
"This place stinks of absolute shit." Drache stood up, his pants and coat were covered in a weird green goo. "Disgusting..." He whips the goo on the walls of the sewers. Drache looks around, he sees nothing but darkness, he can't see more than 4 feet infront of him.

He looks behind him, several large metal bars closed the area off. "Guess I've got nowhere else to go." He turns back around and looks forward, the walls covered in the same goo that was covering the floor, as well as moss climbing on the sides. The only source of light was the pipe which Drache fell down from.

"Anyone there?" Drache knocked on the metal walls of the sewer, he tried walking but his leg ached from the fall. "Son of a-"

"Is there someone here?" A female voice called out from the darkness.

"Hello?" Drache walked forwards towards the darkness.

'[Clairvoyance]: Illusion Thwarted.'

"What's this?" Drache looks down at his screen. "Wh-"

A large tentacle came flying towards Drache. He dodged narrowly. The tip of the tentacle narrowly cut Drache's cheek. He acted quickly and grabbed the tentacle, pulling it towards him.

'Sewer Roamer: Level 15. HP: 780/780'

"[Moon Light]!" Drache held his hand out, mimicking a flower. An aura surrounded his hand, accumulating in his hand and creating a giant pink beam.

The large beam shot from his hand, illuminating the darkness infront of him and revealed a pretty woman with green hair and a skinny face for a fraction of a second. Only that her tongue was the tentacle that struck Drache. "Move!" The sewer roamer narrowly dodged the attack from Drache, instead sending several more tentacles that came towards Drache and struck his leg.

"Fuc-" A large tentacle pierced his back, breaking through his coat and skin, revealing blood. The tentacles that were on his thighs and legs started to wrap around tightly, pulling him closer to the sewer roamer. "[Moon Light]!" Another large pink beam shot out from his hand, this time eviscerating and evaporating the tentacles that held onto his leg. "IT FEELS WEIRD!" Drache grabbed the tentacle that was behind him, crushing it.

"How s-dare you-s attack-s my tentacles!" The sewer roamer spoke with a lisp.


"Well... where the hell do we go now?" Kreel took the map from Bob.

"Well, I guess we just continue on. Hopefully we'll meet up with Drache." Bob turns towards Kreel. "What skill did you get?"

"I got this. [Protective Visor]" Kreel summoned a shield infront of him. "It basically tracks oncoming attacks and blocks them, no matter which angle they're coming from."

"Well, keep it on. Your shield emits light." Bob continued walking into the tunnel.

"Hey, before we continue, is your real name actually Bob? I mean, it's a normal name but like, it's funny sounding." Kreel chuckled a little.

"Believe it or not, Bob is my name. My mom carried me for 9 months but couldn't be bothered to take care of me longer than she already needed to. Bob is just a name that I gave myself." Bob clutched a necklace around his neck.

"Huh..." Kreel did not want to continue the conversation, following Bob instead of talking.


Reane woke up in a cold sweat. Her sleeping bag was covered in her own sweat and she has breathing heavily. Inside the tent was pitch dark, she couldn't even see Nuki nor Ella who were sleeping next to her. She wiped her sweat away and placed both of her feet out of her sleeping bag.

"Li-lizardsss... insects... ber-berries..." Nuki talked in her sleep as she rolled over next to Reane.

"A-" Reane screamed but covered her mouth before any sound could escape. She didn't see Nuki roll next to her.

"Huh?" Ella opened one eye, but she was too tired to be bothered to investigate, she simply turned her body around and continued sleeping. Snoring loudly.

"Phew." Reane thought to herself as she placed her hand on her chest. She climbed to the front of the tent and unzipped it, removing the several layers that were covering the tent. She stepped out and found something peculiar. There was snow.

She bent over and picked up the snow from the ground. It didn't feel like snow, it didn't feel wet. She thought nothing of it and trampled over the snow, walking towards Vier's and Sylas' tent. Her footsteps crunched in the snow, she walked carefully not to make noise that would wake people up. She squat down and unzipped the tent that Vier was in, the two of them were practically cuddling the way they were sleeping so close to one another. She giggled internally. She placed her hands into the tent, next her feet, and then her entire body was inside the tent. Vier was sleeping on the left while Sylas was sleeping on the right.

Sylas had his arms outstretched and his legs too, while Vier had his arms and legs to himself. Reane crawled slowly towards Vier's side, making sure not to touch his leg.

"Lynn..." Vier said in his sleep.

"A-" Reane clutched her mouth again. Her heart rate was in the millions, she did not want to get caught inside the boy's tent. She crawled even slower now, making her way towards Vier's phone, until suddenly, his leg moves. Reane's knee was caught by Vier's foot and Vier was alerted by her presence. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Reane over his body.

He squinted and make an unhappy face, "These dreams are getting too realistic, no way I'd be in bed with a girl this pretty..." He groaned as he closed his eyes again and went back to sleep.

Reane was relieved that he didn't realise that it was her, but at the same time she was blushing and could feel her heart racing even further. She fell back and sat down, her hand on her chest. "What's this?" She thought to herself, she's never been complimented like that, it's not everyday a half asleep man compliments you about your looks.

"What are you doing?" Sylas woke up and was staring at Reane sitting down next to Vier, all blushing. "Ohhh." He seemed like he understood the situation. "Womaniser." Sylas went back to sleep.

Reane has enough for tonight, she crawled over Vier quickly and took her phone. It was flashing a battery signal with a red bar, indicating that it was dead. She hastily got out of the tent and zipped it closed.

"[Zeus Wrath]." She whispered under her breath, a small lightning bolt descended out of nowhere and struck his phone.

'76% Charged.' The phone read.

'5 Messages.' The phone made a buzzing sound. 'Lynn: Pick up!!!'

'Enter Password' Infront of Reane was the only thing from stopping her plan, she saw digits from 0 to 9. "Shit, I didn't think about this." Reane bit her fingernails. "Vier..." She instinctively pressed the digits 4 four times.

'Phone Unlocked.' The phone screen displayed Vier and Kreel hugging one another in their graduation gowns, each of them holding a piece of paper with a ribbon. She swiped across the many apps that were on his phone until she reached the 'Phone' app.

"What's his number again? Uhmm..." Reane started tapping her foot, creating a noise in the snow. "Oh yeah," She entered the digits 0761 99 52 32 while saying them out loud.

The phone rang, waiting for someone on the otherside to pick it up.

"Hello?" A man picked up, he had a raspy voice and it sounded as if he was smoking.

"Boss? This is Reane, they're all sleeping. Use your ability on me and you'll be able to track my location." Reane whispered quietly.

"Is this Reane? Wow, nice job, I wouldn't think a girl like you could be so good at this job." The man laughed. "You'll be paid handsomely."

"Misogynistic pig." She hung up the phone. She sighed a sigh of relief as she dropped the phone onto the snow. "Well, there's no more turning back now." She thought to herself. "I better hurry." She started sprinting in the direction from where they came from, away from the tents and disappeared into the dark cold halls of the labyrinth.