Ali takes her into his secret warehouse


*Ash slowly opens her eyes, blinking against the soft morning light filtering into the room. She sees Ali beside her, asleep, and her heart swells with warmth. She gently reaches out and touches his hand, causing him to stir and wake up.*


*(startled and relieved)*


*Ali's eyes are filled with both sorrow and relief as he sees her.


*(whispering, his voice shaky)*

I'm so sorry, sister. I should've protected you better.

*Ash, still weak from her injuries, manages a reassuring smile.*


It's okay, Ali. You're here now, and that's what matters.


I'll be back. I'll get you something to eat.

*But as he starts to get up, Ash holds onto his hand, not wanting him to leave.*


Please, don't go. Just stay with me.

*Suddenly, Kali and Zack enter the room, carrying breakfast.*



Morning, you two! We brought breakfast.



Seems like we interrupted a touching moment.

*Ali and Ash exchange a knowing look, and for a moment, everything feels a bit more normal, despite the circumstances.*


*After Kali and Zack leave, Ash and Ali share a quiet breakfast together. Ali tenderly feeds Ash, making sure she eats properly. They exchange gentle smiles, finding comfort in each other's presence.*



Thank you for taking care of me, Ali.



It's my job now, isn't it? To protect you, always.

*Just then, Robert enters the room, concern written all over his face. He rushes to Ash's side.*


Ash, what happened? Why didn't you call me earlier?

*Ali interjects, his tone a mix of frustration and concern.*


Robert, you should not be here. your mom can get hurt, and you should be with her.



I'm really sorry, Ali. And I've tightened security around my house now. My mom's not alone.

*Ali nods, understanding the situation.*


Make sure your mother is safe, Robert. That's your priority.

*Ash, though weak, joins the conversation.*



Robert, you should've with your mom. She needs you too.

*Robert looks at Ash with gratitude and determination.*


You're right, Ash. I won't let anything happen to her.

*With their understanding, they form a tighter bond, vowing to protect their loved ones.*


*Ash, still determined to enjoy their time together, looks over at Ali.*


What about watching a movie? It doesn't require much effort, and we can relax while I recover.

*Ali, concerned about her well-being, hesitates but ultimately agrees.*


Alright, but only for a short while. We don't want to push it.

*They settle on the couch, and Ash scrolls through a list of movies.*


How about a classic action film?



Sure, why not. As long as it's not too long.

*They start the movie, enjoying each other's company in a cosy setting, even if Ali remains mindful of Ash's recovery.*

*Ali carefully adjusts the blanket around Ash, making sure she's warm and comfortable. He then takes a seat at the edge of the bed, gazing at her with a soft smile.*


*(whispers tenderly)*

You need to rest, my sister. I'll be right here if you need anything.

*Ash, tired but grateful, reaches out and takes Ali's hand, pulling him closer. She looks into his eyes, her expression filled with affection.*


Thank you, Ali, for being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you.And apologies for my behaviour last time. Still, you are still trying to protect me from melting my heart.


*(whispering softly)*

I'll always be here for you, Ash. You're safe with me.



Ali, thank you for being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you.


(smiling softly)

You'll never have to find out, Ash. I'm always by your side.


(whispering, her voice full of emotion)

Listen carefully, Ash. My sister... it's beating just for you. Remember this heartbeat, and when you ever feel traumatised again, just listen to it. Close your eyes and focus. It's a reminder that I'm here, protecting you, loving you.

He guides her hand to his chest, letting her feel his steady heartbeat.


(teary-eyed, touched)


In this quiet moment, they find solace in each other's presence, knowing that their love can heal even the deepest wounds.



Sleep well.

Ali quietly exits the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so he can keep an ear out for any sign of trouble. His determination to protect Ash remains unwavering.



Ali returns to his study, where he's made some calls. His team members have gathered, waiting for his instructions.



We don't have much time. Find out who's responsible for hurting Ash and bring them to my office before sunset. We need answers.

His team members nod in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. They disperse, determined to uncover the truth.


Ali's phone rings again. This time, it's Ash's father. The tension is palpable as he listens to the worried father's pleas. Ali reassures him, promising to do whatever it takes to protect his daughter.



I won't let anything happen to her. We'll get through this.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ali ends the call and heads back to Ash's side, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Her dad (on the phone)

Listen carefully if you don't want everyone to know your secrets and to protect your real family . You have to protect my daughter and remember to maintain distance from her. Let her take to your whereabout.


I have done enough for you when can i meet them.

Her dad

If you wanted to meet them, you shouldn't let my daughter be involved in your dirty work, and i know what is happening with her because of you. So don't get your hope high with her. Let her save, and your family will save.


I promise to protect her. Please let me meet my family.

Her dad hung up the phone call before answering him.