Late Bloomer

The dark was lit up by the occasional pink beam, illuminating the fight between Drache and the Sewer Roamer.

"EAT THIS!" Drache grabbed the goo from the ground, shoving it into the Sewer Roamer's mouth. "[Moon Light]!" He held his other arm underneath the Sewer Roamer's mouth, blowing a hole through it's jaw and obliterating its brain.

'Enemy Killed.'

Drache placed his hand on his knees, panting.

'Items Earned: Health Potion 3x'

"OH C'MON!" Drache got up and picked up the health potions on the floor. "All that for this?" He took a big chug and refilled his health. He looked around, expecting someone new to come and fight him, but it was radio silent.

"Well..." Drache placed the two bottles into his inventory. Drache continued walking forward, humming a tune. Several minutes pass and Drache was still walking forward in the sewers. His boots smacked against the goo, occasionally his foot getting caught onto a vine or an exceptionally sticky blob.

"Isn't this a little boring?" A woman tapped on Drache's shoulder. She had long black hair that dropped down to her waist and she was wearing a tunic that extended down to her legs. She was wearing a tiara that resembled berries and leaves. Her clothes were very revealing and barely covered her skin, yet she was unbothered.

"Who are you?" Drache turned around, anxiously, he'd never felt such a calming yet ominous presence before.

"You're pretty interesting though," The woman pulled Drache closer, she placed her finger on her lips. She stared deeper, as if inspecting him. "My names Alexandra." She pulled away from him.

"Is this another monster?" Drache didn't know how to respond.

"That's a way to say hi to someone." Alexandra opened up her menu and took out her license. She handed it to Drache.

'Tier 7 (Elite) Venator' It read.

"You're an elite?" Drache handed the card back to her.

"An elite I am. What are you doing here anyway? You're lost aren't you?" Alexandra was a calm soothing voice, it distracted Drache.

"Y-yeah." Drache opens up his party menu. "I don't really know where the rest of my party members went."

"Well... that's fine." Alexandra grabbed Drache's menu.

"W-WHAT?!" Drache stumbled backwards and fell down.

"What? Never seen someone so pretty in your life?" Alexandra physically touched the menu.

"It-its just..." Drache shakily pointed towards the menu.

"Ohhhh..." Alexandra place her hand on her forehead. "[Enchantress], Lend me your might!" She lets go, revealing a third eye. "My ability [Enchantress] allows me to access and know about things I probably shouldn't be able to know, Drache Wander." She winked at Drache, casually saying his full name.

"I've- I've never heard of you." Drache got up instantly, gaining immediate respect for Alexandra.

"Don't worry, many people don't know about me." She swiped through Drache's inventory, pulling out a chair. "You have a whole ass chair inside your inventory..." She looks unimpressed.

"Yea... for when my legs get tired." Drache squinted his eyes as he placed both of his hands behind his head.

"Ah, there we go. You do have some." She takes out 2 health potions.

"Wa-" Drache tries to interuppt Alexandra.

Alexandra opened her mouth wide and ate both of the potions in a single mouthful, her teeth crunching on the sharp glass. She had her arms folded and her eyes closed as she chewed on the potions. A singular red drop of the potion trickled out of her mouth. She caught it up with her hand and licked it off. "God, I'm full..." Her stomach rumbled as she let out a big burp. "Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep." She threw a peace sign at Drache and walked to the side of the sewers, sleeping on the elevated platform.

"WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO?" Drache was confused, shocked, angry and somewhat turned on. "YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!"

"I did." She fell asleep immediately, a comically large snot bubble appeared coming out of her nose.

"AT LEAST TELL ME WHERE I'M SUPPOSE TO GO TO FIND MY PARTY MEMBERS!" Drache tried to wake up Alexandra, popping the bubble by punching her face repeatedly but it wouldn't even make her flinch.

"Calm down big guy. Just give me like 3 minutes..." Alexandra shook off the multiple hits Drache landed on her face, instead opting to continue sleeping.


"Sooooo... how was it?" Sylas had a sly look on his face.

"How was what?" Vier woke up with his hair in a mess.

"Last night..." He was practically giggling. "You've got a lot of nerve to do it right next to me, honestly, I feel pretty disgusting..." Sylas looked at his hand. "You didn't get any on me right?"

"GET WHAT?" Vier sat up confused.

"Tch, you don't have to deny it." Sylas placed his hand on Vier's shoulder. "It's a very natural process."

"What?" Vier stared blankly at Sylas.

Sylas stared blankly back at Vier.

Both of them exchanged a blank stare.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Reane?" Ella unzipped and popped her head into the tent. "Oh, are you guys having a moment, so sorry to disturb."

"Oh it's okay, I saw Reane with him last night." Sylas got closer to Vier and sat next to him, just to nudge him with his shoulder. "I probably shouldn't be sitting in your bed." He went back to his own bed.

"What do you m-" Vier remembered last night, that dream he had, it wasn't a dream. Vier's entire face went red as he realised the girl was Reane. "I DID NO-"

"oOoOoO~ Someone's a late bloomer..." Sylas said with his hand on his mouth.

"I'M NOT!" Vier threw his pillow at Sylas.

"CLEAN YOUR SHEETS!" Sylas threw the pillows back at Vier

"20 year old toddlers." Ella sighed as she got out of the tent. The ground was still covered in snow.

"G-gewd mhor-nhing..." Nuki walked slowly through the snow covered from head to toe in winter clothing. She held a hot cup of hot coco in her gloves.

"Good morning to you too Nuki." She squat down and greeted her morning.

"Ifs- ifs cawld tooday..." Nuki sniffed as a singular snow flake landed on her nose.

"Yeah, it wasn't snowing yesterday." Ella stood up and looked at the room they were staying in. It was not a room. It was an entire forest. Behind them was a giant ice wall with a singular entrance from where they had came from.

"AAAAH!" Vier came running out of the tent with his head on fire. "YOU BITCH!" He shoved his head into the snow.

"HAHAHAHAHA! THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!" Sylas was dying laughing, his hand on his gut.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Vier dug his hand into the snow and threw it at Sylas, caking his entire face in snow.

"IT'S NOT EVEN THAT BAD!" Sylas wipes the snow off his face.

"I'M TELLING YOU, I DID NOT SLEEP WITH HER!" Vier continued throwing snowballs at Sylas.

Ella smiled at the two of them, both of them throwing snow balls at one another. She sat down next to Nuki and took off her mask. "You know, my brother never made any friend." She grinned ear to ear. "I'm glad he's finally able to have a friend." Sylas and Vier were making one another eating snow.

"Yeah well, maybe these two love birds and shut up for a bit." Nuki were rolling up two snow balls.

"Are you making a snow man?" Ella looked down on Nuki.

"No, but I'm going to turn two men into snow!" Nuki grabbed the two snow balls and threw it at Vier and Sylas. Hitting them both square on the face. "Score!"

"YOU MUTT!" They both stared back at Nuki as they shouted in Unison.

"I'LL GET YOU!" Sylas started running towards Nuki.

"COME GET ME!" Nuki started running away from Sylas.

"DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!" Vier threw a snowball at Sylas.

"MUTUAL AGREEMENT. WE GO FOR THE DOG." Sylas pointed at Nuki who was hiding behind a tree.

"HAVE A TASTE OF THIS!" Nuki took out 10 snow balls and started throwing them at Vier and Sylas.

"GUYS!" Ella shouted at the three of them.

All of them stopped and looked at Ella.

"HOW DARE YOU HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT WITHOUT ME?" Ella stood up and threw a snowball right at Sylas' face.


"They seem to be having a good time..." Reane sat at the top of the ice wall, holding a pair of binoculars. Next to her was a woman. The same one who was spying on Vier at the bridge between Oase Hafen and Aden Town. In her hands was a sniper rifle.