They hurt Ash


*Robert sits on the couch, his face pale and distraught. Ash and Ali are both concerned as they listen to him.*



Robert, I understand that you're hurting, but before we do anything, we need to think this through.



Ash is right. Rushing into this could make things more dangerous for you.

*Robert takes a deep breath, trying to collect himself.*


*(voice trembling)*

I know, but I can't just wait around doing nothing. My father deserves justice.

*Ash places a reassuring hand on Robert's shoulder.*



We'll find justice, Robert, but we need to be careful. Ali, is there anything you can do within your contacts? Can you find any leads, any information about this person?



I can try. I have connections, and if this person is involved with any criminal organization, there might be a trail we can follow.

*Robert looks at Ali, his hope rekindling.*



You would do that for me?



Of course, Robert. We're in this together now.

*Ash smiles at the two of them, a sense of unity and determination settling in.*



We won't stop until we find out the truth, Robert. And when we do, we'll make sure your father gets the justice he deserves.

*Robert, Ash, and Ali share a determined look, ready to embark on this difficult journey to uncover the truth.


*Robert and Ali sit together, the remnants of their conversation about Robert's missing father still hanging in the air. The front door opens, and Robert's mother, ELIZABETH, enters the room.*



Robert, where's your father? I thought he'd be back today.

*Robert exchanges a quick glance with Ali, his face tense.*


*(forcing a smile)*

Mom, Dad had to stay a bit longer for a meeting. He'll be back soon, I promise.

*Elizabeth's face softens, but she still looks worried.*



Alright, I trust your father. But make sure to call him and tell him to come back as soon as possible. We're missing him here.



I will, Mom, don't worry.

*Elizabeth walks over and gives Robert a loving hug.*


*(whispers to Robert)*

You can tell me if something's wrong, you know. You don't have to keep everything to yourself.

*Robert's eyes briefly meet Ali's, and they share a silent understanding.*



I know, Mom. Thanks for always being there for me.

*Ali watches this heartwarming exchange, realizing the importance of protecting Robert's family and bringing justice to those who have caused them harm.*


*Robert and Ali sit on the couch. The atmosphere is sombre, but there's a sense of camaraderie between them.*


*(raising his glass)*

To new beginnings and finding the truth.


*(clinking his glass with Robert's)*

To justice and keeping your family safe.

*They take a sip of their drinks, the clinking of glasses echoing in the room.*



I never thought I'd have to face something like this. My father was always careful with his dealings.



Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control. We'll make sure whoever did this pays for it.

*Robert nods, his expression determined.*



I won't rest until we find out the truth. My mother deserves to know.



We'll stand by your side, Robert, every step of the way. You're not alone in this.

*They continue to share stories, memories, and their commitment to finding justice, knowing that their bond has grown stronger through this.


*Robert and Ali continue their conversation, sitting in the dimly lit living room.*



Ali, I can't even imagine what it's like not to have your parents around since you were a child. That's tough.



Yeah, it's been a challenging journey. I've had to fend for myself for as long as I can remember.

*Ali's expression turns sombre as he recalls his childhood.*



Sometimes, I wonder what it would have been like to have a family, to have someone to turn to.

*Robert places a reassuring hand on Ali's shoulder.*



Well, you have us now, Ali. You're not alone anymore. We're your family.

*Ali looks at Robert, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and sadness.*



Thanks, Robert. But still, if only we had reached my father earlier, I might have been able to save him.



Ali, it's not your fault. You didn't know what was happening. We'll find out who's responsible and make them pay for what they did.

*Ali nods, appreciating Robert's support during this difficult time.*


*Ash is lying on a hospital bed, her face etched with pain as she clutches her injured side. Tubes and monitors surround her. Kali and Zyan stand beside her, deeply concerned. The door opens, and Ali enters, his face filled with worry.*


*(rushing to her side)*

Ash, are you okay? What happened?



we are scared, Ali. They... they threatened her.


*(shaking her head)*

It was horrible, Ali. They just came out of nowhere.

*Ali clenches his fists, his eyes filled with anger.*



I won't let them get away with this. Ash, I promise, I'll protect you, no matter.



was laying on the bed, not in the state to talk, her eyes were closed.



I'm not leaving your side, Ash. You're not alone in this.

*Kali and Zack share a look of relief, knowing that Ali will do whatever it takes to keep Ash safe.* They give him some space and go outside.

*Ali sits by Ash's bedside, his eyes fixed on the various monitors and tubes connected to her. The room is dimly lit, and the soft hum of machines fills the air. Tears well up in Ali's eyes as he gazes at Ash, his voice trembling with regret.*


*(whispering, choked up)*

Everything that's happening... it's all because of me. My past, my choices... my mistakes.



I promised I'd protect you, Ash. But I failed you. I'm so, so sorry.

*His voice cracks as he struggles to hold back tears. Ali lowers his head, his face a mask of guilt.*


*(voice barely above a whisper)*

I promise you this, Ash. I'll never leave you alone again. No matter what it takes, I'll keep you safe.

*Ali takes a deep, shuddering breath, trying to regain his composure. He looks at Ash, silently willing her to wake up and assure her that he's there for her.*

Ali starts beside her bed of her, and he asks for help from ALLAH almighty because he can solve his problem and give him way to go through it. He started crying it was my fault robert dad's and sister both got involved because of me .I will slove it no matter what.kali and zack were watching from far and they were impressed by him that he remember his ALLAH in every situation and he only shares his problem with creator of this world and it gets sort outs.