A lovely night


(ALI rushes out of the university building, his phone pressed to his ear. He quickly makes his way to his car, a sense of urgency in his movements.)

ALI: (into phone) What's going on? Why are you calling me?

(He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, driving with determination, his mind clearly preoccupied.)


(As ALI arrives at his house, he's met with chaos. His boss, MR. CHENG is engaged in a fierce fight with a group of thugs. Without hesitation, Ali jumps into the fray, trading blows with the assailants.)

ALI: (gritting his teeth) What's going on here?!

(Mr. Cheng manages to disarm one of the thugs, but another sneaks up behind him, ready to strike. Ali reacts quickly, tackling the thug to the ground just in time to save his boss.)

MR. CHENG: (panting) Ali, we need to get out of here. They're after both of us.

(ALI nods, helping Mr. Cheng to his feet. Together, they make a dash for Ali's car, but before they can reach safety, the thugs open fire on the house, bullets whizzing past them.)

(ALI shields Mr. Cheng as they scramble into the car, the sound of shattering glass and gunfire ringing in their ears.)

ALI: Hang on, Mr. Cheng. We'll get you to the hospital.

(Mr. Cheng grimaces in pain, clutching his injured side as Ali speeds away from the chaos.)


(ALI stands outside the operating room, his face etched with worry. Nurses and doctors rush past him, their urgent movements a blur in his tear-filled eyes. Finally, a nurse approaches him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.)

NURSE: Sir, you'll have to wait outside. The doctors need to focus.

(ALI hesitates, his gaze fixed on the closed door behind which his boss lies fighting for his life. Reluctantly, he steps back, allowing the medical team to do their work.)

(ALI's phone buzzes in his pocket, and he hastily fishes it out, his heart pounding with anxiety. It's a message from his teammates.)

TEAMMATE: (via text) Boss, we're on our way to the hospital. What happened?

(ALI takes a deep breath, his fingers trembling as he types out a response.)

ALI: (via text) Mr. Cheng is in critical condition. He was attacked at my house. I couldn't protect him.

(The weight of his words settles heavily on Ali's shoulders as he waits for his teammates to arrive.Doctor told him that he is in critical condition and anything can happen.he take prayer mat and started praying for Mr.Cheng life)



(Ash and JACK sit at a lavishly set table in a posh hotel restaurant. Soft music plays in the background as they enjoy a candlelit dinner together. Jack's assistant serenades them with a sweet melody, strumming his guitar with skill.)

ASH: (smiling) This is amazing, Jack. Thank you for arranging everything.

JACK: (grinning) Anything for you, Ash. I just want to make sure you have a memorable evening.

(Ash's eyes sparkle with delight as she savours the special treatment. She gestures to the plates of food before them, urging Jack to indulge.)

ASH: Come on, kevin, join us. The food is delicious, and we have plenty to share.

(Kevin looks to him for permission, and Jack nods with a warm smile. He sets aside his guitar and takes a seat at the table, joining Ash for the rest of their romantic dinner.)


I have to go mam ,Actually my mom is waiting for me. Can i go jack, sir?


Sure, well, Ash, i set up dinner for us, and you invited him .He must be feeling awkward.


(Looking on the phone)

Isn't he friend to you. I just wanted you to treat him better.


Grab her phone and turned off. Well, this evening is for only us, my fiancée.

After dinner, they dance together.


Shall we make this evening more romantic. Leaning forward, I offer his arm for dance

While dancing, Ash heel got slipped, and she was about to fall, but Jack saved her.And they were so closed that he leans for kiss but she kissed him first, then he kissed back.


Today is the best day in my life. i would never forget . I have set a date on the calendar to celebrate our first kiss.


Cute ,you are impressing me every day with your sincerity.


You don't know yet how important you are to me. i would fire the whole world for you.By the way, how come these heels make you fall ?You can throw them away ,i will buy you a new one.


My feet did hurt , and they were bruised on her feet.


I am sorry for inconvenience these were only editions, which is why i bought them for you.He pick her into arms and take her to car where he takes aid box and apply ointment on her feets.I hope you feel better now.


Staring him

He grabs his phone and clicks snaps.


I am very lucky that you are staring me with those lovely eyes i saved this moment on your phone.


He grabs his phone and makes snaps while he is applying ointment. Now, this is the moment to save.


Laughs ,i will make every moment special for you. I hope this night will never end.

They enjoy the whole journey towards the house hand in hand.



You should focus on driving ,we can do this later.


It is ok if you die while holding your hand.Why don't you take a day off from university tomorrow.


Why would I ?There is nothing to do alone.


I will dedicate my day for you.Can't we just marry.


Why in a hurry?


I don't want anyone to steal my finances, and it feels unreal to be with you like that after 4 years of waiting.


Kissed him ,am only yours, and i will make sure those years of waiting are worth it.


I love you, Ash.


But i am the process of loving you.


I can wait desperately for that day you love me.

They enter home, Jack pick her into his arms and take her to his room.


I hope you don't mind staying here. You can't walk up to your room.I promise not to touch you


Laugh,i believe you.