Ash ignored Ali

**Scene: Confrontation and Reflection**

*Ali notices Ash's somber mood and tries to find out the reason while they are at the cafe together.*

**Ali:** (concerned) Ash, you've been quiet all morning. Is something bothering you?

**Ash:** (sighs) I don't know... I'm just tired of feeling scared all the time, Ali.

*Ali listens quietly, understanding the weight of her words.*

**Ash:** (frustrated) My life has turned into a mess since you came into it. I can't even have a normal day without worrying about every little thing.

*Ali remains quiet, reflecting on what she's saying.*

**Ash:** (angry) Aren't you even going to apologize? At least show some remorse for what you've dragged me into.

**Ali:** (sighs) Ash, every word you said is true. I can't deny that.

**Ash:** (waiting for a response) Well?

**Ali:** (calmly) What else do you want me to say? You're right. From now on, you have to be careful.

**Ash:** (frustrated) That's it? You're not even sorry?

*Ali remains silent, his expression reflecting the weight of the situation.*


*Kali and Zack notice Ash's mood and approach Ali to inquire about it.*

**Kali:** (concerned) Ali, what happened with Ash? She seems upset.

**Ali:** (sighs) We had a conversation. She's right, I've caused a lot of trouble.

*Kali and Zack exchange a glance, realizing the seriousness of the situation.*

**Kali:** Maybe you should talk to her, Ali. She needs to know you're here for her.


*Robert notices Ash's mood as well and approaches her, offering to help improve her mood.*

**Robert:** Hey, Ash. Want to play some basketball? It might help clear your head.

**Ash:** (hesitating) I don't know, Robert...

**Robert:** Come on, it's just a game. Let's have some fun.

*They start playing basketball together, and as they play, Ash's mood starts to lighten.*


*After playing basketball, Robert offers to take Ash to a quiet place to relax.*

**Robert:** Feeling any better now?

**Ash:** Yeah, I guess... thanks for taking my mind off things.

**Robert:** No problem. Sometimes a little distraction helps.

*They head to Robert's home, seeking a change of environment.*


*Ali starts looking for Ash but is unable to find her. He questions his friends, but they inform him that she left with Robert.*

Ash dad called him and said why he let her go alone he has to face danger he invited.

**Ali:** (worried) Because of you i am disrupt now that life is not what i expected you make my life worse i will do whatever i wanted to and if you care about your daughter come and save her by yourself. I am not your servant.

*He heads to his own home but realizes they're not there.*

**Scene: Finding Solace in Nature**

*Robert notices Ash's troubled demeanor and tries to understand what's bothering her.*

**Robert:** (concerned) Ash, is everything alright? You don't seem like yourself today.

**Ash:** (sighs) I just don't feel like going to school. There's so much going on in my mind lately.

**Robert:** (sympathetic) I understand. Sometimes a change of scenery can help clear your thoughts. That's why I brought you to this peaceful place.

**Ash:** (looking around) It's nice to be away from the hustle and bustle. Thanks for bringing me here, Robert.

**Robert:** You're welcome. I thought you might appreciate some tranquility.

**Ash:** (smiling) You're right, I really needed this. I just didn't want to be surrounded by people today.

*As they talk, Robert gets an idea.*

**Robert:** How about we take a little road trip? There's a beautiful spot up in the mountains that I think you'll love.

**Ash:** (interested) Mountains? I love being close to nature. It sounds perfect.

**Robert:** (enthusiastic) Great! We can escape the city for a while and enjoy the serene beauty of the mountains.


*Ash and Robert arrive at the mountain spot and enjoy the breathtaking view.*

**Ash:** (amazed) Wow, this place is incredible! The air feels so fresh up here.

**Robert:** (smiling) And just wait until you see the sunset from here. It's something else.

**Ash:** (excited) I can't wait to see it!

*As the sun sets, the sky is painted in hues of orange, pink, and purple.*

**Robert:** (pointing) Look at that. Isn't it amazing?

**Ash:** (mesmerized) It's breathtaking. I've never seen a sunset like this before.

**Robert:** (chuckles) And the beauty doesn't stop here. Once it gets darker, you'll be able to see countless stars.

**Ash:** (smiling) Really? I've always wanted to stargaze away from the city lights.

**Robert:** (content) Then tonight is your chance. This place turns into a starry wonderland after dark.

**Ash:** (softly) I'm glad you brought me here, Robert. It's like all my worries are fading away.

**Robert:** That's the power of nature. It has a way of soothing our souls.


*As the night approaches, Robert sets up a campfire and they sit together, gazing at the stars.*

**Ash:** (grateful) Thank you for this, Robert. I really needed a break from everything.

**Robert:** (warmly) You deserve it, Ash. Sometimes we all need to escape from our routines and find peace in the world around us.

*They spend the night stargazing, sharing stories, and finding comfort in each other's company.*

**Scene: Ali's Unsettled Thoughts**

*Ali is at home, feeling frustrated and confused about recent activities. He paces around his room, his mind racing with questions.*

**Ali:** (muttering to himself) Why does i am having to face these troubles what did i do wrong. My friendship with ryan ends my parents whereabout are still not found ,Ash is distracting him following islamic rules. His quite life now in vains .He started to pray and he was talking With ALLAH and started to feel relax while he slept on that prayer mat.

Zack: i don't know why ali is upset maybe beacuse of ash is with robert. she need some time alone.

Kali: I had listened from someone that ryan and ali fight over Ash.Maybe Ali is hiding issue from us morever ash is not understanding him.

They saw Ali sleeping on prayer mat they let him sleep and try to call ash.

*kali then start calling Robert to ask about Ash, but Robert remembers that Ash had told him not to attend the call if someone called.*

Kali:** (hesitating) Should I call Robert again and ask what's going on? What's happening between them?

*Zack's inner turmoil is evident as he struggles to understand the situation. He wonders if Ash's closeness to Robert means something more than friendship.*

**Kali:** (frustrated) Why can't I shake off this feeling? It's driving me crazy. I should just talk to her directly and clear things up.

*Zack grabs his phone again and dials Ash's number, hoping that this time she would pick up.*


*Meanwhile, Ash is still with Robert, enjoying the serene atmosphere of the mountain spot. Her phone rings, indicating an incoming call from kali.*

**Robert:** (noticing) You have a call. Should I get going to give you some privacy?

**Ash:** (hesitating) No, it's fine. I should take this.

*Ash answers the call, and Kali's voice comes through.*

Kali:** (relieved) Ash, finally. Where have you been?

**Ash:** (gentle) Hey, kali. I'm sorry I missed your calls. I was with Robert, and there was no signal where we were.

Kali:** (curious) Robert again? What were you guys doing?

**Ash:** (honest) Just spending some time away, trying to clear my mind. You know, with everything that's been happening.

Kali:** (softly) I get it. Look, I'm worried about earlier. I could not ignored Ali is very upset he slept on floor and earlier ryan fight with ali you need to calm him down.

**Ash:** (appreciative) It's alright, ksli. We all have our moments. I promise to talk to you about everything when I'm back, okay?

Kali:** (hesitating) Yeah, that sounds good. Just... be careful, okay?

**Ash:** (assuring) I will. And Ali, remember, you can always talk to me too.

**Ali:** (grateful) Thanks, Ash. Take care.

*As Ash hangs up, Robert gives her a knowing look.*

**Robert:** (teasing) Someone seems quite concerned about you.

**Ash:** (blushing) Oh, stop it. He's just being protective.

*The two of them share a lighthearted moment, but Ali's concerns still linger in the back of Ash's mind.*