I'm just kidding. But hey, if it helps motivate you to work out, I'm all for it.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) You're impossible.

*After their workout, they head to their respective bathrooms to freshen up. Later, they meet in the kitchen for breakfast.*

**Ali:** (smirking) I'll make you breakfast today.

**Ash:** (raising an eyebrow) Really? I didn't know you had culinary skills.

**Ali:** (confident) You're about to be surprised.

*Ali starts moving around the kitchen, confidently grabbing ingredients and utensils. He prepares a delicious and nutritious breakfast for them.*

**Ash:** (impressed) Okay, I'm officially impressed. This looks amazing.

**Ali:** (grinning) I told you.

*They sit down to enjoy their breakfast together, chatting about their plans for the day.*

**Ash:** So, what's the plan for today?

Kali: Hey guys did you enjoy time alone .

Ali: Why you guys leave her alone.

Zack: we know you can protect her at every cost.

Robert: Didn't you see guards outside they are here since we leave.

Ali: look outside window ,they are attracting poeple are curious now.

Robert: you are right what about having them inside house.

Ali: well ok.

Robert: I do have business guys so i can't stay here from now on.

Ash: Well thanks for your time and security but i didn't need it as long ali is with me.

**Kali:** (thoughtful) Guys give us time , Ash come with me.

In Ash room

**Ash:** (smiling) You should've told me you're leaving. What do you have in mind?

Kali: how's was your time with Ali didn't you enjoy it.

Ash: yes i do ,we did watch movie and clear things out do breakfast and he said he is controlling himself to not fall for me.

kali:(excited) well that's progress Ash.

**Ash:** (enthusiastic) I'd love that. It's been a while since I've had a leisurely day like that.

Kali: Things will turn in your way believe me.

**Ali:** (playful) Were you guys discussing me right?

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) You're incorrigible.

*They finish their breakfast, and Ali starts cleaning up while Ash and others help him out.*

Robert: Guys you should go outside for picnic weather is nice today. I'll drop you.

**Scene: Lakeside Picnic and Sunset**

*Everyone seated on a picnic blanket at a serene lakeside spot. The atmosphere is peaceful, and the sun is gently beginning to set. They have a spread of delicious food in front of them.*

**Ash:** (smiling) This is perfect,I can't remember the last time I had a picnic.

**Ali:** (content) I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wanted this day to be special for you.

*They eat, laugh, and enjoy each other's company. After finishing their meal, they decide to take some pictures together.*

**Ash:** (holding up her phone) Come on, let's take a selfie!

**Ali:** (posing) How's this?

Kali and zack trying to disturb thier pictures *They take several selfies, capturing their joyful moments.*

**Ash:** (looking at the pictures) These turned out great! You're a good photographer.

**Ali:** (grinning) Anything for you.

*As the sun starts to set, they watch the sky's hues change from blue to shades of orange and pink.*

**kali:** (in awe) The sunset is so beautiful.

**zack:** (leaning in) Not as beautiful as you.

*They share a tender moment, watching the sunset together. Eventually, the sun disappears beyond the horizon.*

**Ali:** (sighing) It's like nature's painting.

**Ash:** (softly) And I'm lucky to witness it with you.

*After a while, they decide to take a leisurely walk by the lake.*

**kali:** (taking his hand) This day has been wonderful, Zack.

**Zack:** (smiling) I'm glad you think so. I wanted us to have a memorable time.

**kali:** (teasing) You're definitely succeeding in that department.

*While Ash was staring at Ali that he will also offer hand in hand walk then Ali said we can't do like them you know i can't touch you or let you touch me.They walk in comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other. The moon starts to rise, casting a gentle glow over the water.*

**Ash:** (breaking the silence) You know, I feel a deep connection with you.

**Ali:** (curious) What do you mean?

**Zack:** (thoughtful) It's like we're on the same wavelength. I've never felt this way with anyone else.

**kali:** (softly) I know what you mean. It's like we understand each other without having to say much.

**Zack:** (nodding) Exactly. And that's something truly special.

*They continue walking, their bond growing stronger as they share this intimate moment.*

**Scene: Tension and Frustration**

*Ali and Ash have just returned home from their picturesque lakeside outing. The mood is tense as Ali receives a disturbing call on his phone.*

**Ali:** (listening to the caller) Who is this?

**Caller:** (sinister voice) You can't escape us, Ali. We're watching your every move.

*Ali's face turns serious as he tightly holds onto Ash's hand, urging her to come back home.*

**kali:** (concerned) Ali, what's wrong?

**Ali:** (softly) We need to go back home.

*They rush back home in silence. Once inside, Ash's frustration boils over.*

**Ash:** (angry) Those kidnappers again? Why can't I have a moment of happiness without fear?

**Ali:** (trying to comfort her) Ash, I'm here to protect you. We'll find a way to handle this.

**kali:** (frustrated) It's not fair, Ali. Why does her life have to be filled with danger ever since you entered it?

*Ali tries to reach out to her, but she retreats to her room and locks the door.*

**Ali:** (sighing) Ash, I understand you're frustrated and scared. But please let me in. We'll face this together.

*Ali stands outside her locked door, his heart heavy with the weight of their situation.*

Kali: let her be alone ,she will be fine. You can sleep ,we are with her.

**Scene: Comfort and Healing**

*Ali rushes into Ash's room after hearing her scream, only to find her injured from broken glass. He quickly tends to her wound and tries to soothe her.*

**Ali:** (worried) Ash, are you okay? Let me clean your wound.

*Gently, he cleans her wound and applies ointment, his touch as tender as ever.*

**Ash:** (wincing) It hurts, Ali...

**Ali:** (softly) I know, Ash. I'm here. You're safe now.

*Ali helps her lay down on her bed, his presence providing a sense of comfort in the midst of their troubles.*

**Ash:** (teary-eyed) Ali, I can't take all this pain and fear anymore...

**Ali:** (stroking her hair) Shh, it's okay to feel scared, Ash. You're not alone in this.

*He wipes away her tears and his warmth and reassurance slowly easing her distress.*

**Ash:** (sniffles) Ali, I don't know what I'd do without you.

**Ali:** (softly) You won't have to find out, sister. I'll always be here for you.

*Ali stays by her side,he sleep on sofa.