Her personality changed


(Ash wakes up on the couch, groggily rubbing her eyes. She notices a warm blanket draped over her and realizes Jack must have covered her while she slept. She smiles at the gesture.)

ASH: (to herself) Sweet of him...

(A servant enters the room, carrying a collection of dresses.)

SERVANT: Good morning, Miss Ash. Mr. Jack has arranged for these dresses for you to choose from for today.

(Ash looks through the dresses, impressed by their quality and style. She selects one and the servant nods in approval.)

SERVANT: Excellent choice, Miss Ash. Now, if you'll come with me, we have a team of makeup artists ready to get you ready for the day.

(Ash follows the servant to the makeup room, where the makeup artists work their magic.)



(A sleek car is waiting outside, ready to take Ash to university. Kevin, Jack's assistant, approaches Ash.)

KEVIN: Good morning, Miss Ash. Mr. Jack has sent me to escort you to university.

ASH: (smiling) Good morning, Kevin. Let's get going.

(Ash moves to sit in the front seat, but Kevin gestures for her to sit in the back.)

ASH: (curious) Why can't I sit in the front?

KEVIN: Mr. Jack prefers his guests to sit in the back, Miss Ash.

ASH: (assertive) Well, I'd prefer to sit in the front. Don't order me around.

KEVIN: (apologetic) My apologies, Miss Ash. Please, feel free to sit wherever you'd like.

(As they drive, Ash strikes up a conversation with Kevin.)

ASH: So, Kevin, tell me a bit about yourself. Do you have a girlfriend?

KEVIN: (smiling) No, Miss Ash. I'm currently single.

(Ash nods, intrigued by Kevin's answer.)

[On her way to university]

(Ash sits in the back of the car, tapping her foot to the rhythm of her favorite music playing on the radio. Kevin sits quietly in the driver's seat, focused on the road.)

ASH: (smiling) Kevin, you're awfully quiet. Is that your usual demeanor, or are you just choosing to stay silent?

KEVIN: (smiling politely) I prefer to maintain a professional demeanor, Miss Ash, especially when accompanying Mr. Jack's guests.

ASH: (nodding) Fair enough. But I have a feeling you might loosen up a bit around me. Let's play a game. You choose a song, and I'll choose one. Deal?

KEVIN: (hesitant) I'm not sure if that's appropriate, Miss Ash...

ASH: (playfully) Come on, Kevin. Live a little! It'll be fun. Trust me.

(Kevin relents and changes the radio station to a song of his choice. Ash listens for a moment before giggling.)

ASH: (teasingly) Wow, Kevin. You have quite the taste in music. Let me show you how it's done.

(She takes out her phone and connects it to the car's Bluetooth, playing her favorite song. As the music fills the car, Ash starts dancing in her seat.)

ASH: (laughing) See, Kevin? Isn't this much better?

(Kevin chuckles softly, unable to resist Ash's infectious energy.)

KEVIN: (smiling) I must admit, Miss Ash, you certainly know how to liven things up.

ASH: (grinning) That's the spirit! Oh, and speaking of spirits, let's take a selfie together.

(Kevin hesitates, but Ash quickly snaps a photo before he can object.)

ASH: (showing him the photo) Look at us, Kevin! We make quite the pair, don't you think?

KEVIN: (sighing) Miss Ash, I'm afraid I must insist that you refrain from taking photos while I'm on duty.

ASH: (laughing) Oops! Too late now. But don't worry, Kevin. We look great together. People might even think you're my boyfriend.

KEVIN: (raising an eyebrow) Your boyfriend, Miss Ash?

ASH: (smirking) Well, technically, I'm engaged to Jack. But you know what they say—people's opinions don't matter to me. And besides, you remind me a bit of Ali.

KEVIN: (curious) Ali?

ASH: (nodding) Yeah, my brother. He's always so protective, just like you.

KEVIN: (smiling faintly) I see. And do you... like Jack?

ASH: (thoughtfully) Well, I am his fiancée, after all. But I'm also the kind of person who doesn't let just anyone into my life.

(They continue their journey, Ash lost in her thoughts as Kevin navigates the busy streets of the city.)

(Ash sits in the backseat, looking out the window as the car moves through the bustling city streets. Kevin glances at her through the rearview mirror.)

ASH: (turning to Kevin) So, Kevin, I've been meaning to ask you something.

ASH: (leaning forward slightly) Kevin, can I ask you something personal?

KEVIN: (turning to her) Of course, Miss Ash. What is it?

ASH: (thoughtfully) Have you ever seen any other girls at Jack's house? You know, besides me?

KEVIN: (shaking his head) No, Miss Ash. You're the only one I've ever seen there. And I've never talked to anyone else there either.

ASH: (nodding) I see. And what do you think of Jack? Do you think he loves me?

KEVIN: (pausing) Well, Miss Ash, I can't speak for Mr. Jack's feelings, but from what I've observed, he cares for you deeply.

ASH: (smiling) That's good to hear.

(There's a brief moment of silence as Ash gazes out the window, lost in thought.)

ASH: (turning back to Kevin) You know, Kevin, if you're loyal to Jack, you can be loyal to me too. After all, I'm going to be his wife.

KEVIN: (nodding solemnly) Understood, Miss Ash.

(They continue their journey, the conversation weighing heavily on both of their minds.)

KEVIN: (politely) Of course, Miss Ash. What is it?

ASH: (curiously) Does Jack have any ex-girlfriends that you know of?

KEVIN: (hesitant) Well, Miss Ash, Mr. Jack's personal life is not something I'm at liberty to discuss...

ASH: (nodding understandingly) Right, I understand. I was just curious, that's all. You know, trying to get to know my future husband better.

KEVIN: (softening) I appreciate your curiosity, Miss Ash. But Mr. Jack's past relationships, if any, are private matters.

ASH: (smiling) Fair enough, Kevin. You're a man of discretion, I respect that.

(They lapse into a comfortable silence, the hum of the car's engine filling the air as they continue their journey.)


(Ash walks into the bustling cafeteria, scanning the room for her friends. Spotting them at a table near the corner, she makes her way over.)

ASH: (excitedly) Hey, guys!

KALI: (looking up) Ash! Where have you been?

ASH: (smiling) Long story. I'll tell you in a bit.

(She joins them at the table, and they all start chatting animatedly.)

KALI: (noticing something) Ash, what's that on your wrist?

ASH: (looking down at her wrist) Oh, this? It's a bracelet Ali gave me. Isn't it beautiful?

KALI: (impressed) Wow, it's stunning!

(Ali enters the cafeteria, catching Ash's attention.)

ALI: Congratulations, Ash!

ASH: (grateful) Thanks, Ali. And thank you for the bracelet. I love it.

(Ali smiles and sits down next to her.)

KEVIN: (approaching the table) Ash, you forgot your phone in the car.

ASH: (surprised) Oh, thanks, Kevin!

(He hands her the phone, and her friends chime in.)

KALI: (teasingly) Ooh, fancy car and a personal chauffeur now?

ASH: (laughing) Something like that.

(They all laugh together, enjoying their time together in the cafeteria.)


(Ali joins the group, and the conversation pauses for a moment as everyone processes his words.)

ALI: (casually) Must be your fiancé's car, Ash?

ASH: (taken aback) Uh, yeah, it is.

KALI: (surprised) Fiancé? When did this happen?

ASH: (hesitant) It's... kind of a recent development.

ZYAN: (curious) Why didn't you tell us?

ASH: (apologetic) I wanted to, it's just been a whirlwind, and I haven't had the chance.

ROBERT: (supportive) Well, congratulations, Ash. We're happy for you.

ASH: (grateful) Thanks, guys. It means a lot.

(They all exchange smiles, albeit with a hint of confusion lingering in the air.)


ASH: (excitedly) Alright, everyone, let's get started! Today's lesson is going to be...

(KEVIN enters the classroom, catching Ash's attention.)

KEVIN: (smiling) Hey, Ash, ready for lunch?

ASH: (nodding) Oh, right! Sorry, guys, duty calls. Catch you later!

(The others wave goodbye as Ash gathers her things and heads out with Kevin.)

ZYAN: (teasingly) Looks like Ash's got some fancy lunch plans today!

ROBERT: (chuckling) Guess we'll have to settle for cafeteria food.

(ALI watches Ash leave with a slight frown, noticing the bracelet she's wearing.)