ken get murdered


*Ali stands in the safe house, his face etched with realization as he stares at the photo on his phone.*


*(to himself)*

Robert's dad... I can't believe I was unknowingly involved in his kidnapping.

*His team members notice his distress.*



Ali, what's wrong?



We have to find him and bring him back. Now.

*Ali's determination fuels the team's urgency. They quickly gather their belongings and head out to the location from the photo.*



*Ali's team arrives at the location from the photo. They search the area, but there's no sign of Robert's dad.*



He's not here. Where could he be?



He must have been moved. We need to find out where he's being held.

*Ali's phone buzzes, and he receives a message with a location.*


*(voice from phone)*

Ali, we got another lead. Check the coordinates I sent you.

*Ali quickly checks the coordinates and relays the information to his team.*



Let's go. We're not giving up until we find him.

*The team springs into action, ready to track down Robert's dad and bring him to safety.*

The scene captures Ali's realization that Robert's dad was the one he unknowingly kidnapped, and his determination to find him and right his wrongs.


*Ali's team waits outside while Ali enters the warehouse alone to confront his boss.*


*Ali stands face-to-face with his boss, anger burning in his eyes.*



You killed him without even telling me? What kind of leader are you?



He was a liability. I did what needed to be done.

*Ali's frustration boils over, and he lunges at his boss. The two engage in a fierce physical confrontation.*


*(stepping in)*

Back off!

*The bodyguard intervenes, trying to restrain Ali. The situation becomes chaotic as the confrontation escalates.*


*Ali's team members exchange worried glances as they hear the commotion inside.*



What's taking so long? Ali should've been back by now.



I don't like this. Something's not right.

*As the tension mounts, one of the team members notices a group of unfamiliar men approaching the warehouse.*



Hey, look over there!

*The team members prepare for a possible threat, realizing that Ali may need their help.*


*Amidst the chaos, Ali's team members rush into action as they engage in a fierce fight against the unfamiliar group of men.*


*(fighting off an attacker)*

We need to find Ali and get out of here!


*(delivering punches)*

Stay focused! We're not leaving without him!

*The sound of punches, kicks, and grunts fills the air as Ali's team fights valiantly to rescue him. The battle is intense, with each side displaying their combat skills.*


*(using a pipe as a weapon)*

We've got to break through and find Ali!


*(defending against an onslaught)*

Watch out for reinforcements!

*Amid the chaos, Ali finally breaks free from the confrontation inside the warehouse and rushes out to join his team.*


*(joining the fight)*

Let's finish this!

*With renewed determination, Ali and his team fight back against the attackers. The two groups clash in a flurry of punches, kicks, and strategic moves.*


*(taking down an opponent)*

We've got this!


*(knocking out an attacker)*

They're no match for us!

*As the fight continues, Ali's team begins to gain the upper hand. The attackers, overwhelmed by their opponents' skill and determination, start to retreat.*


*(catching his breath)*

Make sure they don't come back.

*With their opponents fleeing, Ali's team members stand victorious, their adrenaline still pumping from the intense fight.*


*Ali enters the house, bruised and injured, his face showing signs of the intense battle he had just been through. Ash and Robert rush towards him, their faces filled with worry and fear.*



Ali, what happened? Are you alright?



Where's my dad? Is he safe?


*(grim expression)*

I couldn't save him, Robert. I'm sorry.

*Robert's face turns pale as his worst fears are confirmed. He collapses onto a nearby chair, his hands trembling.*


*(voice cracking)*

No, it can't be... He can't be gone...



Robert, I'm so sorry.

*Ali, still standing, looks at his injuries and winces as he touches his side. Ash reaches out to him, wanting to help.*



Let me take care of your wounds, Ali.


*(shaking his head)*

I'll be fine. Just give me some time alone.

*Robert's tears flow freely as he struggles to process the loss of his father. Ash approaches him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.*



Robert, I know this is incredibly difficult for you. But you're not alone in this. We're here for you.

*Robert looks up at Ash, his eyes red from crying, and then he collapses into her arms, seeking comfort.*



He's gone, Ash... He's really gone...


*(holding him tight)*

I'm here for you, Robert. We'll get through this together.

*As Ash consoles Robert, Ali heads towards his room, his expression heavy with the weight of the events that transpired. The room falls silent as they grapple with the harsh reality of loss.*


*Ali approaches Robert, who is still visibly distraught and grieving for his father. Ali's expression is a mix of concern and guilt.*



Robert, I'm sorry. I couldn't save your father. It's my fault.

*Robert looks up at Ali, his eyes still filled with tears.*


*(voice trembling)*

No, Ali. You're not the one who killed him.

*Ali's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he processes Robert's words.*



What do you mean?



I saw the person who killed my father, Ali. It wasn't you. You were trying to help.



Who did you see, Robert? Tell me.



I don't know his name, but I saw him at the scene. He's dangerous, Ali. He needs to be stopped.

*Ali's expression becomes a mix of concern and caution.*



Robert, you don't understand. These people are ruthless. Getting involved will put your life in danger.



I don't care, Ali. That man took my father away from me. I need to find him and make him pay.

*Ali places a hand on Robert's shoulder, his tone earnest.*



Listen, Robert. I know you're hurting, and I want to help you. But those people are connected to dangerous circles. I've seen what they're capable of. If you go after them alone, you'll be putting yourself in even more danger.

*Robert's determination wavers as he considers Ali's words.*



What should I do then? Just let them get away with it?



No, Robert. I promise you, I won't let them get away with it. I'll find out who's responsible for this, and they'll pay for what they've done. But I need you to stay safe.

*Robert looks at Ali, conflicted and torn between seeking revenge and heeding Ali's warning.*



Fine, Ali. But you have to promise me that you'll make them pay.

*Ali nods, his determination matching Robert's.*



I promise, Robert. They won't escape justice.

*The two share a meaningful look, united in their determination to bring those responsible for the tragedy to justice.*